Double Agent

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Katie's POV

Marina handed a gun to the nearest villager and said some encouraging words. It was a frightened, shaky young teenage girl whose posture changed once Marina spoke. She was a respected leader whose words could easily spark an influence among the people, if only I could do the same. Speaking of Marina, she was dressed with brown leather knee high boots, black tights, and a blue frilly top paired with a brown belt. Her hair was up in a bun and she had an array of potions strapped around her waist.

Me? I was still in my regular outfit and my weapon was the "supposed magic" in my hands.

"Marina, why can't I get a cool outfit and some form of weapon so I can at least feel confident about this battle?" I pleaded.

Marina chuckled as she tied her bootlaces. "Katie, you don't need a new outfit or a weapon for that matter in order to be triumphant today. Besides, you have no idea on how to use one of these potions."

"Why don't you teach me then? I bet it's simple," I said as I snatched one of the potions from Marina's belt. "You just have to grab it, pop the lid off, and then throw it at the enemy." I scanned the area for a pretend enemy and chose a barrel, I used my thumb to pop the lid and aimed for the barrel. As it traveled in the air, the magic liquid spilled on the barrel and caused an explosion. It knocked the villagers nearby off their feet and I quickly stepped away from the scene.

Marina helped one of the people up and gave me a hard look. "Katie, that potion was designed to disintegrate a wave which is one of the likely attacks The Siren will use. Please just focus on harnessing your magic."

"But how?" I asked once again.

Marina sighed as she placed her hands on her hips.

A maiden with golden curls, warm eyes, and pink lips was circling the area with a white gown. She was looking around with a vacant stare and Marina scrunched her eyes at her. "Do you know who that is? I've never seen her before," Marina commented.

"How would I know?" I said.

"I figured it might be one of your friends," Marina replied.

The girl's gaze turned to Marina, blinked, and then a smile sprouted on her face as she hitched up her gown, running towards Marina. "Marina! I found you!"

Marina gripped the dagger in her belt. "Yes, who are you?"

The girl dropped her gown and grinned. "It's me, Finnula! I found a potion in your cave that allowed me to turn into a human!"

Marina gasped. "Wow, I didn't even know I had a potion like that! Wait, if you are Finnula, what's my favorite food?"

"Fish on a stick," Finnula replied.

"Finnula!" Marina said as she hugged Finnula.

"I came here to help," Finnula said as they were embracing. She let go and kept her hands on Marina's arms, "What can I do to help my best friend?"

Marina held Finnula's hands with a tight smile. "Finnula, can you handle my secret weapon?" She grabbed one of the vials and placed it in Finnula's hand. My jaw dropped as I waved to Marina, getting her attention. "Okay, how come she gets a potion?"

Marina winked. "Finnula can handle it. Suck it up, I've got to help Ijorid prepare the battlefield."

As she walked away, Finnula turned to me and wrinkled her nose. Her eyes narrowed in my direction. "So, you're supposed to be the Chosen?"

I nodded, kind of surprised by her tone. She seemed really nice when she was talking with Marina, guess Finnula is like Red. "Yeah, though I'm still not sure if I'm actually-that is, I'm not 100% sure that-"

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