Second Thoughts

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I curled up into a ball as I mused over Sierra's words. I wanted more than ever just to be home with my mom, Ella, and Snow. All my adventures with them meant a lot to me, I even wanted to stare at Robin in unrequited love, pretend to be in a relationship with Jordan, see Marian glare at me...back when I felt like I belonged. Now I just feel empty, used, and I don't want to be here any longer.

I punched my fists on the gelatin blanket out of anger and it burst, disappearing in the straw beneath me. Marina was still unconscious but Finnula and Ijorid the turtle were near her, she was patting her head with a rag. Finnula was softly crying and Ijorid seemed sad too, he was curled up in his shell.

I walked over to them and took a potion from Marina that seemed to have blue liquid inside it. I stuffed it in my pocket and lifted Marina so she was slung on my back. "I'm taking her back to the cave, coming Finnula? Take Ijorid with you."

Finnula frowned. "You're not mad at me?"

"I know Sierra put a spell on you when she mentioned it once she left, and I'm not holding a grudge against you for being spelled."

Finnula started sobbing uncontrollably as she stared at Marina. "I feel horrible, the reason why Marina is powerless and Sierra is stronger than ever is because of me. I was stupid enough to be the distraction and Sierra captured me to use me for malevolent purposes."

I found it hard to feel sympathy for her when I was experiencing self-pity and knowing that I was going home. "Come on, Finnula. It's not your fault, you tried your best." I said those words awkwardly with as much emotion I could muster.

I walked with Marina to the door, opening it with one hand and walking to the ocean. The villagers were still hunched at the barricade of flour sacks they had built, waiting for Sierra to come and attack. I walked towards them and tapped one of the men on the shoulder. He looked back and gasped.

"Sierra came and she left. Don't worry, she won't be coming back."

I left the villager agape and just continued on my way. I didn't pay attention to my surroundings and just walked, my foot coming in front of the other. I could hear Marina slightly breathing indicating she was still behind me and her footsteps.

With each step, I felt like I was carrying the weight of the world plus Marina. I wasn't thinking of anyone in my life except my mom and desire to be at home back in New York. I had a normal life with a sweet crush named Alejandro and my friends Sophia and Carol. I was much happier just being a normal nerd and not in the illusion I was some sort of hero.

When I finally reached the beach, I slowly put Marina down and uncorked the bottle. I poured the vial into the water where it started to turn into a swirling whirlpool, sparks of energy floating in the air. I picked Marina up and jumped in, not feeling the water except the few drops of water coming from my eyes.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Back in the cave, Marina was unconscious but she did have a bookcase of spell books lying around. I searched for anything that could revive her and possibly turn Ijorid back into a human being. I flipped through a book titled Supernatural, and found a spell to revive living things. I glanced at Marina and sighed, "Hopefully this will work."

Finnula was patting her head with a rag, occasionally twisting it to make it wetter. "Katie, you can do magic?"

"Yep. The magic elders gave it to me, I'm still in the amateur phase so hopefully this will work."

"Katie, I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't control my words, whatever came out was what Sierra made me tell you," Finnula apologized.

I dismissed her concern by waving my hand from Marina's head to the bottom of her boots. She started to stir and I said, "Don't mention it. Look, she's moving. She'll be fully capable of moving in 20 minutes, that's what the spell book says."

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