"Guys!" Kaleigh hugged Liam, Liam hugged Derek, Derek hugged Kaleigh, Nate hugged Liam, Derek hugged Nate, everyone hugged everyone, and then it started getting weird so they stopped. "We thought we lost you," Nate said, a smile spread ear to ear on his face. "You assume to much," Derek smirked looking over at Kaleigh, who smiled back, who smiled at Nate, who.. okay this needs to stop. "Alright guys, too much love, let's focus on what we were doing." "Well, we heard a bang and now.. this is where we've been put. Should we go back?" "No, definitely not, the shooter could still be there." "Are you sure? Because I haven't heard any shooting at all," Kaleigh said, tilting her head. "You were unconscious at the time," Derek looked over at her again. "Oh really? Well where was I? "In his arms like a black widdle baby." Derek, Nate, and Kaleigh all gave Liam confused looks while he sat there with a smug look on his face. "Okay then," Kaleigh said, unsure of what to say. "I don't care what you guys say, I'm going back up to Blackwell," before any of the men could say anything, Kaleigh scattered off and climbed up the ladder. Derek, Liam, and Nate all exchanged looks. Nate shrugged and they all followed Kaleigh who was already at the top waiting patiently. By the time they all got there the shadow of the shooter was still there on the opposite wall, though it was just standing still. They all crouched down and tried to be stealthy not to alarm whoever or whatever this was, as Derek made weird hand gestures trying to use sign language to tell the group to move in. Everyone shook their head and did their own technique, Liam and Nate both got behind a wall, hands close to their weapons, Nate with his wooden club, Liam with his nine-milimeter pistol. Kaleigh hid under cover farthest back, being the only sniper and the longest ranged shooter, holding her Desert Eagle close to her chest, nodding at Derek, giving him a signal that meant "let's do this."
Derek charged in front with his khakri knife, yelling at the top of his lungs. He slashed in front of him, closing his eyes tightly, as immediately Liam, and Kaleigh got up from under their cover and aimed to cover Derek. The shadow was startled, and became bigger and bigger as Derek looked to the left and had the most shocked look on his face. "Well then, buddy.. you're a sight." A large gurgling sound came from the direction of the shadow and the shadow raced towards Derek, until from behind the wall came this giant, fat corrupted being, about seven feet tall, with deformed body parts and a large belly, usually called Smokers for their ability to breath toxic fumes and make anyone pass out. "SMOKER!" Everyone shouted at the top of their lungs, as Liam and Kaleigh opened fire and Liam hid behind cover with Kaleigh, shooting as well. "Aim for the mouth!" Derek yelled, luring the smoker away from the shooting trio and distracting it with his knife, like a bull charging at a red cloth. Bullets were bouncing off the walls and the room became the center of a disco party, Derek and the Smoker the dancers and the other three the audience. Derek slashed at the Smoker's rib cage and green blood instantly gushed out, making the Smoker groan loudly, breathing out toxic fumes at Derek who started coughing and choking. Nate stepped in to distract the Smoker and move his fumes away from Derek who went to go to cover to get his energy back. Nate smacked his wooden club at the furious Smoker's head, giving it a black eye but breaking the club in half as well. The Smoker stared at Nate with a "you're-fucked-now" look on his face as Nate said, "Not good." and ran for his life behind cover with Derek, who slid above cover and started slashing at the Smoker again. Liam shot at the wounds of the Smoker to deal more damage while Kaleigh was waiting for the perfect moment of a lethal head shot. Derek stabbed the Smoker in the chest, gushing out more green blood, painting the floor to look like forest grass. Kaleigh squinted and was ready to take the shot, a white flash and a loud bang, suddenly the Smoker was frozen, taking a few steps back and falling to the ground, it's head cracked open in half. Kaleigh blew the tip of her Desert Eagle smiling. ".. Nice shot," Derek said, as Kaleigh nodded towards him. They all stared at was once a furious raging beast, now a harmless corpse.
The Corruption
ActionNever did one think that they could be so afraid yet so excited at the same time. That's exactly how Derek felt when he fired a bullet for the first time, at fourteen years old. He didn't do this on his own, something urged him to go through with it...