Chapter 30

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Hermione laid quietly next to Draco. She tried to do it so careful as possible, because she didn’t want to wake Draco. When she pulled the blanket up she felt Draco’s arm wrapping around her.
‘Sorry, I didn’t want to wake you.’ Hermione said softly.
‘Doesn’t matter, I wasn’t sleeping.’ Draco said.
Hermione turned towards him.
‘Did Honey make you something?’ Draco asked.
‘Yeah.’ Hermione said smiling.
‘If you’re hungry, I can get you something if you want.’ Hermione said.
‘No I’m not hungry don’t worry.’ Draco said.
‘Anything else?’ Hermione asked.
Draco was quiet for a few seconds and then looked into Hermione’s eyes.
‘Yes actually.’ Draco said.
‘What?’ Hermione said.
‘Your lips against mine.’ Draco said.
Hermione smiled and pressed softly her lips against Draco’s. She let the warm feeling fill her body and she felt the butterflies in her stomach. Draco pulled away after a while and smiled at her.
‘I don’t know what I was doing now if I didn’t have you.’ Draco said.
‘I don’t think you were doing this.’ Hermione said smirking.
‘I don’t think so either.’ Draco said.

It was two days after the trial of Lucius, it was Thursday, and Hermione walked together with Draco towards the Great Hall for breakfast.
‘This weekend you can go to Hogsmeade…’ Draco said.
Hermione looked up at Draco.
‘Yeah?’ Hermione said.
‘I was wondering shall we go?’ Draco asked.
‘Oh my gosh! Is Draco Malfoy asking me out?’ Hermione asked in a fangirling way.
Draco rolled his eyes laughing.
‘Well actually yes, I did.’ Draco said.
Hermione smiled.
‘And your answer is?’ Draco asked.
‘What do you think? Yes of course!’ Hermione said still in the same way.
‘Oh my gosh I NEED to tell this to my friends!’ Hermione said jumping next to Draco.
‘Okay, okay can you fangirl somewhere else?’ Draco asked laughing.
Hermione rolled her eyes laughing and kissed him on his cheek.
‘Crazy girl.’ Draco said laughing.
‘I can have my moments yes.’ Hermione said smiling.
‘See you after breakfast.’ Draco said smirking kissing Hermione before walking off towards the Slytherin table as they reached the Great Hall.
Hermione smirked and walked towards the Gryffindor table. She sat down next to Harry and said good morning.
‘Good morning.’ They sat back.
‘Why are you smirking like that?’ Ginny asked, who was sitting on the other side of the table in front of Hermione.
‘Oh nothing.’ Hermione said smirking.
‘Sure.’ Ginny said.
‘I’m smirking all the time, even when there is nothing to smile about.’ Harry said sarcastically.
‘Yes indeed and you’re not the only one.’ Hermione said smirking.
‘I think she hit her head or something.’ Ginny whispered to her brother but loudly enough for Hermione to hear.
‘I think so too.’ Ron whispered back.
‘Guys.’ Hermione said laughing.
‘What? You’re in a really good mood.’ Ginny said laughing.
‘Yes I am indeed, so enjoy it.’ Hermione said smirking.
They laughed and ate their breakfast. They went to their classes of the day and before Hermione knew it they were over. After her last class of the day, Defence Against the Dark Arts, she walked towards the library. She got there a few books she wanted to read, because her goal was that she wanted to read every book in there before she would graduate. She walked up the stairs towards the seventh floor and smiled up at Snape as she stopped in front of him.
‘Good day Professor.’ Hermione said smiling.
‘Hello, you’re in a good mood.’ Snape said.
‘Yes I am indeed.’ Hermione said smiling.
‘Time Turner.’ Hermione said.
Snape nodded and let her in.
‘Wait!’ She heard behind her and when she turned around she saw Draco running towards her.
She held the door open for him and it closed behind the two of them when they were in their common room.
‘So how was your day?’ Hermione asked smiling.
‘Boring, yours?’ Draco asked sitting down on the couch.
‘Mine was okay.’ Hermione said walking towards her room and putting the books she was holding on her desk, keeping one in her hand and walking back into the common room.
She sat down next to Draco and opened the book.
‘How many books are you going to read?’ Draco asked looking at the pages.
‘Everything I haven’t read yet.’ She said smirking.
‘Good luck.’ Draco said laughing.
‘Thank you.’ Hermione said and she read further.
Hermione finished the book in two hours and Draco had made his homework. It was time for dinner so they walked downstairs together and went both their own ways to their own house table.
‘Why is Hermione so cheerful today?’ Blaise asked looking over at the Gryffindor table.
Draco shrugged his shoulders and sat down next to him.
‘I don’t know, she has been like that the minute she woke up.’ Draco said laughing.
‘It’s nice to see her like that though.’ Draco said smiling looking over at his girlfriend who was now looking back at him.
‘Something happened?’ Goyle asked.
‘Not that I know of.’ Draco said.
‘Was she sleeping in your bed?’ Blaise asked.
Draco looked at Blaise and then laughed.
‘Yes.’ Draco said.
‘Maybe you said something in your sleep.’ Blaise said.
‘Who knows.’ Draco said laughing.
‘Well she does.’ Goyle said.
‘I’ll ask her when we’re back in our common room.’ Draco said.
Hermione put some mashed potatoes on her plate and took a sip of her pumpkin juice.
‘So I was thinking, shall we go to Hogsmeade this weekend?’ Ginny asked.
‘Yeah sure.’ Harry said.
‘I think it’s okay, but can I take Lavender with me?’ Ron asked.
‘Sure whatever you want.’ Ginny said and then turned to Hermione.
Hermione looked up from her plate after her friends were quiet.
‘Are you coming with us?’ Ginny asked.
‘I’m sorry, but Draco asked me out.’ Hermione said.
‘Aw that’s cute.’ Ginny said smiling.
‘When did he ask you?’ Ginny asked.
‘Oh this morning.’ Hermione said.
‘Oh that explains everything.’ Harry said.
Ginny started to laugh.
‘Explain what?’ Hermione asked confused.
‘Why you’re so cheerful today.’ Ron said.
‘Why would that be the cause of my cheerful mood?’ Hermione asked.
‘Because….seriously and you’re the brightest witch of our age.’  Ron said.
‘Never mind.’ Harry said laughing.
‘Okay.’ Hermione said shrugging her shoulders.
‘But it’s still cute.’ Ginny said.
‘We’ll just see you there then.’ Ginny said.
Hermione nodded. They finished their dinner and Hermione walked to the door. When Draco saw that he stood up and walked with her out of the Great Hall.
‘What will they do in their common room?’ Ginny asked to no one in particular.
‘Ew, Gin we don’t want to think about that!’ Ron said.
Ginny rolled her eyes.
‘You guys are such dramaqueens.’ Ginny said and she stood up and walked over to Luna who was sitting next to Neville a bit further away from them.
‘We’re not!’ Ron said.
‘Right?’ Ron asked softly turning to Harry.
Harry shrugged his shoulder.
‘Well you said something, so I think it’s more directed at you.’ Harry said.
‘Thank you bro.’ Ron said.
Harry laughed.
Hermione and Draco walked up the stairs towards their common room and it didn’t took long before they had to make their round around the castle. After the round they got ready to go to bed and Hermione laid down next to Draco in his bed. Draco wrapped his arm around her and pressed her close to him, kissing her gently on the lips.

Hermione woke up the next morning and saw that Draco was still sleeping. She got softly out of bed and walked to her own room. She put the necklace that she had around her neck, and got from Draco, in her jewellery box and walked into the bathroom to take a shower. After she was finished she got dressed in her school uniform and woke Draco up. Hermione waited for Draco in the common room and her stomach hurt a lot, though she had no idea why. When Draco was finally ready they walked downstairs together.
‘Something wrong?’ Draco asked.
‘No, my stomach just hurts.’ Hermione said.
‘Oh can I get you something to ease the pain?’ Draco asked.
‘No I’m fine.’ Hermione said with a small smile and she gave him a kiss on his cheek.
He gave her a light squeeze in her hand and smiled at her. They entered the Great Hall and split like they always did, but this time Draco pulled Hermione in a kiss before he walked over to his table. Hermione smirked and walked over to her friends. Ginny wasn’t looking away and gave Hermione a huge grin when she sat down.
‘What did just happen over there?’ Ginny asked smirking.
Hermione rolled her eyes and got herself some toast. Her friends were talking, but Hermione wasn’t with her mind by the conversation.
‘Right Hermione?’ Ron asked.
‘Er- what?’ Hermione asked looking up.
‘Told you she wasn’t listening.’ Harry said smirking.
‘Something wrong?’ Ron asked.
‘No, why would there be something wrong?’ Hermione asked.
‘I don’t know, maybe because you were super cheerful yesterday and you’re barely saying a word today.’ Ron said.
‘Oh, well there is nothing wrong, my stomach just hurts.’ Hermione said.
‘Is it the monthly week?’ Ginny asked.
‘No that’s ne….’ Hermione said.
‘OKAY OTHER SUBJECT!’ Ron and Harry said in unison.
Hermione and Ginny laughed and shook their heads with their hands on their foreheads.
‘I forgot something, see you guys in class.’ Hermione said realising that she had forgotten to put her necklace back on after she finished her breakfast.
‘Okay.’ Her friends said and Hermione stood up.
She fast walked, almost ran to the doors of the Great Hall and when she almost passed the corner she bumped into someone. Hermione fell to the ground, just as the other person.
‘I’m so sorry.’ Hermione said coming up and when she looked at the ground she saw a furious looking Pansy laying on the ground.
‘Are you okay?’ Hermione asked reaching out a hand.
‘No I am not, because some stupid filthy mudblood just threw me to the ground!’ Pansy snapped, ignoring Hermione’s hand and getting up herself.
‘I’m sorry.’ Hermione said.
‘No you’re not, you did that on purpose!’ Pansy shouted.
‘No I did not!’ Hermione said calmly.
‘Yes you did and you’re going to pay for it!’ Pansy said and before Hermione knew it Pansy had pulled her wand out and pointed it at Pansy.
All the students behind Hermione were quiet and looked at the two girls who were standing on the beginning of the hall.
‘Parkinson! Drop the wand!’ Hermione heard Draco shout from the Slytherin table.
‘STUPIFY!’ Pansy shouted and Hermione got blown backwards before she could defend herself.
Hermione hit the table with her head and everything went black in front of her eyes.
‘HERMIONE!’ Draco shouted.
‘Expelliarmus!’ Draco shouted disarming Pansy and running towards the unconscious Hermione while catching Pansy’s wand.
‘Hermione! Wake up!’ Draco said.
Hermione’s head was bleeding and she didn’t move anymore.
‘She need to go to Madam Pomfrey!’ Harry said fast kneeling down next to one of his best friends.
‘I’ll take her.’ Draco said.
‘I’ll come with you.’ Harry said.
‘I’ll take care of her.’ Ginny said pointing her wand at Pansy.
‘I wouldn’t move if I were you Parkinson.’ Ginny said.
‘I wouldn’t do it, she is the best in the bat bogey hex, she’ll hex you to the other end of the Great Hall!’ Ron said pointing his wand as well at Pansy.
‘Expecto Patronum.’ Harry said and a silver stag came from his wand and ran away.
‘I’ve informed McGonagall.’ Harry said to Draco.
Draco nodded and he lifted Hermione up carefully.
‘We need to be fast!’ Draco said and he started to run.
‘Wake up Hermione.’ Draco said while running up the stairs.
‘Please wake up Mione.’ Draco begged her, but it didn’t matter what he said Hermione didn’t open her eyes or move at all.


Oh my gosh! What will happen next? Will Draco get Hermione in time to Madam Pomfrey? What will happen to Pansy next? And will Hermione wake up again? You're going to know that after I'm back from vacation
Gosh I love Cliffhangers when you know what is going to happen and you're the only one :p sorry people!
I'll post the next chapter as soon as I'm back from vacation, because I'm not going to be writing for two weeks, as I don't have my laptop with me :/ But I'll write and post the next chapter when I'm back I promise! 
thank you all for reading, voting and the nice comments it means a lot :D It just always makes me so happy to see that people actually like my stories :)

huge love

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