Chapter 72

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'The time turner.' Draco gasped looking up from his book.
'What did you say?' Blaise asked.
Draco shook his head.
'Nothing.' he said as he got up from his seat.
It had been 24 hours since the moment they tried to make any contact with Hermione, but nothing had happened yet.
'Where are you going?' Blaise asked.
'To my room, I forgot something.' Draco said as he quickly made his way out of the library.
'Draco? Where are you going?' Ginny asked as Draco almost bumped into her when she walked into the library.
'Room, thought of something that might help.' he said as he passed her.
Ginny frowned while she looked at him running away from the library. Draco ran up the stairs and into his common room after practically shouting the password. He ran over to Hermione's room and stopped in front of her desk. He had no idea where she kept it, but he knew one thing and that was the fact that he had to find it! After thoroughly searching through all the stuff that was laying on her desk he went over to her wardrobe, perhaps it was in there. He pulled all the close to the side to have a clearer view. He even looked between her socks, but nothing. he fast closed the door of the closet before he walked over to her nightstand. He drew the little drawer open and saw her jewel box in there. He took it and opened it. There were a ring, view bracelets, little earrings and that's it. He sighed and placed the jewel box on the bed before looking further through the drawer, but he didn't found the time turner. He brushed his hand through his hair and got up from the ground before sitting down on the bed. But as he sat down the jewel box fell to the ground and all the jewels fell out, scattering across the floor. Draco groaned and knelt down next to the fallen box before picking the jewellery up and placing it back where it had been, but there was this weird white thing laying on the ground and he hadn't seen that before. It was the same length as the box and fit right in. He shrugged and put it down on the nightstand before going on. He rested on his hands to look under the bed and he saw something there. He reached out and took an hold on it before pulling back and when he opened his hand he saw it was the time turner.
'Found it.' he smirked before putting the jewel box back in the nightstand and looking back down at the necklace. He got up and walked to the common room.
'How does this work again.' Draco sighed looking at it.
'She put it around our necks and turned it? But how many times will be enough to go back to that time?' Draco thought brushing his hand through his hair, again.
He placed the necklace around his neck before taking the time turner itself in between his fingers. He was just about to turn it when he heard someone scream on the other side of the portrait before the portrait flew open and Ginny stormed in.
'DON'T!' she yelled running over to Draco.
Draco looked at her confused.
'Don't you get it? If you go back in time and change something, you will change the whole present!' Ginny said stopping in front of Draco.
'But this might be the only thing we can do to save her.' Draco said.
Ginny shook her head.
'The Taboo will work, it'll help us find her, now please hand the time turner over.' Ginny said holding her hand out to Draco.
'Gin, I'm just going to get rid of Rodolphus.' Draco said.
Ginny shook her head again, trying to catch her breath.
'If you do that more things will chance, you can ruin everything. You shouldn't play with time Draco, it is dangerous.' Ginny said.
'If we won't find Hermione in the upcoming two weeks I will go back in time.' Draco said.
Ginny shook her head.
'You can chose, or I'll go now, or I'm going in two weeks.' Draco demanded.
'A month, give us a month.' Ginny pleaded.
Draco bit his lip before nodding.
'A month.' he agreed before lifting the necklace over his head and place the time turner in his pocket.
'For Merlin's sake Draco, you scared the hell out of me.' Ginny breathed, reaching up to her heart.
'I just thought it would be faster then what we are doing now.' Draco sighed.
Ginny nodded.
'It's okay.' she said walking over to him and giving him a tight hug.
'It's okay.' she whispered again.
'Come on, let's get you something to eat.' Ginny said leading him out of the common room.
But as they walked down the stairs Blaise came running up to them.
'The Taboo!' Blaise exclaimed.
'What's with it?' Draco asked.
'Someone triggered it!' Blaise said.
Draco widened his eyes and looked over at Ginny who looked down at Blaise in disbelieve.
'We might have found her.' Blaise smirked.
'Where is she?' Draco asked.
'Dufftown, Scotland. Apparently that's nearby Hogwarts.' Blaise said.
'Come on.' Blaise said turning around and running away.
They both followed him to the library where everyone was looking at each other with widened eyes and were chatting in hushed voices.
'What do we do now?' Draco asked.
'McGonagall.' Harry said.
'We promised her to let her know.' Dean nodded.
'Do you think she might have triggered the Taboo?' Draco asked.
'She might have.' Harry smirks.
'We found her.'
'We shouldn't get overexcited, what if it wasn't her?' Ginny said from behind Draco.
'It is, I know it, it is her.' Draco said.
'Come on we have to get going.' Draco said.
'How do you want to get there?' Luna asked.
'We can go with Thestrals?' Harry suggested.
Draco nodded.
'First McGonagall!' Ginny said.
Draco sighed.
'Well come on then! No time to act slow!' Draco said running out of the library.

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