Chapter 77

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Draco looked at her, desperation and hopelessness crossing his face.
‘You can’t remember?’ Draco asked silently.
A small smile appeared on her face.
‘Just’ she took in a deep breath. ‘kidding.’
‘You’re horrible.’ Draco said leaning over the bed, but he stopped when he was hovering just above her face.
‘May I? Or are you going to punch me after I’ve kissed you?’ Draco asked.
A silent chuckle escaped her lips.
‘I won’t punch you.’ she whispered before she slowly lifted her arm and placed her hand in his neck, pulling him down to her lips.
‘I love you.’ Draco said after he pulled away.
‘I love you too.’ she breathed.

Hermione slowly opened her eyes to see Ginny and Harry looking at each other as they spoke in hushed voices.
‘Hi.’ she said silently.
Both Ginny and Harry’s head turned in her direction and a huge smile appeared. Ginny lurked herself at the bed and wrapped her arms around Hermione.
‘Oh my goodness, we thought we had lost you!’ Ginny sobbed.
‘You haven’t, I’m still here.’ Hermione said softly.
‘How are you feeling?’ Harry asked after he had given her a hug.
‘Tired and I’ve got a huge headache.’ Hermione sighed.
‘I also have a little pain on my chest, but they know about it and they said that they would keep a close eye on it.’ Hermione told them.
‘There was such a long queue at the coffee machine! For Merlin’s sake, they could use a few more! Hermione? You’re awake!’ Ron said after looking up.
‘Hi.’ Hermione smiled.
‘How are you?’ Ron asked quickly coming to her bedside.
‘Fine.’ she said softly.
‘How are all of you? Especially after what happened…. you know, over there.’ Hermione said.
Ron looked at her with wide eyes.
‘You can remember?’ Ron asked.
Hermione nodded.
‘Oh thank goodness.’ Ron sighed relieved.

Four weeks passed and Hermione got better by day. She was finally allowed to leave the hospital, but what would she do now? McGonagall had told her she just had to go home, she didn’t have to come back to Hogwarts just to get her certificate, she had proven her abilities and had passed this year, but Hermione had insisted on coming back and finishing her year. Even if it meant staying up night after night to study and getting ready for the N.E.W.T.s that were coming up. She had been having a lot of arguments about the fact that she wanted to go back to Hogwarts instead of coming home with her parents, but she had made up her mind and there was no way anyone would be able to change that. Her parents had accepted her choice at last and send her off to Hogwarts once again, terrified of their daughter’s life. Hermione stepped inside the castle as she looked around her before closing her eyes and taking in the scent and the sounds. She slowly breathed in and out before opening her eyes again and seeing McGonagall standing in front of her.
‘Good afternoon Miss Granger.’ McGonagall smiled.
Hermione gave her a small smile.
‘Good afternoon.’ she answered.
‘Welcome back at Hogwarts.’
‘Thank you professor.’
‘Dinner has just started, if you like you can go to the Great Hall. If you want to rest, you can go to your dormitory.’ McGonagall said giving her a small smile.
‘I’ve already eaten something, so I think I’ll just go up to my room.’ Hermione told her.
McGonagall nodded.
‘It’s good to have you back Hermione. If you need anything, just come by my office.’ McGonagall said.
‘I will, thank you professor.’ Hermione said before McGonagall gave her a nod and turned around.
Hermione walked up the stairs to the seventh floor and stopped in front of Snape.
‘Ah it’s good to see you back here at Hogwarts Miss Granger.’ Snape said.
‘Thank you, I’m quite tired though, do you mind if I go in? Time Turner.’ Hermione said.
‘Of course not, get well.’ Snape said before the door opened.
Hermione walked into the common room, which was thankfully empty and crossed the room to her bedroom door. She walked in and before she let herself fall on the bed she closed the door behind her. She closed her eyes and sighed before she slowly drifted off into a peaceful slumber.
The next morning she woke up extra early. She took a shower and got dressed before she walked off to the library. She got the books she needed and sat down behind a table before opening one.

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