The End

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Hi loves,

Omg that was the last time I could say hi to you in this story. This is the very last author’s note for this story…… I think I’m going to cry! No but seriously. Writing this story has given me so much pleasure and frustration whenever I had a writer’s block. And just reading through all of your comments has given me so much joy. You are literally the nicest people I’ve ever had the pleasure to communicate with! Some of you even managed to make me cry by saying something (happy tears of course). It’s just, when I started my account on the 13th of November 2012 I did not expect at all that my stories would be read at all. And here I am, ending one of my books and it currently has almost 500.000 reads, that’s half a million! HALF A MILLION! That’s just crazy! And I mean I definitely didn’t expect the fact that I would have over 300 followers, going to the 400. It’s scary posting something you write, I don’t let any of my family or friend read my stuff, because it’s something of you, it belongs to you, and you don’t want them to make fun of you. And posting something I wrote was a big step for me. First I made an account to just read stuff on here, but eventually I couldn’t resist to just post something, definitely not thinking people would actually read it. I just…..I’m literally speechless, I mean it’s weird for me to think that all of you have gone through the first chapters, with all those annoying mistakes and you still kept on reading. I don’t even know if I would’ve done that myself to be honest. And to think that a story with so many mistakes in it can have (at this point while I’m writing this) almost 500,000 reads, that’s just quite a wonder. And I’m still not fully convinced of my own writing skills to be honest. I sometimes still feel like “is it good enough?” or “will people even like it?”. But those lovely comments of yours keep me going. To wake up and see that I’ve received over 60 mails, all comments of you, that’s literally amazing. And some of you were quite surprised that I even replied to you, as for the fact that most authors apparently don’t do that when their story has become successful. But I just find it normal to reply to you whenever you comment something what I can reply to of course. I mean you take the effort to read my story, to comment and perhaps vote,  so why shouldn’t I take the effort to reply to you? That’s the least I can do, isn’t it? I mean I’m soooo grateful for all of you! And I just want to stay as close to my readers as I can, because at the end of the day, you are the ones that keep me going and keep me want to write more. So a MASSIVE thank you to all of you! And I dedicate this last chapter to all of you lovely people. I love you!

Now going onto some other news;
The first chapter of the sequel will be up when you’re done reading this. And the sequel is called “What is this “love” you’re talking about?”

My new Dramione fanfic has also been uploaded somewhere the past week, so you can go read that now too if you’re not sick and tired of me yet ;p And the updating schedule is still the same, Saturday’s updating day for both stories.

I think that was it really. So to end this last A/N; I love you all so much and thank you for reading, voting, adding, commenting and if you followed me thank you for that too! I hope you enjoyed the story and I will speak to you in another A/N in another story.

P.S it’s so funny to see you all were commenting like “NOT AGAIN” or “she better be joking” at chapter 76 and then you were “thank goodness she was joking” hahah ;p

Lots of love


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