Chapter 43

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Draco started to wake up and then realised he felt the warmth of a body against his. He slowly opened his eyes and saw his arm wrapped around Hermione who was laying against him. Did he do this in his sleep? Did she notice it? Draco looked at the clock that was in his room and shot up. The past them would wake up in a couple of minutes.
‘Mione.’ Draco said shaking her softly awake.
‘Mione wake up.’ Draco said.
Hermione groaned and slowly opened her eyes. When she saw Draco a small smile came up on her face, but it disappeared fast after that.
‘What?’ She asked.
‘Can you let go of my hand?’ Draco asked.
Hermione looked down and saw she was holding his hand. She felt her cheeks redden and fast let go of him. She remembered she had grabbed his hand, she had probably fallen asleep and maybe pulled his arm around her?
‘Sorry.’ She said.
‘Doesn’t matter, we have to get up, they’ll wake up in a few minutes.’ Draco said.
Hermione nodded and got out of bed. They pulled the invisibility blanket around them and walked towards the common room where the past them were still sleeping.
Then Draco woke up and Hermione saw him looking down at the past her as a smile came up on his face. The past Hermione was mumbling something in her sleep but they couldn’t really hear what she said. Hermione could hear that she said a few times the same thing, but she couldn’t exactly hear what she said.
‘Draco.’ She said out of the sudden a bit louder.
Hermione widened her eyes.
‘I was talking in my sleep.’ Hermione whispered.
‘Yes, you still do.’ Draco whispered back.
Hermione widened her eyes even more and turned to look at Draco.
‘What?’ She whispered.
‘Yes, all kinds of things, back then you often said my name.’ Draco whispered.
Hermione turned back to the past Draco and saw him smiling just like the past her did in her sleep. The past Draco pressed her softly close to him and gave her a kiss on her hair before he closed his eyes again. He was quiet, probably thinking of something. Then the past Hermione woke up and looked up at Draco, who a few seconds later opened his eyes and gave her a smile/
‘Good morning beautiful.’ Draco said.
‘Good morning.’ Hermione said with a small smile.
She pushed herself up and then she stretched.
‘How did you sleep?’ Draco asked with a smirk.
‘I slept well, you?’ She asked.
‘Yeah I think so, did you have a dream?’ Draco asked.
Hermione looked at him and Draco saw that she began to blush.
‘Er- no.’ She said fast.
‘Are you sure, because you were talking in your sleep.’ Draco said smirking.
Hermione’s cheeks reddened even more.
‘What did I say?’ She asked.
‘Oh first I couldn’t hear you because you were mumbling the same thing over and over again.’ Draco started.
Hermione sighed relieved.
‘And then you said my name.’ Draco said.
By now Hermione blushed even more.
‘Really?’ She asked.
Draco nodded. Hermione laughed to herself and then leaned forward to kiss him.
‘So what was the dream about?’ Draco asked when she had pulled away.
‘I’m not going to tell you.’ Hermione said.
‘Why not?’ He asked.
‘Because.’ Hermione said.
‘This sounds familiar, remember that thing you wanted to tell me that morning after Harry walked back into the Great Hall, but Ron interrupted us?’ Hermione asked.
‘Oh yeah that thing.’ Draco said.
‘Still not going to tell me what you wanted to say?’ Hermione asked smirking.
‘Well actually, I’ve already said it.’ Draco said.
Hermione raised her eyebrows and looked at Draco.
‘When?’ She asked.
‘Last night.’ Draco said.
‘What was it then?’ She asked.
‘What was it?’ Hermione whispered turning her gaze towards Draco.
‘Just watch and you’ll hear.’ Draco whispered back and she turned her head back.
‘I wanted to tell you back then that I fell in love with you.’ The past Draco said after a second.
‘And why didn’t you tell me later?’ Hermione asked.
‘Because, like I said back then, it was not the right time.’ Draco said.
‘I’m glad you said it last night.’ Hermione said smiling.
‘Me too.’ Draco said with a small smile on his face.
Draco pressed Hermione close to him and kissed her on the lips.
‘I’m going to take a shower.’ Hermione said after she pulled away.
She stood up and wanted to walk away, but then Draco packed her wrist. He pulled her back to him and gave her one last kiss. She smiled and walked to her room. She was gone for a while and then she shut the door behind her and shock when Draco said out of the sudden something beside her.
‘You scared the hell out of me!’ Hermione said turning to Draco who was laughing at her reaction.
‘What did you say?’ Hermione asked.
‘I said that I wanted to ask you something.’ Draco said still laughing.
‘Oh… er- I wanted to ask you something too.’ Hermione said.
‘You first.’ Draco said.
‘Well what are we now? Because I want to be er- together with you, but I think everyone will be er- let we say “surprised”’ Hermione said.
‘Oh dear God.’ Hermione whispered placing her hand on her forehead and shaking her head lightly.
Draco chuckled next to her.
‘It’s cute when you can’t find the right words.’ Draco whispered.
‘Oh shut up.’ Hermione whispered.
‘Well let I answer your question with my question, Hermione do you want to be my girlfriend?’ The past Draco asked looking hopeful into her eyes.
‘Yes of course I want to be your girlfriend!’ Hermione said with a big smile on her face.
‘But what about everyone?’ Hermione asked.
‘Screw them, I just want one thing and that is you.’ Draco said.
Hermione gave him a bright smile before she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him on the lips.
‘Aw.’ Hermione cooed.
Draco rolled his eyes and notched her in her side.
‘Shall we go further?’ He asked.
‘I want to know what happens next.’ Hermione whispered.
‘You already know.’ Draco whispered.
‘I want to see.’ Hermione whispered back.
Draco didn’t say anything and Hermione turned back to look at the past them. Draco had fast grabbed the necklace and put it around both of their necks, turning the Time Turner.
‘Draco!’ Hermione said as they were further in time.
‘Come on.’ Draco said smirking grabbing her hand and walking out of the common room.
‘I wanted to see-‘ Hermione said.
‘Too late for that now, isn’t it?’ Draco said almost running down the steps.
They stopped in front of a classroom and Draco pulled the cloak around them again and they walked into the classroom. Hermione saw the past her sitting there next to Ginny. Draco and she came closer and she heard herself talk, telling Ginny something.
‘……he asked if I wanted to be his girlfriend.’ The past Hermione said quietly.
‘Gin ssssh.’ Hermione said fast seeing that every student had stopped talking and had turned towards the two of them.
‘Oh for Merlin’s sake, she did not just do that.’ Hermione whispered.
Draco chuckled.
‘Nothing to see here people, go back to your own conversation.’ The past Ginny said.
‘Oh my gosh Mione!’ Ginny said excited.
Hermione saw Draco still looking at the two of them with a smirk on his face.
‘I am so happy for you!’ Ginny said.
‘Thank you.’ Hermione said smiling.
‘What was that about?’ Harry asked, who was sitting behind them, leaning forwards.
‘Hermione and Malfoy are together.’ Ginny whispered to Harry so that he only could hear it.
‘Oh really?’ Harry said with a smirk.
‘Ginny!’ Hermione said.
‘Can you please shut your bloody mouth?’ Hermione said laughing.
‘Yes of course, but I won’t, this is amazing!’ Ginny said.
Hermione looked hopeless at Harry who was just looking at his girlfriend with a smirk.
‘Well one bright side, you don’t have to tell anyone anymore if Ginny is going to be like this all day.’ Harry said.
‘Tell what?’ Ron asked who just had walked in.
‘Oh that…’ Ginny started.
‘I fell out of bed.’ Hermione said fast before Ginny could finish her sentence.
‘That’s not very smart.’ Ron said laughing.
‘Yeah I know.’ Hermione said.
‘Oh Hermione, sorry about yesterday.’ Ron said.
‘It’s okay.’ Hermione said surprised about the fact that Ron apologized for that.
‘I told you so.’ Ginny said when Hermione had turned back.
‘You told me what?’ Hermione asked confused.
‘That he liked you.’ Ginny said.
‘Gin can you please shut up before the whole school knows it?’ Hermione asked.
‘I’ll try.’ Ginny said giggling.
Draco grabbed Hermione’s arm and they slowly walked back to the door. They walked out and Draco pulled the cloak off of them when they were in a dark corner.
‘I fell out of bed? Seriously?’ Hermione said shaking her head.
‘That’s stupid.’ Draco said.
‘That’s the most stupid thing to come up with.’ Hermione said.
‘I guess.’ Draco said laughing.
She smirked.
‘What next?’ Hermione asked.
‘I don’t know if you’re going to enjoy this, but I’ve got a feeling I surely am going to do that.’ Draco said smirking.
‘You’re scaring me, what is going to happen?’ Hermione asked.
‘Wait and see.’ Draco said as he gave her a wink.
‘Do you want to go back to the common room?’ Hermione asked.
‘No, we can do it here, but we have to be careful no one sees us.’ Draco said pulling the cloak around them again and Hermione turned the Time Turner.
‘Ginny said it was here.’ Draco said.
‘Okay.’ Hermione said and she walked with Draco in the direction he had pointed at.
Then she saw herself passing a corner. When she looked around herself she saw Ron in the same hallway as they were now.
‘Ron.’ The past Hermione said.
Ron turned around and smiled at her.
‘Hi Hermione, how are you?’ Ron asked stopping when he saw her.
‘Great, but I want to tell you something.’ Hermione said.
‘Okay, what’s up?’ Ron asked with a small smile.
‘This is going to be sweet.’ Draco whispered rubbing his hands together with a smile.
‘Well er- I wanted to tell you that er- Draco and I are together.’ The past Hermione said the last part really fast.
‘What did you say at the end? I didn’t really heard you right, I thought you said you were together with Malfoy.’ Ron said laughing.
‘Well that is what I said…’ Hermione said.
Ron immediately stopped laughing.
‘YOU WHAT?’ Ron said loudly.
‘Draco and I are together.’ Hermione said.
‘I am not! And like I said he has changed a lot!’ Hermione said.
‘No he’s not, he’s an ex death eater!’ Hermione corrected him.
‘WHY WOULD YOU DO SUCH A THING?’ Ron asked furiously.
‘Who is making such a noise?’ Ginny asked behind them.
She had just passed the corner when she saw her brother’s red face.
‘Oh you told him?’ Ginny asked.
Hermione turned around and nodded.
‘Have you told him you’re pregnant?’ Ginny asked.
‘YOU ARE WHAT?’ Ron asked wildly.
‘I was what?’ Hermione asked shocked with widened eyes looking down at her stomach.
Draco had to keep his laughter in with all his power.
‘I’M NOT! Calm down Ronald! I’m not pregnant, I haven’t even slept with Draco.’ The past Hermione said.
Hermione hadn’t even noticed she had kept her breath in until she released it in relief.
Ginny laughed and came towards Hermione and her brother.
‘I was just kidding.’ Ginny said.
‘That’s not funny!’ Ron said.
‘But what does it matter that she’s dating Malfoy, if she loves him, why not?’ Ginny said.
‘But he’s a Malfoy and a bloody Death Eater!’ Ron said.
‘EX- Death Eater.’ Hermione corrected him again.
Ron looked at the two girls and then stormed away.
‘He took that one good, don’t you think?’ Ginny asked putting her arm around her best friends shoulder.
‘Yeah great.’ Hermione huffed and they walked away.
‘MALFOY!’ Hermione said slapping his arm.
‘What? It was funny!’ Draco said.
‘Why is this such an important thing, that you really had to show me?’ Hermione asked.
‘Because I wasn’t there and I wanted to know what had exactly happened as you had only told me.’ Draco said.
‘Please tell me you didn’t make me pregnant.’ Hermione groaned.
‘No, don’t worry.’ Draco said.
‘As you said, we hadn’t slept with each other yet.’ Draco said.
‘I really slept with you?’ Hermione asked.
‘Yes.’ Draco said.
‘I read it, but I thought you just put it in there to make it more juicy.’ Hermione said softly.
‘Why would I do that? I wasn’t writing something for a tabloid, this was something to help you remember.’ Draco said.
‘Juicy.’ Draco repeated laughing.
‘Shut up Malfoy.’ Hermione said.
‘You can ask me anything, I can remember that night perfectly.’ Draco said.
Hermione narrowed her eyes.
‘Even the little scar you have on your back.’ Draco said.
Hermione widened her eyes.
‘Okay stop it, that’s enough.’ She said.
‘Shall we go further?’ She asked fast.
‘If that’s what you desire princess.’ Draco said smirking.
They walked up to their dormitory and when they were in the common room Draco pulled the cloak around them again.
‘Ready?’ He asked.
‘Ready.’ She said nodding.
She turned the Time Turner and then she saw the past her sitting down on the other side of Draco. Just the same way they always were seated when they were playing chess together. They walked slowly closer with the cloak around them and Hermione saw they were playing chess at that moment. Just when Hermione had sat down they started the game. After a while Draco had it.
‘Like always.’ Hermione thought.
‘You’re just too good in this game.’ The past Hermione said.
‘What can I say? A lot of practise.’ Draco said, but he didn’t really look happy.
Hermione walked to the other side of the table and sat down on his lap so she could give him a tight hug.
‘Do you want to talk about it?’ She asked.
‘I played it a lot with the house elves when the Dark Lord was in our home, I didn’t want to be around him, I didn’t want to be around anyone in that house because it were all Death Eaters and Snatchers.’ Draco said.
Hermione turned to looked at Draco, who didn’t look back and she turned her gaze back to the past them.
‘That’s the past.’ Hermione said.
Draco looked at her and nodded.
‘Yeah I know, but it just comes back to my mind every time. Before I was with you it was constant on my mind, now it’s you that I think about a lot.’ Draco said.
Hermione looked at her boyfriend and gave him a warm smile before she kissed him. Draco pulled away and looked at the clock that was hanging on the wall.
‘It’s time.’ Draco said and they walked out of their common room.
‘What are they going to do?’ Hermione asked.
‘Patrol.’ Draco said.
‘Is it true?’ Hermione asked.
Draco nodded.
‘I’m sorry Draco.’ She said.
‘Don’t be.’ He said.
They waited for them to return and after a few minutes they came back through the portrait hole.
‘I’m going to take a shower.’ Draco said kissing Hermione before he walked towards his room.
Hermione smiled and walked towards the couch.
She sat down but then she heard a sound. She stood back up and saw it was the Daily Prophet. She packed it and sat back down. It wasn’t on the front page so she folded it open.
Hermione looked at herself and saw that she shock as she saw what was on the front page. Hermione laid the paper down on the table for a moment and Hermione could see she was thinking of something. Hermione slowly walked closer to the table as Draco followed her so the cloak would still be covering the two of them. Hermione looked at the front page and saw a picture of Lucius Malfoy. In big letters above the picture was standing “Lucius Malfoy, former Death Eater, will have a trial on the 1th of February.” Hermione shock and looked back at the picture, this man didn’t really look like Lucius, his hair wasn’t as it had been, it was platinum blonde but not like Draco’s it was filthy and the robes he was wearing were dirty, he was skinny in the face and was really pale, more pale then he had ever been. Hermione turned her gaze towards Draco, who’s face showed pain. Hermione just wanted to say something and then she heard the shower stop, she gently grabbed Draco’s hand and squeezed in it. Draco didn’t look up, he just stared at the picture of his father. After a minute the past Draco walked into the common room. He walked over to Hermione and gave her a kiss.
‘Something wrong?’ Draco asked worried after he almost immediately pulled back from their kiss.
‘Have you read the Daily Prophet?’ Hermione asked.
‘Er- no.’ Draco said looking down at Hermione.
‘Here look.’ Hermione said handing him the newspaper.
Hermione looked at Draco as he read the article, she couldn’t see any expression on Draco’s face. It scared her a bit, because she didn’t know what he was feeling.
‘Draco?’ Hermione asked after she saw that Draco had finished reading.
Draco looked down at her and then walked to the fireplace, he threw the newspaper in the fire and looked at it. Hermione stood up and wrapped her arms around his waist, giving him a tight hug as she looked at the picture of Lucius Malfoy that was burning in the fire now. Draco put his arms around Hermione and he rested his chin on her head.
‘He will probably get a Dementor’s kiss.’ Draco said softly into her hair.
‘Or a lifetime imprisonment in Azkaban.’ Draco added softly.
‘What do you think?’ Hermione asked looking up.
Draco looked into her eyes and Hermione noticed a sadness in his.
‘He deserves both or maybe even worse.’ Draco said.
‘He’s an awful person and he hasn’t changed a bit.’ Draco said.
 Hermione looked back at the fire and sighed. She kissed Draco on the lips and didn’t let him lose. Draco pulled away and looked down at her, he gave her a small smile. Draco gave Hermione another kiss and this one was more passionate. He lifted her up and walked towards the couch pressing his lips against hers. Draco sat down on the couch with Hermione on his lap and he put both of his hands on her face. He pulled away and looked into her brown eyes. Hermione could see the sadness and she could tell that he was scared, scared of what would happen, scared of the future. Hermione pressed her lips again against his and wrapped her arms around his neck. Draco pulled away and kissed her neck softly and gentle. Eventually when Draco tried to go further, Hermione pulled away from their kiss.
‘Not now.’ Hermione said softly.
Draco nodded and he wrapped his arms around her giving her a tight hug and Hermione hugged him back.
‘I think I’m going to bed.’ Draco said.
Hermione nodded and got off of his lap. She packed Draco’s hand and pulled him up. Draco gave her one last kiss and then walked towards his bedroom. Hermione walked to her own one and both of them had disappeared out of view.
‘Oh Draco, I’m so sorry.’ Hermione said.
Draco didn’t look at her. Hermione could see the pain in his eyes, the sadness. She somehow wanted to get the pain away from him, but she knew she couldn’t. Though she thought so. Then without her really knowing it, she turned to Draco, pulled the cloak off of them and wrapped her arms around him. She could feel it startled Draco, but he wrapped his arms around her and he pressed her close to him.
‘You don’t have to be tough all the time.’ Hermione said.
‘I’m here for you.’ She said softly.

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