Chapter 71

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Seamus looked around at everyone. They were seated at the same table as the two days before and they were all looking down at the books. Blaise came walking up to the table with the third book he would be looking into that day. Seamus sighed and shook his head before he spoke up.
‘I might know something that could bring Hermione right here!’ Seamus said.
‘What?’ Draco asked.
Seamus drew his wand out, which made everyone back away from him. Seamus rolled his eyes before he closed his eyes in an intensive way.
They waited, but nothing happened before they all started to laugh.
‘It was worth a shot.’ Seamus shrugged, knowing his plan to lighten the mood had worked.
Draco sighed and sat back, brushing his hand through his hair.
‘Do you want to take a break?’ Ginny offered.
Draco shook his head.
‘But if anyone else wants to take a break they can.’ Draco said.
‘Thank goodness.’ Dean sighed getting up.
Neville, Seamus and Ron got up as well before walking off. Ginny looked over at Draco.
‘Just go Ginny, I’m fine.’ Draco said.
Ginny nodded before she took Harry’s hand and walked out of the library to get some fresh air outside. Blaise hadn’t even sat down before Seamus’s joke so he just walked around the library, stretching everything.
‘Don’t you want to have a break?’ Draco asked looking up at Luna.
‘I’m fine.’ she smiles.
‘You know Draco.’ Luna said with her dreamy voice.
‘You deserve a break.’ Luna said.
Draco shook his head.
‘You can’t keep blaming yourself.’ she told him.
Draco raised his eyebrows. He hadn’t told anyone about the fact that he felt guilty about what happened, that he felt it was all his fault.
‘You deserve to have a good night sleep, to have a break sometimes, to think about anything other than everything that’s going on.’ Luna said.
‘I don’t know.’ he sighed.
‘But I do and that’s enough, now put that book down and get some fresh air.’ Luna demanded.
Draco frowned.
‘She’s right mate.’ Blaise said behind him.
Draco turned to look at his friend.
‘Have you been eavesdropping?’ Draco asked.
‘No I just happened to pass and my ear caught something.’ Blaise said.
Draco rolled his eyes.
‘But she is right. You have to stop torturing yourself and try to have a little fun.’ Blaise said.
Draco shot him a deadly glare.
‘How can I have fun when my girlfriend is being held against her will?’ Draco exclaimed.
‘I know, but you’re overworking yourself.’ Blaise said.
‘Before you know it you’ve got a burn out.’
‘I’ll relax when Hermione is back here.’ Draco said.
Blaise sighed.
‘Okay, but you will have a break right now, you look horrific.’ Blaise said.
‘Come on, let’s get some fresh air.’ Blaise said wanting to close the book, but Draco took a hold of Blaise’s wrist.
‘Wait!’ Draco said scanning the page.
‘A break means no books.’ Blaise said trying to close the book.
‘NO! I’ve found something! Stop it Blaise!’ Draco exclaimed.
Blaise frowned.
‘Get the others!’ Draco said.
‘They’re having a break.’ Blaise said.
‘Just go get them! I’ve found something that will help us!’ Draco said.

‘A Taboo?’ Seamus frowned.
Draco nodded.
‘Yes.’ he said.
‘Here listen.’ he said looking down at the book in front of him.
‘A jinx which may be placed upon a word or a name, so that whenever that word is spoken, a magical disturbance is created which alerts the caster of the Taboo to the location of the speaker. Any protective enchantments in effect around the speaker are broken when the Tabooed word is spoken aloud.’ Draco read aloud.
‘That might work.’ Harry said.
‘Voldemort had one on his name.’ Draco said.
Ron nodded.
‘But how can we be sure they’ll say her name?’ Dean asked.
‘We obviously can’t, that’s why we’ll have to put the taboo on a few other names too.’ Draco said.
Ginny frowned.
‘What names were you thinking?’ Ginny asked.
‘Plus people around here will be saying her name too, which will trigger the Taboo multiple times.’ Blaise said.
‘We’ll have to spread the word to not say her name.’ Draco said.
‘There are people who are not at Hogwarts who will say her name, like her parents, or even my parents.’ Ginny said.
‘Does anyone else have a better idea?’ Draco asked.
No one answered.
‘Then I think this our biggest chance to find her.’ Draco said.
‘Okay, let’s do it.’ Harry said.
‘But again what other names were you thinking of to place the Taboo upon?’ Ginny asked again.
‘Perhaps Pansy, Rodolphus, Fred.’ Draco said.
‘Why your uncle?’ Blaise asked.
‘I thought I saw him in Hogsmeade the day Hermione was taken and he kept Pansy from killing us when we travelled back in time.’ Draco said.
‘But if he saved the two of you, why would he capture her now?’ Blaise asked.
‘I remember Hermione saying something about that they had to wait or something.’ Draco said.
‘You travelled in time?’ Blaise asked.
‘Yeah, long story.’ Draco said waving it away.
‘Why can’t we make her trigger the Taboo.’ Neville sighed.
‘That would make everything a lot easier.’ Ron agreed.
‘Perhaps we can make her do that?’ Seamus said.
Everyone turned to look at Seamus. Draco frowned.
‘If this is another joke-‘ Draco started.
‘It’s not!’ Seamus said.
‘Well what’s your idea?’ Draco asked.
‘You and her have that “true love” bond, you can feel when she’s in pain, you get images through from her. Doesn’t that mean she has the same?’ Seamus said.
Ginny and Harry exchanged a look.
‘Yeah that could work.’ Harry said.
‘I only saw the images when you were going through my head.’ Draco said.
‘I know, but what if….’ Harry said.
‘You hurt me first.’ Draco said.
Harry slowly nodded.
‘And perhaps showed her a piece of parchment that says to trigger the Taboo.’ Harry finishes.
‘Guys this is the worst idea ever!’ Ginny exclaimed.
‘You still think so if it’s the only way to get her back?’ Draco asked.
‘Yes!’ Ginny said.
‘You’re not only hurting yourself! You’re hurting her! She’ll be scared, not knowing where the pain came from!’ Ginny said.
‘And we don’t even know if she’s in a good state to receive that kind of pain! And then second of all if you’re planning on using the Cruciatus curse, which I’m sure of, it is illegal!’ Ginny snapped.
‘Calm down, we can always slit is throat open.’ Ron said.
‘RON THERE IS NO TIME FOR JOKING!’ Ginny yelled at her brother.
‘Ginny, this might be the only way.’ Draco said.
‘You’re not going to use the Cruciatus curse.’ Ginny stated.
‘And if you are.’ she started, her eyes traveling from Draco to Harry and back again. ‘I’m going to tell McGonagall.’
‘You wouldn’t!’ Harry said.
‘Oh yes I would.’ Ginny said.
‘Can’t you think of something else that might help?’ Blaise asked.
‘Like what?’ Draco asked.
‘I don’t know?’
‘I think pain is the best option we got.’ Draco said.
Harry sighed.
‘I think it’s our only option.’ Harry said.
‘Don’t you dare use the Cruciatus curse!’ Ginny snapped.

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