Chapter 3

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Draco had been surprised that Hermione had waited for him, but why had he reacted in the way he did? Draco shrugged the thought off and walked out of the common room and downstairs towards the Great Hall. When he walked in he saw her sitting with her friends and Weasley. It was odd, because as he spotted the two of them talking with each other, he felt an odd feeling welling up in his stomach, something he hadn't felt before, although it felt similar to anger and hatred. Draco shook his head, trying to shake the feeling off. He made his way over to the Slytherin table and sat down to start his breakfast.

*three weeks later*

Hermione sat down next to Ginny in their first class of the day, potions. Professor Slughorn gave this year's potion class and even though she wasn't very fond of the class, she didn't mind him so much as a teacher, he was quite nice. Hermione saw Draco coming into the classroom and sit down on the other side of the room, far away from where she was situated.
'Good morning.' Slughorn said, entering the classroom.
'Good morning.' the students said.
'For the next potions class you all have to come prepared to class to make a Shrinking Solution.' Slughorn began. 'I already made couples and know; it's not allowed to switch partners.' Slughorn said, grabbing his parchment and starting to read up the names.
'Pansy Parkinson together with Ron Weasley.' Slughorn started, receiving a sigh from both students.
'Nice to see you here again Harry!' Slughorn smiled, looking up at Harry.
'Good to be back sir.' Harry said.
'You will be working with Blaise Zabini.' Slughorn said before calling out several names more. 'Hermione Granger.' he read out loud. 'You'll be working with Draco Malfoy.'
'No sir! That's not going to happen!' Ron spoke up all of a sudden.
Everyone turned to look at him and Hermione felt the blood rush up to her cheeks.
'I said it's not possible to switch partners.' Slughorn told him.
'But she's not going to work together with that ferret.' Ron snapped, getting up from his seat.
'Mr. Weasley, sit down.' Slughorn told him sternly.
'She is not going to work together with a Death Eater.' Ron growled.
'Calm down Ron, it's just for one time.' Hermione heard Harry say behind her, trying to calm his best friend down.
Ron glared at Harry for a second before turning back to Slughorn. 'Why is he back in the first place? He should be locked up behind bars!' Ron exclaimed.
Hermione started to feel sorry for Draco through her own humiliation because of Ron's sudden outburst. Hermione looked up at Draco and saw he was even paler than he normally was. Draco noticed her staring at him and locked eyes. 'Sorry.' I mouthed.
'Mr. Weasley, this is enough! I want to speak to you after class!' Slughorn said angrily.
Ron finally stopped with his pointless discussion and sat back down. Hermione turned to look at him and he seemed totally dazed about what just happened, his face as red as his hair.
'Okay, now, let's get on with this class.' Slughorn sighed, cautiously looking around the classroom one last time, quietly hoping no one else was going to have such a fit about someone else's partner for this project. Slughorn continued down his list of names, only to finish just before class would end. Ron had taken a lot of time with his little discussion. Hermione got up from her seat, avoiding as many stares as she could and walked out of the classroom with Harry and Ginny. 'That was absolutely crazy.' Ginny exclaimed. 'What has gotten into him!'
'Are you okay?' Harry asked.
'Yeah I'm fine.' Hermione told him.
Hermione couldn't help but wonder how Draco was feeling.... wait, why was she wondering how Draco was feeling? What's gotten into her? She didn't care how Draco was feeling.... right?
'Are you really okay?' Ginny asked, concern written all over her face.
Hermione turned her head to face Harry and Ginny and gave them both a smile.
'I'm fine.' she reassured her.
They seemed to not really believe her, but they kept quiet and nodded before they walked on towards their next class. After all the classes of the day were finished Hermione made her way back to the Head Dormitory, where she stopped in front of the portrait, where Snape was looking bored in his chair.
'Good evening professor.' Hermione said.
'Evening.' Snape yawned. 'Password?'
'Time Turner.' Hermione answered.
Snape nodded as the portrait swung open, revealing the entrance. Hermione stepped into the common room and only discovered she was expecting to see Draco in there when she didn't see him around.
No one answered and she shrugged, walking over to the couch. Hermione hadn't even noticed how tired she actually was until she laid down on the couch and closed her eyes for a minute, only to drift off into a deep slumber another minute later.

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