Chapter 41

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‘Ready?’ Hermione asked as the nervousness could be heard in her voice.
‘Ready.’ Draco said.
Draco had noted every date down he wanted to go to and had it in his pocket. Harry had given Draco the invisibility cloak after Draco had explained to him what he was going to try. Hermione turned the Time Turner and it did its work.
They ended up just in the same common room.
‘So you don’t need contacts, do you?’ Hermione asked.
Draco looked at Hermione.
‘No, my sight is perfect.’ Draco said smirking.
Hermione rolled her eyes.
‘Where are we now in the time?’ Hermione asked.
‘What happening is going on you wanted to show me?’ Hermione asked.
‘Let me show you.’ Draco said taking her hand in his and walking out of their common room.
They headed downstairs and stopped in front of the closed doors of the Great Hall.
‘Head girl of this year is Hermione Granger.’ They heard McGonagall say from the other side of the door.
There could be clapping heard.
‘Congratulations.’ Draco said.
Hermione chuckled.
‘Thanks.’ Hermione said.
‘And the Head boy of this year is…’ McGonagall started again.
‘Draco Malfoy.’ McGonagall finished.
Draco and Hermione could hear gasps and clapping, but not the amount that had been heard a minute ago.
‘Congratulations to you too.’ Hermione said.
Draco smiled.
‘Thanks Granger.’ Draco said.
‘Though you weren’t that happy about it back then.’ Draco added.
‘I bet you weren’t so happy either.’ Hermione said.
‘Stay after dinner please, I want to speak to you two.’ McGonagall said and then the students started to talk to each other.
‘I remember seeing you for the first time that year. You had changed and looked beautiful. I had already bumped into you in the train on our way to Hogwarts, I hadn’t recognized you back there.’ Draco said.
Hermione nodded.
‘What next?’ Hermione asked.
‘Come on.’ Draco said walking back upstairs to their common room.
‘Time Turner.’ Draco said.
‘How can you know?’ Snape asked.
‘Just open the door.’ Draco said.
The portrait opened and they walked in.
‘Let’s go.’ Draco said showing the paper and Hermione turned the Time Turner.
‘We have to be fast, here come closer so the cloak will cover us both.’ Draco said getting the invisibility cloak.
Just when they were under the cloak, the door opened and Draco walked fast inside. He walked towards Hermione’s bedroom and carefully opened the door with her in his arms. Hermione and Draco walked carefully and a bit bended through the knees after Draco towards Hermione’s room and saw Draco laying her down on Hermione’s bed.
‘What happened?’ Draco asked worried.
‘Ro-ron…’ Hermione said.
‘What did he do?’ Draco asked worried.
‘He-he…’She said but it looked like she couldn’t really speak.
‘Hermione talk to me! What did he do?’ Draco asked.
Draco put his hand on her cheek. Hermione sat up straight and pulled her vest out. She rolled the sleeve of her blouse up and showed him her arm. She looked at it too. There was a dark purple handprint on her arm.
Hermione gasped next to Draco and lifted her hand up to her arms touching the places where the purple marks had been months ago. Draco saw it and grabbed her hand in his. He shook his head and put his finger in front of his mouth, motioning her to stay quiet.
‘The other one?’ Draco asked.
‘I- I think it looks the same.’ Hermione said.
‘I’m going to kill him.’ Draco said.
‘What?’ Hermione asked.
‘He’s not going to get away with this! Look at you!’ Draco said and he stood up.
Hermione looked at all of it and then the past Hermione grabbed Draco’s wrist fast.
‘No don’t leave!’ She said.
Draco turned is head and looked at her.
‘I don’t want to be alone.’ Hermione said.
Draco walked back.
‘Do you want me to stay here?’ Draco asked.
She nodded lightly. Draco wanted to walk away, but she didn’t let his wrist go.
‘Please!’ Hermione pleaded.
‘I was just going to walk to the other side of the bed.’ Draco said with a little smile.
‘Oh.’ She said.
Hermione let go of his wrist and he did what he just said. He laid down next to her on the other side of her bed. He put the blanket over them and he looked at her. After a few minutes Hermione fell asleep.
Draco motioned Hermione to walk with him back to the common room. When they came there Draco slowly pulled the cloak off of them and Hermione looked at him.
‘What happened? Why was I acting so weird?’ Hermione asked.
‘That doesn’t matter, but this was the first time you shared your bed with me.’ Draco said with a small smile.
Hermione felt the blood rise to her cheek and she looked away from him.
‘Shall we go further?’ Draco asked.
Hermione nodded.

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