I'm Falling For Her

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*The next week*

Punks PPV

I'm so going to kill him. Elizabeth has been in this damn hospital since the accident and she is not showing any signs of waking up soon. The doctor was just in here this morning explaining the injuires and he's expecting her to wake up either today or tomorrow and when she does wake up, I need to call a nurse because she will.be in huge amounts of pain.

This whole week, I've been thinking on which person or people would have done this. Possibly The Shield, but I don't think they would hit a girl. I'm sure they didn't even know that she was even here in the first place. Now, that leaves Jericho, but I heard he got in a fight with her, Ryder, and John at the bar, so it couldn't have been him.

"Punk," I heard a small whisper coming from the door.

"What John?" Turning my head toward him.

" I brought food," Waking it up in the air like a mad man.

"I don't want it." I whisper.

"Come on Punk, you haven't eaten since yesterday morning. I got Bacon!"He pouted.

"Ugh, fine. Bring it over here." John stocked his way toward me handing me my food."Thanks" Only loud enough for a small portion of the room to hear.

"Punk, I know I don't know her all the well, but I can tell she is a fighter. She'll be fine."

"That's the thing, John. We don't know her all that well. So why are we sitting here in a hospital, waiting for her to wake up when we should we heading off to London, England for tomorrow tonights show?"

"Because you care. You care about her. You don't want to leave her side because you care. Just admit Punk."

"YES! I do care about her! Maybe a little too much. She told me she wasn't here in the WWE to make friends. No, she's out for the title and she doesn't want anyone to get in her way. I thought she was just being a brat, but I know there is something more to it. Wanna know something else John?"


"I think I'm starting to fall for her."

"You are?" A small voice craked. I turned my head toward Elizabeth and surprised to see her awake.

"Yes, yes I am."

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