A Week After

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Chapter 4

Elizabeth's PPV

It's been two weeks since the incident at the hotel, and its been a week since Punk told me he was falling for me.

I'll admit, it gives me butterflies, but I can't be with him. I don't want to let my guard down for him, and most importantly, I don't want my adopted father coming after him. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if anything were to happen to him.

When I got out of the hospital, Triple.H greeted me saying I'll have my first match tonight.

I feel sick, though. For one, I don't think I can do this, and number two, I have a bad feeling that something is going to happen during my match. I'm usually not right about these feelings, and I hope that this is one of those times.

*Arriving at the arena*

Here goes nothing, I thought as stepped inside this massive building in Syracuse, New York.

When I first stepped in, the atmosphere was tense. Well, it felt like to me. Everyone else was talking on their phone or talking about their match tonight.

I didn't know where to go, so I just started exploring the place.

To see if I could get a hint, but I got nothing.

I saw John and Ryder looking over at me and whispering something screative. I swear, boys are so much like girls, but they don't even realize it.

"Hey! Look everyone! It's the girl who still has nightmares!" Everyone laughed. Except for John and Ryder.

"Nice one Chris!" Someone shouted.

"Chris? Ain't nobody got time for that!" I shouted and walked away and laughed at myself. I know it wasn't the right time to say it, but who cares.

"Ha!" I found my locker room!

It's 7:36 and my match is second. Yeah I should go ahead and change. I grabbed out my clothing for tonight which is a dark pink haft shirt and my shorts that are blue jeans along with my black belt and my black and white tennies shoes.

I put my clothes on and did my make-up and curled my hair.

As I finished up, I heard a knock coming from the door.

"COME IN!"I yelled.

The door open and walked in....wait, who are these people?

"Hi Elizabeth, I assuming you're wondering why were here. We are The Shield, but I'm assuming you already know that." Curly said.

"I don't see how this involves me." I stated.

"I'm getting there! You see, we've attacked some the biggest stars in the business as of today. Like John Cena. I won't name off anymore, well, because it involves him. We know you've only just met John, but he seems like he cares enough for you, so we're gonna use you to get to him. Starting tonight." He explained.

"John won't fall for stupid trap."I rolled my eyes.

"Maybe he won't but Punk will." He smirked.

"You can't do that."

"And why not?"



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