Get Back Here

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Here's a little filler chapter. I need more votes and comments. This chapter is dedicated to @SierraBrower for getting my trivia question right on the last chapter so congrats to her!


I was still holding my phone in the hand that i picked up Paul Heyman's phone call with. I'm confused a little bit. I already knew that Brock Lesnar was going after Elizabeth and i also knew The Shield were too, but i never expected the unexpected call from Paul. Maybe he's telling me something is happening to Liz and i need to go find her. I know she's at the hotel. It's not too far from here. I made up my mind and decided to go look for her. I really don't want anything bad to happen to her. I care about her too much . I picked up my keys on the kitchen counter and walked outside to my car. I hopped in and turn the engine on and speed out of the drive way and to the hotel. The ride wasn't long. Just a three minute ride and than i was there. The hotel looked awful on the outside. The windows were cracked. Dust was everywhere. It almost seems like a haunted hotel, but it wasn't like this on the inside. The rooms were much prettier. The decore was amazing. The lobby was clean and filled with bright colors. I shouldn't even be describing these things. I should be more worry about looking for Elizabeth. I went to the front desk where a lady about 5'6ft stood. Long wavy hair. She didn't wear much make-up. She's practically a natural beauty, but she wasn't Elizabeth. I approach the woman and asked,"Do you happen to see a good that ran in here? She's about 5'5ft. Long brown hair. Green/blue eyes?"

The lady waited a moment. Collecting her thoughts seeing if she remember. "Um, i think so.She went off with a young man name Chris."

Dammit. I hope she wasn't talking talking about the Chris that i know.

"Thank you." I walked hurried through the hotel. Trying to find someone that knows where she would be. Chris isn't someone you can trust. He'll run you right to the ground after he has you to trust him. He wants to know every little detail about you than he will tell it to the world. Trust me, i would know this.

I saw John Cena on the other side of the room, talking to his girlfriend Nicole. I doubt he'll know where Chris is, but i know he knows someone who could tell me.

"Hey John!" I yelled out from across the lobby. John lifted his head up and turn it sideways towards me. He nodded his head and his girlfriend he would be right back. A few seconds past and John finally made it through the claustrophobic room.

"Hey Phil, you need something?" He asked. Obviously i do. I wouldn't have called you over if i didn't.

"Yeah, do you know where Chris is?" I asked.

"No, i don't. Why?" He questioned.

"I think he has Elizabeth,"I answer.

John's eyes widen in response. I know that look from anywhere.

"John, whose with him?"

"Um, no one important," he mumble.

"John, tell me right now!" I yelled.

"The Shield,"he whisper.

Now it was my turn for my eyes to widen. Paul was right. Except for one BIG detail. It's not Brock, it's Chris. I knew i shouldn't have let her go. I'm such an idiot at times.

"No, no, no! We got to go find her! Paul told me that they were after her John! I can'y lose her! Not again!" I screamed. 

I swear i'm turning madder by the moment. John is trying to cool me down, but that isn't helping me with my situation at the moment. He just doesn't get the fact that i love and care about her too much.

"Phil, calm down. We'll go find her," he reasoned.

My temper seem to calm down for a moment, but than came back when i saw Chris, Elizabeth, and The Shield coming out of the elevator. They didn't seem to recognize the fact that i was there, which i'm glad because i wouldn't be able to sneak attack them from behind.

"What are you-" John saw the same thing. Liz was laughing at something Chris said and Chris was staring at her with lovey dovey eyes. Okay, maybe he doesn't seem harmful now, but he will be later on.

"Chris! Get over here right now!" I screeched. Chris looked in the direction the scream. The Shield jumped a little and Elizabeth was looking at me in fear? Did i miss something? Oh, wait, i did scare her back at my hotel room.

Chris, Elizabeth, and The Shield ran from there places and split up in different directions. Okay, now this is getting weird. I watch where Elizabeth went, but she had Chris and Seth Rollins following her. There may be two guys, but i can still take them both down.

Liz ran out the backdoor of the hotel. Tripping a bit, but Seth caught her and picked her.

"Phil, let it go. She seem like she wasn't in any harm. They wanted to keep her away from you. I'm assuming you did something to her." John said.

I look up at John with a glare,"Shut up."

He lifted his hands in surrender,"I didn't tell you to tell me. You just need to apologize to her when you have the chance. She's different from other girls. Harder to get. More close than normal people are. If you don't do it soon, you may lose her forever, and i assure you that you don't want to lose the best thing that ever happen in your life."



Hi guys! This chapter is short, i know and i have terrible writing skills, but hey, practice makes it better, right?

This chapter needs 9 votes and 6 comments. I promise you i won't even start working on it until i reach that goal.

Okay, now, i'm thinking of a number 0-15, what is it?

The person who gets this right gets the next dedication!

And congrats again to @SierraBrower for getting the trivia question right and for supporting me, voting, and commenting on each chapter. I'm thankful for her.

I've been depressed these last few days, last week, one of my friends committed suicide. Yesterday, one of my friends that i was working on a video with said she was going to do it, i haven't heard from her since.

I miss them. A lot. I wish this world wasn't a depressing place. I wish everyone was happy and there wasn't a thing to worry about in the world.

R.I.P Girls, i love you. 

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