The time of my life!

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It's my first day  of being a WWE divas. I'm hoping to have the time of my life while i'm here.

Let me introduce myself. My name is Elizabeth.I am 25 years old and I'm from Greenbay, Wisconsin. I live a cruel and unusual life. My father left  me and my mother when i was two weeks old, but after a few days she put me up for adoption..

I've live almost eight years in a adoption center. I was adoption by cruel people that alway beat on me.

At the age of 15. I've finally decided i had enough and i just ran away from my foster home. I've been searching every since to see if i could ever fine my biological dad and mother, but i could never fined them. I've been raising myself for the past 10 years. I made sure to block out everyone in my life where no one could fine me and send me back to my cruel foster family.  Besides, all i know that my biological mom and dad could be dead or they moved to another country where i couldn't fine either one of them.

Right now, i'm at the arena in Mexico city and i'm also heading to see the COO in his office. When i got there, he was already standing outside the door, talking to Jericho.I listen to them, trying to make out the words that they were saying.

"Look Jericho, I know you think that you should be WWE champion right now, but you have to wait until wrestlemania to be come champion," Triple.H noted.

"I shouldn't have to wait! I'm the best in the world at what i do and you know that! I'm the most sucessful superstar you have in the busniess today!" Chris yelled

"Chris, i've told you a million times already! You have to wait until wrestlemania. Don't cross the line with me or you will have no title shot and you won't be working here anymore! Now then, you show Miss.Elizabeth around. Make sure she knows where the interview room is, the boys and girls locker room, and take her to room 241 for her own private place. Do i make myself clear?!" He screamed. Hunter turned around and looked at me and pointed to me to come here.

"This is going to be fun" i thought sarcasticly.

"Elizabeth, this is Chris Jericho. He'll tell you everything that you need to know and he really will and also tonight, your first match will be a mix tag team match. It will be you and CM Punk v.s Chris Jericho and Beth Phoniex. Good luck tonight." Hunter told me. He looked at Jericho once more to warn him to be nice and then he walked off.

After he left, i turned to face Chis, but i mad sure not to make eye contact.

"Let's just get this over with. Come on now!" He commanded. He had a look of disgust on his face.

Wow, i've only been here for ten minutes and someone already hates me? But that's not a surprise.

I'll admit, i don't like his attitude toward me, but that's something i have to get use to.

This right here, is the the interview section and right down there is where you exit and enter. Clear? He pointed. I nod my head yes in reply. " Now lets go hypocrit," he yelled.

Even thought that got me mad i still followed him to the next stop

"That right there is the boy's locker room, which you will never go in because you're certainly not welcomed and that's the girls and you won't being going in to that one since you have you own asinine locker room." he angerly said.

Now i've had it with him.

"Jericho, just because you're not champion doesn't mean you should take it out on other people. I knew from the first time i looked at you, you were going to be a cocky arrogant bastard to the superstars and divas," I yelled.

"I don't care how i treat people! I will knock you or anyone else that tries to stand in my way of being the WWE champion!" He screamed.

"Well, it doesn't matter to me. No one really cares when you're champion and none of the fans ever pay much attention to you." i noted.

"Jericho! Leave my tag team partner alone! If you're going to pick on someone, at least make sure it's someone your own size!" Punk yells.

Jericho just glared at punk and then at me and then he left.

"Thank you for that Punk. I'm surprise he even left that easy." I said.

"No problen, but knowing him, he's a coward with no balls." he smirked.

" That is true." i laughed.

"I guess i will see you later on tonight?" he asked.

"Yes, you will." i smiled.

He looked at me one last time and then left. I just remember that i didn't know where my room is. I went and search,  but i could never fine it. After a little while of searching, someone or something came up and sneeked attacked me.  Last thing i saw and heard was a guy in a mask, laughing at me. Then lights out.

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