We'll Be Your "Shield"

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Elizabeth sat inside Chris's hotel room. Explaining to him every little detail he has miss since the two last saw each other. Chris apologized for his behavior since the two met. He started to feel bad about everything we he heard she was being viciously attack by random strangers in the hotels and in the arena parking lot. He simply didn't get it, well, that was until she explained everything that happen in her childhood, and that's when it all started falling in to pieces, but there is one thing he didn't get, why did CM Punk turn into a nut ball when she was back at her house? Maybe he officially turn into another crazed AJ Lee. Possibly even worse than her. If that's the case, Elizabeth shouldn't be going around CM Punk for the time being. For her protection, of course. Than again, that's what made her run out of Punk's house and that is what made Punk go crazy in the first place. Chris' thoughts were interrupted when a loud thump hit against the door. He turn his head to see Liz looking at him and making a gesture toward the door to answer it.

"Hey, i'm letting you stay here," Chris defended himself.

She made her must pouting face towards him," What if it's rapist or something?"

He made a loud sign and got up from the bed to answer the door. Seth Rollins stood on the other side. He wasn't surprise to see him. Seth and him were great friends. He taught him a few great moves that he does out in the ring. (Not true actually)

"Oh, Hey Seth, can i help you with something?" Chris greeted him.

"Oh, we were just wondering if you wanted to watch a movie?" Seth asked.

Chris look back at Liz, wondering if she thought if it was OK with her, but she wasn't paying attention.

Seth wonder his eyes to where Chris was looking at he spotted the girl sitting on the bed, wondering her eyes anywhere but him and Chris.

"Ah, i see you have girl company. Maybe we could all watch a movie in here? We certainly don't want to leave a lonely lady behind on our fun," Seth suggested.

Chris thought about it for a moment. He was bored, and most likely she was too. A movie with the boys and Elizabeth didn't seem like a bad idea and he knew The Shield wouldn't lay a finger on her. Chris responded to Seth by nodding his head "yes." 

"Great! I'll go get the boys while you put a movie in and pop so popcorn,' Seth left right after he said it. 

Chris was rummaging through all of his DVDs in his bag, trying to fine something that wasn't a chick-flick. He wanted something horror. It doesn't seem like a bad idea. The boys love these kind of movies. Especially ones that made you so afraid you couldn't sleep for the next two nights without thinking about it.

"So, what movie are we watch," a female voice asked.

Chris look behind him to see Elizabeth staring at him. He didn't really know what to say to her because he didn't even know.

"Something scary," Chris responded.

Elizabeth nodded her head at him. She really didn't care. She was only bored and the silence was starting to kill her and the fact she just realize The Shield are coming over to watch a movie with them. She wouldn't have mind, but these people are coming after her. I mean, you wouldn't want some crazy person coming after you to come over and what a movie with you? No, you wouldn't. That would be plotting your own death. This is basically a suicide mission to stay alive and stay away from them as far as possible, if you want to live of course.

She watch Chris closely. He finally chose a movie. By the looks of it, the movie was The Exorcist. The 1973 horror film. 

"Ugh," Elizabeth thought. She honestly hated this movie. She wouldn't be able to sleep for the next week because of this move. Who would? The girl on there is a complete freak.

Seth, Roman,and Dean came through the door matter of moments after Chris put the movie in and started popping the popcorn and getting the drinks.

"Hey Chris!" Roman and Dean shouted. 

Elizabeth watch the boys make conversation. Obviously they've known each other for a while. Chris has only known her for a few weeks. She thought if ever came down between her and The Shield, he would go with The Shield. 

Meanwhile, Seth was watching her out of the corner of his eyes every since he got here. Chris told him she was was at CM Punk's house, not in his hotel room. It made him wonder on why she was here with him. Seth decided to speak up about it to Chris.

"Hey Chris, i thought you said Elizabeth was at Punk's house." Chris look at Seth and was about ot say something before he was interrupted by Liz.

"Um, yeah, i was, but he turned crazy on me," she explained. Liz wonders why Chris would tell something like that to Seth. Only because he knew that Seth, Roman, and Dean was an arch enemy of hers. Maybe he just needed to tell someone because he was a gossip kind of person.

In other words, Dean and Roman were surprise to see her there. They thought Chris hated her with a passion, but seeing her here, they think he has an attraction toward her. Don't get them wrong, she was beautiful human-being, but Punk has his eyes set on her and he doesn't let anyone get in his way of getting the girl.

Dean study her closely. Remembering what she said before. CM Punk turn into a mad-man on her. He didn't exactly knew what he meant, but he knew that she was scared to go back to him. Maybe to to ever face him again.

"What exactly happen with Punk?" Dean asked.

Liz turn to Dean, "Um, when i was there, Brock Lesnar called him and saying that he better watch out for me or i'm going to get hurt. The protecting me thing kinda got in his head. He wanted to lock me up in a room so no one could get me. Only him would be able to see me."

Dean thought for a moment, looking over to Seth, than over at Roman. Dean felt the sudden nerve to keep her away from Punk. Just for the time-being, until he recovered from whatever he was going through, or having the Brock Lesnar thing to blow over.

Seth and Roman nodded at Dean, signaling they were thinking the same thing.

"Liz, let us be your shield,"


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