I shouldn't have came

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Hello guys! Sorry it took so long to update, but my goal i had on the last chapter made me take forever to start on this chapter. I'm having different goals every week, an we have to reach them. I don't want to only write this story for a couple of people. That's wasting my time. I spend so much time on this. I'm getting ready to start back school, and i need to know if i should continue this story or should i put it on hold. If i don't start getting them, i might not continue. I really need to do good this year. They say your high school years are what really matters, and i've done good so far. Well, that was only my freshman year, and now i'm a sophomore and it's going to be tougher on me. So i'm asking you guys, should i continue, or no?


It's been a day since the little incident with Phil. Avoiding him wasn't all that easy. He  was always around, watching me like a hawk. Well, he wasn't really watching me, but it felt like it. He was always around, though. A few times i wanted to say something to him, but i didn't know what to say. He ignored me, he pretended as if i wasn't in the room, which it made me angry. I mean, i wasn't the one that wanted to come here! He practically begged me! I couldn't just say no to him! Like i had a choice anyway. He was going to drag me down here even if i wanted to or not.

Phil sat on the Sofa, while i was sneaking a peak of him every few minutes or so. I really regret coming here. If he's going to treat me this way, then why should i stay here.

I made my decision and walked in the living room and stand in front of Phil.

"Move," he whisper.

"No," I replied sternly. 

He looked me in the eye. His face was emotionless, but his eyes say "get out of the way or i will make you."

"Punk, if you're going to ignore me this entire time i'm here, than why should i be here?" I carefully asked.

His face soften for a moment, and then it went back to his cold hard stare,"I still have to prot-"

"No! Phil! Cut the "protecting" crap! You're only hurting me by ignoring me!" I yelled out,"But it doesn't really matter now because you hate me! If you want me to leave then just tell me! I don't want to be at a place where i'm not wanted! I'm use to the feeling, but i'm sick and tire of feeling that way! I hate Punk, i hate it," I fell down to the floor and started sobbing.

I felt arms wrap around me, bringing me down to there chest. Hands rubbing in a circle on my spinal and whispering soothing words telling me "i'm sorry" and "It's okay."

My crying and breathing came back to normal after a while. I felt all of the energy that i had before drain out of me. I was sleepy. 

"Liz, go to sleep. I'll put you in bed," he said lightly.

And that was the last thing i heard before i fell into a dreamless sleep.

*Later On*

I woke up to a loud bang that came down stairs in the living-room. I quickly got out of bed and ran down the stairs. Tripping twice in the process, but i was able to catch myself.

Punk was talking to someone on the phone, well, more like yelling at them.

"Look Paul! Tell Brock if he comes any where near Elizabeth, i will make sure to end him!" And then hit end call on his cell.

Brock wants to hurt me, and i haven't done anything to him. I suddenly felt like i needed answers. Like, how did i get involved in this? Why am i the one going to get hurt? Can't people just leave me alone.

"Oh, hey Liz," he said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Why what?" He asked confused.

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