You'll Never See Me Again

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"It was a pleasure working with you Elizabeth. I hope to see you back here In the Future," Vince stood behind the desk and reached his hand over to shake mine.

"It was an absolute honor to be here," I replied. We let go of each others and hands and he walked with me toward the door.

"You can till have your match with Nattie. Just make a farewell speech," He offer.

I smiled,"I know I haven't been here long, but I'm glad to one of the few divas to have a goodbye speech, Thank you."

"My pleasure," We said our goodbyes.

I walked toward the divas locker room. Said a few hello's to the superstars and divas as I walked past them. If they knew I was leaving tonight, things will be different. People would be beginning me to stay, well, I hope they would anyway. I have't been here for a while, so I doubt they'll even know that I exist.

I open the door to the lock room to see that It was empty. It seems depressing now that I'm leaving. No one Is around. Then again, no one is barely In here. It was a piece of dump. Too small to fit all the divas In here.

I took my clothes off, replacing them with my all back attire to go with my depressing mood. I wish I didn't have to go, but I feel like It's the best thing to do for me. To get away from all of this for a while. I don't know If I'll come back. Things could change In such a short amount of time. The divas will mostly disappear by the time I get back. The superstars will change. The only ones that I hope remain are Dean, Seth, Roman, and John.

If I did come back to wrestling, I wouldn't be able to face CM Punk. He's been with me since day one, and now, I'm leaving him In the dust. I thought I would be the one he leaves In the dust. Now, It's the other way around. I like Punk. I don't love him, yet. I like him, so that's all that matters. 

Getting over someone like him, will be impossible. He's a wonderful, sweet, lovable jerk. How can you resist someone like that? Him being hot, It's just a bonus.

I finished up my make-up and I curled my last piece of hair. 

"I hope Natalya Is up for a fight. I'm not leaving this company as a loser," I whisper to no one.

"Liz! You're on In one!" The timekeeper said.

"Okay, lets do this." I walk out of the room and to the entrance. Natalya already left and now my music starts to play.

I walk out, spinning, slapping hards, and waved.

"Making her way from Green Bay Wisconsin! Elizabeth!" Justin Roberts announced.

I smiled and got inside the ring.

The referee asked If we both ready and ring the bell.

I ran towards Nattie and attack. Kicking, slapping, punching. I was letting all my frustrations on this fight. I needed to get It out before I left. These things were just to much for me. I got caught up Into my thoughts and Nattie pushed me to the ground.

I get back up quickly. Natalya comes to clothesline me but I duck and she goes flying over the top rope. It gave me a few moments to catch my breathe before she came back under the bottom ropes to attack me again.

She grabs me by my hair and slams me back down to the ground, "Don't you dare disrespect me!" She shouted. Funny, I wasn't trying to disrepect her at all. I look up to her since she's been In the WWE. How could I not respect someone that was denied five times before she even got here? She kept working to get here and I'm so proud of her.

Back to the match, she was trying to clothesline me again, but I reverse and put her Into a new finisher of my call "Face First." It's something like Michelle McCool's, but a did a little twist to It.

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