Stop Fighting Me

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My eyes slowly started opening.  Lights were brighter than normal. I know i wasn't in a hospital room. More like a hotel room, but whose? I gingerly raised up from the soft mattress. Taking in my surrondings CM Punk was standing across the room talking to a somewhat bald guy and was wearing a suit. I looked over at the clock that read 3:00am. What normal guy would be wearing a suit this late at night? 

"Ah, Elizabeth, i see that you finally woke up!" The guy announced.

My eyes cringed at the sudden loud noise,"I just woke up. No need to be loud."

"My apologies Elizabeth. I can assure you it won't happen again," He said softly.

"Paul, why don't you head to bed? I can take it from here." Punk whispered. Paul nodded.

Oh, so this guy is Paul Heyman? Still has that highly annoying voice in person. Heyman walked out the door and Punk closed it behind him. 

Punk turned around and look at me. Eyeing me up and down. He was thinking about something. It's probably to gather his thoughts together and ask about what happened at the arena. Why did black out? Well, i could simply answer that. The beating from The Bella Twins took a toll on me. I know many wrestlers don't do it, but i do. I don't know why, but i always do.

I was staring into Phil's eyes. Seeing if i could see some kind of emotion. His face was blank, but i could see he was tire from the bags under his eyes. Beneathe his eyes were also abnormally red. It scared me to see him this way. Expecially since what happend on Raw just a few hours ago. He was MY protector now. He can't get away from me because he promised me he will be there by my side every hour of the day to keep me away from danger. He also said he cared about me. I couldn't just push him away after he said that.

I had other plans instead. I was going to wait. Wait until he finally had enough of me. Where he couldn't stand to see my face anymore. No, i'm not talking about pushing his buttons. I'm sure the people coming after me can. He wouldn't want to stick around someone that had a bad past, someone who is only nothing but trouble. I'm going to try my best to get along with him. Eventually in the near future he will get tired of me. It will be either of i'm sick of your messed up life or i just don't want to see you anymore. Whatever it is, i need to make sure i don't get attached to him, Paul, Paul's clients, or any unwanted attention from other superstars and divas. Paul. I can simply just hate him for no reason. It might work with not getting attach with him, which i highly doubt i will considering how annoying he is.

A voice started interrupting my thoughts,"Liz." I shooked my thoughts out of my mind and responded to him,"Yeah Phil?"

I could tell he wanted to say something important, but changed his mind,"You should get some rest." I nodded at him and lied back down on to the bed."Punk, where are you sleeping?" I asked.

"The couch." He replied after awhile.

 I raised back up from the bed,"Phil, sleep next to me." I slightly begged for him and kinda demanded. I'm trying to get along with Punk and not get attached, but my body is aching for him. I need his warmth next to me, and the bags under his eyes only makes me feel worse for taking his bed.

"Just go to sleep. I'll be fine."

"Please Phil," i slightly whispered in desperation.

He signed and got in the bed next to me, lying me down next to him in the process. I slightly smiled. I gave him a quick peck on the cheek and went into a dreamless sleep.


*6 Hours later*

I woke up due to the sudden movement on the bed. I quickly open my eyes, but regretted it because of the brightness of the room. I groaned a little. "Sorry i woke you." I turned my head and saw Phil getting out of the bed. "It's okay. I should be getting up anyway." I got out of bed, but only to be stopped by Punk. "You're going to tell me everything about what happend these last few weeks, i hope you know that." I looked him in the eye. The emotion was determination. I could easily see right through him."I will tell you on my own terms, i hope you know that." I back fired him. 

He laughed,"I wasn't kidding."

I smirked,"And neither was i." He started glaring at me. Not like an angry glare, but a pleading glare. A pleading to stop fighting him and just tell him what's going on. "You know Phillip, pressuring me into things isn't going to get anything out of me. You know how stubborn i am. I mean, you said it yourself last night in the locker room. So you know i'm not easily to crack."

"Don't Liz. Just stop. I only want to help you, but you're not letting me do that. I'm just to be your protector. You said it yourself last night in the trainers office that you wanted me to protect you. You want me to be your savior."

"Whoa, i never said i wanted you to my savior. I asked you to protect me. I didn't mean by digging up my personal life."

"I am protecting you from you!"

"From me? I don't need any protecting from myself."

"Obviously you do. I think you have a sociological problem!"

"I have a sociological problem?!"

"Yes! You do!"

"Coming from the guy that is crazy enough to challenge Brock Lesnar and trust Paul Heymen."

"That's different!"

"No! It's the bloody same!"

"Just shut up!" A random voice cried out.

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