Wait, what?

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"What?!" Elizabeth shouted after what Dean said.

"We want to keep you away from people like CM Punk and Brock Lesnar," Roman explained.

"Bu-but you guys try to hurt me," she whined.

"Yeah, and we sorry for that," Seth apologized.

Elizabeth thought for a moment. They didn't seem so bad. They still try to hurt her though. Being around them, she doesn't feel safe. Some where along the line, either she, them, or someone else that she loves is going to get hurt, and she won't have that happen on her watch.

"I don't think that's a good idea," she said.

"And why's that?" Chris asked.

"Well, someone is going to get hurt and i don't want that," Liz said while looking at the ground.

Dean sigh. Maybe she doesn't trust us enough yet," What if we prove if you can trust us?"

*Elizabeth's PPV*

I really didn't know what to say. Dean seems like a nice lad, but i really don't want anymore protection from anyone else besides John and Ryder. Punk is off limits. Chris, he's okay, but The Shield, you're playing the devil's card.

"Maybe, i don't know. If i have enough people already." I complained.

"Oh, yeah, like who?" Dean asked.

"John and Zack," I simply stated.

Dean and the rest of the guys started laughing at me. 

My face turn in confusion and titled my head,"Um, did i say something funny?" 

"We thought you said you had John and Zack looking after you," Dean said.

"Um, i did," I whisper.

Dean stopped laughing and became serious,"If you don't want to get hurt, than you shouldn't have John and Zack as your protection. They are bunch of goof balls and have eltra ego."

"Hm, Chis is cold in here to you?" I suddenly asked.

Chris nodded slightly. "Hey Dean, you should come over here. Maybe your big ego will radiate off some heat."

Seth started laughing and shouted,"Oh! Burn!"

"Hey, you have big ego too so i wouldn't be laughing," I said. Seth shut up after that.

"That's not the point," Dean said.

"Than what is it?" I asked.

"The point is you ditch John, Zack, and Punk for the time-being and stay with us," he explain.

"But how will i know you won't hurt me?" 

"Trust me, if they do, i'll hurt them down to the Moon and back to Earth if i had to," Chris assure.

"I'll do it, on one condition, though," I said.

"And what's that princess?" Dean smirked.

"I still get to see my friends and you don't boss me around." Demanding things weren't at all the way i roll, but i still need to protect myself just in case something does happen between these boys. It's THE SHIELD we are talking about here. There minds are unpredictable.

"We have a deal.... princess," Dean accepted. In a odd way i may add. He's already going crazy. And what's with the nickname of princess? I never asked for one, well, that i remember of.

"Why are you calling me princess Dean?" I asked.

He chuckled a little bit before replying,"Does it bother you?" Keeping his eyes locked with mine. It's kind of hypotizing, but it also gave me the creeps. I felt out of comfort place when he was staring at me, and calling me princess. I didn't like it. As a matter of fact, it annoyed the hell out of me. Something about the way he says it just annoys me. I'm just being a tad paranoid. I hate nicknames. Always have, always will.

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