Say Hello Again

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*A few months later*

"Hey babe! Where are my car keys?" My boyfriend shouted.

"They're on the counter top!" I yelled back.

Let me fill you In. It's been exactly three months since I dropped out of the WWE. I haven't text, call, or message anyone from the WWE. I got a new boyfriend, his name Is Kevin. Don't get me wrong, I thought I liked him at first, now I just simply hate him. He's always out with girls. Touching them and doing other things. He doesn't think I know It, but I do. He's at least been with 16 other girls. (Yes, This has actually happen to me In real life) I don't know how much longer I will be with him. Maybe until I can fine a decent apartment for myself and get a better job. I work at a little restaurant call "Angel." (Not a real place.) It doesn't pay much. 8 dollars an per hour for 9 hours. I only work four days a week.

I haven't heard from Phil. Well, he call, texted, and try any other possible ways to reach me, but I didn't anwser. I thought he knew that I wouldn't actually call him. I'm not going to keep In touch with someone that caused me the most pain. It's not my fault that he kept his hopes up for me, It's his.

"I'm going now! Love you!" Kevin said.

"Bye sweetie! Luv you too!" I shouted back.

No, I still don't love him. I say It to get him to leave faster. Kevin seems like a nice guy. In reality, he's your worse nightmare. You would have wished that you stayed away from him like everyone said to. You would have wished not to keep having conversations and bumping In to him at a local store.


Not to be random, but I hate cleaning. These dishes are stubborn, the food gets stuck and It takes forever to get If off. "Ugh! Forget It!" Yelling out In frustration.

I drop the dishes and decided to wait til the load of dishes In the dishwasher to get done so I didn't have to scrumb down on the dishes hard enough to break them. Oh, don't ask. I've done that plenty of times before. It's manageable. Trust me.

My phone started to ring on the bar and I went over to answer,"Hello?"

"Yes, Elizabeth. I'm sorry to call you on such a short notice, but I need you to come In today. We don't have enough waiters today. Sorry," my boss said.

Ugh, I hate It when these kind of things happen. "Um, yeah, sure. No problem. Be there In a few." I hung up the phone.

I ran to my bathroom to take a quick shower, put fresh clothes on,do my hair, and add a tad of make-up. 

I got out of the bathroom and went Into the kitchen to grab a stickey note to write "Sorry babe. Boss called me In. Be back later." I honestly don't feel bad at all. It gets me away from Kevin and this so place called home. This place wasn't home. My apartment isn't home. My home Is the WWE. That's where I'm  the most comfortable. I love those superstars and divas. I love the WWE Universe. I love the energy you get from the crowd. I feed and live off of It. If I didn't completely cut off Phil, I would be back In the WWE already. Entertaining people. Rising high In the business.. Being the Divas Champion. I could have accomplish a whole dream In these last couple of months, but I'm idiotic father came after me. Brock Lesnar was coming after me. The Shield were part enemy at first, but they learn to accept me, and I was able to do the same for them. I wish I could go back, but Phil has most likely moved on. Somewhere better. Has a girlfriend that loves him. A family that needs him. Fans that adores him. And I? I'm just a figure that he used to know. He's probably forgotten all about me. I don't exist In his world anymore. I'm just a forgotten piece of history.


"Hey, Liz, you finally made It!" My boss yelled.

"Sorry, I got caught up In traffic!" I said.

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