The Last Time

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"That will be the last time you'll ever ran away like that again Elizabeth!" CM Punk yelled In my face," Especially with someone or someones like Chris Jericho and The Shield! You had me worry to death when I saw you with them! These are not the kind of people you want to play with. You're asking for your death wish when you do this."

I back up against the wall at CM Punk's living room In the near corner, nodding in understandment. I know It wasn't the smartest move to run away from Punk, but I did It anyway. You're probably confused how I got here. Well, It's simple. He tracked us down by a new by alley. There was no way to go because the alley was a dead end. It wasn't my fault we got stuck either. Seth wanted to take that way because alley's are dark and you can't see, but In this one, you could! Way to go Seth! I hate you at the moment for your foolish ideas!

"How could you be so stu-! Liz! Are you even listening to me?!" He yelled.

Someone really needs to calm down,"No, I'm just thinking how much of an idiot Seth Is for making us go the alley way because he thought no one ever goes down."

Punk became more angrier than before,"Well, I did! Are you trying to say I'm stupid?"

"Um, No?" I asked unsure.

Punk sign in frustration and rub in hands through his hair.

"Just don't do it again," he said.

"Why? Why are you getting so worked up on them? You saw how they treated me. No harm done," I resorted.

"Why?! Because I had Paul Heyman on the phone telling me that The Shield and Brock Lesnar were coming after you! Instead, Paul missed out on one little detail. It was Chris, not Brock!" He raged.

"Punk! You are so native! Chris wouldn't do that to me. The Shield are actually pretty nice lads! Paul is manipulating you and you don't even realize because you're so stuck up his ass!" Punk and I yelled at each other pretty much the whole afternoon. By night time, I became tired so I ran back Inside the guess room that I was originally suppose to stay in this morning, but left.


Night 12:01 am

I honestly wanted to cry. Punk and I use to be on good terms. He said he was falling for me, but he clearly wasn't. All we ever did was argue and I absolutely hated it. I want to know what happen to the Phil before. The one I met on the first day I was ever In the WWE. Did I mention that I have a match today against Natalya?

I can't possibly be ready for this match If I can't go to sleep. I have too many thoughts about Punk and If I can't get them to go away, how will I win? I'll make a complete fool out of myself in front of 10,000 people live and 12.4 million people watching from home In 144 countries.

I also need to get myself In the run for AJ's title.

I pretty much forgot all about these things because of Punk, Chris, The Shield, Paul Heyman, my foster dad. I just don't know what to do. Maybe quit? Go somewhere else? Take some time off? Maybe I'll do one of those. I'll make my mind up after I get a good night's sleep.

"Later on*

10:05 am

It's morning now. I had some time to think about what I want to do and I figured it out.

I'm calling Vince McMahon to set an appointment for today.

"Hello?" He greeted.

"Hi, Vince. This is Elizabeth, your new WWE Diva. I just wanna make an appointment with you. I need to talk about some very important things," I said.

Vince paused for a moment before replying,"Um, yes, Elizabeth, you're the one that beat the living hell out of The Bella Twins. Ruthless regression. I like that. Now on about your appointment, It sounds serious so I'll see you in two hours."

I smiled,"Yeah, two hours will be fine. Bye Mr.McMahon." I hanged up the phone and went and got ready.

The only thing that was going through my mind, I hope I made the right choice.


So! Guess who the this dedication! Yepp! @leilaaaaaaa won It! The number I was guessing was 7!

Congrats to her!

In other notes, thank you guys so much for being there for me. I appreciate the comments you gave me on the last chapter.This story isn't exactly big. Not many readers on each chapter. Only a few comments and votes, but I have some of the best fans a girl could ask for.

I know this story is short, but I'm trying to lead It to the end of the story. I want to start something new and It won't be a wrestling story! Sorry!

Next trivia question!

Who is Kaitlyn's boyfriend In the reality TV show "Total Divas?"

Vote! Comment! 

Goals? I won't even say It. I'll keep It to myself this time. :)

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