I Love You

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A/N's Hey guys! Looks like this will be the third time I updated this weekend. Who Is proud of me? I certainly am! I probably won't be updating until Friday, or maybe even Saturday. I'm just trying to get this over with so I can start on my new project! Which I am very excited about! It won't concern anything with the WWE, unless I decide to make a sequel to this. I don't really know yet. 

Idea's anyone?

Vote. Comment. Don't share.


Time froze as the words behind me said "Or me." My heart speed up. It felt like It was beating 109209837 per second. I couldn't turn around to the figure. I would run, but I can't. They would stop me. Stop me from making the same mistake again that I did a few months ago. Stop me from making the mistake again of them go, especially because they were the best thing that has ever happen to you. It beats being In the WWE. It beats being able to preform In front of thousands of people each week. It beats meeting all that fans of yours. I wasn't there In the WWE for long, but I know these feelings, but being with Phil Brookes, beats everything know to man.

I haven't said a word since the arrival of Phil's, neither has John, Dean, Roman, or Seth. We just didn't know what to say. Him being there just came to a surprise to us. It came to surprise to them that he even left his hotel room because he locked himself up In there since I left. I wish he would have moved on from me, though. I'm nothing special. I'm a mistake. My adoptive family always told me that I am. I didn't start believing this until I got Into the WWE. I messed everything up. I caused people to get hurt. That's all I ever do. I just don't get him. Why Is he still wanting to chase after someone like me? Someone who Is afraid of being hurt. Afraid that one day, If Phil decides to marry her, he'll just get up and leave with out an explanation. I would be torn apart. The world would shattered beneath my feet, and I will just fall Into a dark hole. That's why I left, protect me, to protect him from Derrick. To protect everyone In general. Mainly Phil.

"Liz, what about me? The guy you left for three months, two days, 11 hours, and 26 seconds? What about him?" He sneered.

He honestly broke my heart. He remember exactly how long I left him. Something I couldn't remember. Him sneering at me just made everything worse for me. He doesn't realize that I know how much I made him feel bad. I know I'm the worse person that has ever lived on this planet, but he didn't have to make me feel terrible. I deserve everything he did and will spit at me. 

"Answer me god dammit!" He yelled.

"I'm sorry, okay! I'm just sorry," I whimper. 

The world felt like It was falling, and It was taking me down with It as my legs collasped underneath me. I felt light headed. The tension and the yelling was just too much for my sensative self. 

"Elizabeth!" John shouted. He jump out of his seat and bent down next to me. "Elizabeth, are you okay?" I didn't care about me being okay. I just wanted to know If Phil was still here. I wanted to know If he still cared as much about me now, like he did back than. I look up to see him In shock. He was unresponsive. His jaw look like It was going to fall to the floor any moment know. I'm just glad to know he still cares. No matter how much of an idiot I am, and how many mistakes I make, he still cares.

"Liz, are you okay?!" Dean asked worriedly. I nodded my head furiously. Phillip ran out the door and It felt like my heart was being broke into haft. I look back at John he said ,"He just doesn't understand." I put my arms around him and sob loudly. My world just left out that door. I need him. "John, I need him," I cried. He lifted me up bridal style and carry me out of the restaurant.

"Phil! Get back here!" Roman yell.

"Put me down, John," I whisper. He put me down. I wipe my eyes to see where Phil was.

Roman was still yelling at him to come back. He was about to get In his car, but stop when I yelled, "Phil, stop! I need you!  I know I made a huge mistake and I'll admit, It's the worse thing I have ever done In my life. I left to keep everyone safe. Especially you! I was afraid someone will hurt you and I can't bear to see that happening. I care about you so much that It hurts. I know I'm being so corny, but Phil, I love you!"

Oh, god. I just said that I love him, and I have a boyfriend, that I hate. Eh, I'll just randomly disappear so I can be with him.

 Phil ran to him and wrapped his arm around me,"I love you too Liz. It's about time you came to your sense."

I chuckled a little bit. I stared at him for the longest time, but cut off soon because John yell,"Well, are you gonna kiss or what?!"

We laughed before Phil slowly smack his lips to mine. Sparks, fireworks, that's what I felt. It's better than what people actually described It has.

"Phil's getting so sweet lovin tonight!" John yelled.

I broke the kiss apart from Phil,"Fuck you John!"

"So Liz, what do we do now?" Ask Phil.

I smiled,"I'm going to need a place to get away from my ex-boyfriend."

Phil frown,"Wait, boyfriend?"

Uh,oh. I just ruin a perfectly good moment with him.

"Um, yeah. I was staying with my ex-boyfriend. He doesn't know that yet. I never liked him If It makes you feel any better. I just needed a place to stay because my old apartment was taken away from me because I couldn't pay the rent on It," I explain.

Punk slightly smiled," I have a smart girlfriend."

"Girlfriend?" I question.

"Um, you?" He chuckled.

"Oh, me. My bad," I laugh awkwardly and so did the other four boys.

 "Okay, Elizabeth, lets go to that apartment so we can get your stuff so you can move In with me," he said.

"Okay. Hey Phil?" I asked.

"Yeah," He answer.

"Thank you," I smiled.

"For what?" He asked confused.

"For everything that you done for me."


I updated again! *Happy dance.


I love you everyone of you who supported me and I will let you guys know that the next "chapter" I'm updating will be the epilogue! Yippe!

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