Epilogue (Punks POF)

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Me and Elizabeth arrived at her former apartment and gathered her stuff. Kevin was lying past out on the couch with a beer In his hand that was slowly falling out. I felt sympathy toward my new girlfriend. Having to live with this guy for three months would be a lot to handle. Especially because he cheated on her 16 times and he drinks his "pain" away. I don't think he feels anything. It's impossible for him to love someone. If you can't love someone like Elizabeth, then you can't love someone at all. She's not anyone's kind of perfect, but I'm not just anyone, I'm Phillip Brookes, and she's my kind of perfect. I know I sound like a love sick puppy, and I just started dating her, I just love her a lot, every since the day she walked through the doors of the WWE, I knew I would marry her. At least date her, I don't know about marriage yet, but I'm hoping I would be seeing It In our future.

A few days later, It was Smackdown. I wanted Elizabeth to be my partner tonight so I can announce to the whole world that she's my girlfriend and I love her. No, me and Liz haven't said anything like "I love you" since the incident at the restaurant. I want her to say It first, but I'm the man of this relationship, so I should make the first move. 

I'm having help from a few certain people. When I say a few certain people, I mean John, Dean, Seth, and Roman. I couldn't thank them enough for helping me tonight. I would do It on Monday, but I just can;t wait any longer for her. I realize when I was planning on what I wanted to say to her tonight, Is the fact that I do want to marry her. It will be awhile, and I know we will have problems on the way because of Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman will try to break us apart, but I won't allow that. I won't allow them to have that kind of power over our relationship. I will drag them down to the depths of hell If I have to.

Speaking of Brock, I lost my match towards him at Summerslam, and I know he's still coming after me. He did warn me to keep Liz out of his sight or he will come after her to, I haven't mention this to her yet, but I know I will have to do It soon.


"Hey Punk, do you think she will like this Idea?" John asked. I smiled and nodded,"She'll love It."

"Aren't you a private person?" Dean asked out of no where.

"No, Dean, you're the private one here," Seth laughed along with Roman.

"Since when did you guys get here?" I chuckled a bit.

"Just now, we were handling some business for tonight. It's all set up now," Dean replied.

"Good, now, we just sit and wait for Smackdown to start," I replied.

I wait for a few hours for the show to began. It felt like days stead of hours, though. I've been wanted to do this for a while now, and I'm getting my chance to do It tonight. I walked to the front entrance to exit to the ramp. My music started to play right after the Smackdown theme song.

I made my way out and kneel to the ground,"It's clobbering time!" And jogged to the ring. I need to keep my excitment In, to show no suspicion, but I couldn't help It, I love this woman with all my heart, and I don't think she knows It.

I went In the ring and grab a microphone. My pulse started to speed up, along with my heart. I could practically hear them. It's a good sign, though. I'm nervous about all this, and It makes me more sure of my decision on what I'm about to do. It may be a very fast In her and other people's mind, but It Isn't In mind. I've been wanted this to happen since day one, and nothing I going to stand In my way. Not the WWE Universe, Not Brock, Not Paul,and surely not my family. I love my fans and family, but I love her more. I know It's wrong to say It,and I'm not sorry about It either.

"Hello WWE Universe! Welcome to Friday Night Smackdown! Where It's only one of those few shows where the craziest things will happen!" The crowd cheer,"Thank you for the warm welcome! It helps me gains some nerves for what I'm about to do," I took a deep breath,"Elizabeth, will you please come down here?" I asked hopefully.

I waited a moment, until I heard her new entrance "King For a Day" by Pierce the Viel futuring Kellin Quinn. (Great song BTW) I smiled at the fact she was all In joy, but she was a bit confused on why I'm asking her to come down here. She made It up the steps Into the ring, before I got started with what I had to say, other superstars and divas came down the ramp to surround the ring. No, they weren't going to attack, they're here for a very special moment.

The look on Liz's face was even more confused than the first time, but she was still smiling.

"Elizabeth, I'm glad you made It to the ring. Do you like how I decorated It?" I asked. She nod and I continue with my speech," Well, I just wanted to announce to the world that me and you are now together and we are very happy. I also wanted to tell you that I love you. I know It's early to say this, but I have sine the first day I met you. I knew I was going to be with you when you walk through that door. I know I sound cheesy, but Isn't that what you sound like when you're In love? Aren't you suppose to be nervous when you're doing something crazy like this? Isn't that person all you think about when you are In love? If love Isn't that, then I must not know what love really Is. It's probably not your way of describing It, but It Is mine, and I hope It's yours to Elizabeth. I didn't come out here to tell you what love Is In my mind, I came out here to ask you something really important," I walk up to her and got down on one knee, and grab the ring out of my pocket," I promise to love you until the day I die. I promise to be with you, whether you are rich or poor, I promise to care for you even when you're sick. I won't let anyone or anything hurt you and I especially won't let your dad, Brock Lesnar, or Paul Heyman come any where near you, Liz, will you do the honor of marrying me?" I asked.

Liz looked around at everyone, nodding there head yes, and even shouting It, I know she was about the cry from the tears that were stinging to get out, she turn her head back towards me and nodded her head yes.

"YES! Guys! She said yes!" I pick her and kissed her.

"Elizabeth, you have no idea how much you made me happy by saying yes! I love you Liz!" I whisper to her.

She smile and smiled,"I love you too Phil. To infinity and beyond."


Thank you guys for supporting me from the beginning until the end. I know It took me over a year to write this, only because I took a very long break from It after the second chapter, but I would like to thank @ClarissaSmithBurns for encouraging me to continue to this story again. I would probably would have down It without her, so thank you for that.

I like to thank everyone who voted, commented, and share for this story. I'm not proud of of this story at all, but I'm glad to know that over a thousand readers do like It. I know the ending Is terrible, but I'm sick and I promise that I would upload the last chapter today.

I'm not sure about another sequel, If I do write It, It will be a while  because I have a new project that I'm going to write. Maybe a Shield fanfiction, or One Direction, and possibly even a 5 Seconds of Summer. I'm not for sure yet, though. \

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