I'll Protect You

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I can't actually believe he's here. So many emotions are going through my mind. I know he wants answers and I know he wants to tall about what happen at the hospital not too long ago. I made a mistake by getting him involved. Involved in something I should be handling by myself. I don't need protection from John and definitely not CM Punk.

"Just so you know Punk, Elizabeth will not be safe from The Shield. Justice needs to be serve and I'm sure you know justice strikes anyone at anytime," Dean smirked

"Believe in The Shield," Roman screeched out and him and the other two left.

Punk slammed the door behind them and slowly turned to face me.

"I'm not going to let them hurt or even touch you. I will protect you from whatever justice they are talking about that needs to be serve. I didn't come to Raw tonight to see the girl that I have deep feelings for to be torn into shreds. If they even lay a finger on you I swear it will be the last thing that they'll do in the WWE. I really don't like John Census but I am sure that he will agree with me when I say this, but from now on, you will be guarded by either me, him, and maybe even Zack Ryder. I know you may not like that idea, but I will not risk losing you to them. If it's the last thing I do, I will protect you." He lectured me.

"That's the thing Punk. I don't need "protection." I am a grown up and I'm pretty sure I can handle myself. I'm flattered that you offered, but I don't want it.." I protested.

"I told you before, I don't care if you do or do not like it, you're getting it either way." I could sense the anger coming from him, but I didn't care. I will push him to the limit if that what it takes to get him away.

"Phil, I can handle myself! I don't need a babysitter to watch my every move!" I silently yelled.

"Obviously you can't. They almost got you tonight and if it weren't for me, you would have been a gonner." That's it. I've had it with him

"You should have let them took me!"

"Why would I do that?! I'm not that heartless!"

"Because it wouldn't have lead us to arguing something that is so pointless," I answered

"You're so stubborn! You annoy me so such much! Maybe I should have let them, but I didn't. I didn't let them do it because I care about you!"

Care? No one has ever cared about me. That's why I'm so messed up in the head. I never had family that cared about. I was a waste of time and money, but I'm somewhat glad Punk said that he cared about me.

"Thank you," I smiled.

"For what?" He asked confused because of the obvious sudden mood change.

"For caring. I've never had someone to care about me. It's still kind of a new emotion for me."

He signed," I really need to know more about to understand what's going on through thick head. I could have swore that you were trying to pull an AJ Lee on me with the sudden mood change," I chuckled.

"Trust me, I'm not that crazy," he smiled, "No, just stubborn."

"Hey!" I lightly punched him on the arm.

"Elizabeth! Change of plans! You will be facing Bri Bella and you two minutes before you go out there!" A tec yelled from the other side of the door.

"Okay! I'm coming!" I replied back.

"Well Liz, I guess I will see you after your match. Good luck." He open the door and left. I walked out from behind him and left toward to entrance.

First singles match, I so should have prepared more.

The Bellas were already out there. My music cuing me that it's my turn to go out their.

The song I chosen for my entrance was "If I'm James Dean, you're Audrey Hepburn," by Sleeping With Sirens. I personally thought this song had meaning to it so that's why I picked it.

As I went down the ramp, I smiled, waved, and slapped some of the fan's hands. I decided to mock the Bella's by doing their flip thing on the ropes.

"Hey! Elizabeth is mocking the Bella twins! She can't do that!" I heard JBL yell.

"There's no rule in the WWE saying that you can't so it's legal as the headlock!" Jerry said.

Thank you Jerry for taking up for me!

The Bellas looked at me in disgust, jealousy, and anger.

"You know, jealously isn't a good look for you guys," I yelled from across the ring.

"Looks like Elizabeth is doing some trash talking!" Michael yelled.

"Ring the bell!" The referee called out.

Nikki got out of the ring leaving me and Bring alone in the ring.

The bell ringed signaling to start the match.

Bring and I circled around the ring, she came at me and ducked her. I turned around and forcefully pushed her into the corner making her crash back down to the ground on her butt. I kinda started laughing, but I contained it enough to keep going with the match. I kicked her in the back of the head and she stumble to the mat. I picked her up and did the DDT. I turned for a split second to see if Bring would trade Nikki spots. She did eventually. I turned back around and stomped on Nikki's head, stomach, fingers, like that thing that Randy Orton does. I hope he doesn't mind me doing this I thought. I picked her up, but she reversed and tackled me down hard to the mat.

"This is what you get for messing with the Bella Twins," Nikki shouted.

"Ring the bell!" The referee called out.

The bell ringed signaling the match was over. Nikki Bella confused, got off of me and tried to see what's happening.

"The winner of this match in a result of a disqualification! Elizabeth!" Justin Roberts announced through the microphone.

"What!?" Nikki and Bri shouted.

I chuckled a little bit and got up. Bri immediately attacked me again. Both girls throwing vicious punches at me.

Sierra, Hotel, India, Echo, Lima, Delta. Shield. It played through out the arena meaning that The Shield are coming out and they're most likely going to serve justice. The Bellas ran out of the ring as soon as they heard it leaving me paralyzed in the middle of the ring.

Dean, Seth, and Roman jumped over the barricade surrounded three sides that could have led to my escape, but my body was still too paralyzed to move a muscle.

The Shield enter the ring and surround me.

"What's the matter Liz?" Dean asked while smirking.

I just plainly looked at the lights, ignoring every word that be was trying to say.

I heard music, but not any ordinary music, it belonged to John Cena, next Zack, and finally CM Punk. They all rushed into the ring and took The Shield down, one by one, they were being thrown out of the ring.

I felt hands wrap around me and picked me up. We exit the ring together to I believe was to see the trainer to give me a check-up.

"Liz, this is exactly what I didn't want to happen. You need to be protected," Punk whisper.

"Then protect me Phil," my eyes closed and I went unconscious.

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