Chapter Two

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Trigger warning: mentions of self harm
James Pov

"Look it's the whale," a boy shouts as I walk down the hallway
"Eww gross it looked at me,"A girl shrikes

I start shaking violently. My eyes pop open to see we are parked at the side of the road with everyone staring at me.

"What's going on?" I ask looking back at the five

"You were having a night terror," Luke says

"I'm sorry," I say looking out the window as Beau starts driving again

"James what's wrong?" Daniel asks turning around in his seat

"I lost all of this weight for them and they still hate me," I say tears starting to sting my eyes

"That's why we're leaving we don't belong here with them," Addie says seriously

"I know but what if people continue to laugh about my weight," I point out

"Listen you sexy beast, you are perfect," she says grabbing my face "you all are perfect to me,"

"Your perfect to us too," I say back

"No don't make this about me I know what I am and what I'm not,"

Beau slams on the breaks and pulls to the side of the road. Luckily for us the road has no other vehicles but us. It looks as if we are in the middle of nowhere.

"I love you all," he says starting to cry

I wonder if he's just saying that because he hasn't slept for the past two days. Or he's just being emotional.

"You know what Beau give me the keys and everyone get out of the car," Addie demands and we follow her orders.

Once we are all out of the car she pops the trunk and pulls out a blanket and attempts to carry the cooler all by herself.

"What are you doing?" Jai asks taking the cooler from her and he sets it down in the middle of our group and she spreads the blanket.

"Enjoying time with the best people put on planet earth," she says walking back to the car grabbing a bag of crisps.

"I want a promise from you all that we will stay friends for as long as possible," I randomly say as I open the cooler and pull out a bag of snap peas (a/n: snap peas are amazing) I don't want to eat anything that will make me gain weight once again.

"Pinky promise," Skip says sticking his pinky out and we all loop them together.

We all start eating our different food. Addie and Luke with cookies, Beau, Skip, and Jai sharing a bag of crisps. Then me with my healthy snack. I want to eat those cookies so bad. I am healthy enough to do it now. No James your fat and you need to lose weight. My mind tells me.

"Yammouni," Adeline says snapping her fingers in front of my face

"Oh sorry, what?" I say grabbing a snap pea from the bag and start to nibble on it.

"Your not fat and ugly and you don't need to lose weight," she says. Did I really say what I thought out loud?

"Yo-," I was saying before she grabbed the bag and threw it into the road. Just my luck a eighteen wheeler comes and runs over the snap peas that are scattered in the road. "What was that for?"

"Because from now on no healthy snacks unless I really want to get you some,"

"But," I say trying to fight back

"No buts Yammouni, now sit down and eat some cookies,"

I smile at her. Oh god how I love this girl. I love this whole group, we would be nothing's without each other. I look down at Addie wrists to see lines all down her wrists. She's so beautiful I wish she can see that. Says the guy who was just forced by that same girl to eat cookies.

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