Chapter 5

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Chapter five

Analise POV

I cleaned my plate quickly, and I watched Harry who was still texting on his phone. From the looks of the way Zayn was trying to ignore his phone that keeping going off I assumed harry was texting him. After the waitress had left everyone settled into an awkward silence of chewing and slurping their drinks. Feeling the need for some air I decide to take a bathroom trip. I get up and I ask if Sam wants to come with me. She gets up and we try and find the bathroom.

A"Does that say restroom?"

S" that says Olive Garden"

A"We're at Olive Garden?! So much for fancy restaurants, they obviously don't know much about America. There's about a million of these things" she tells me.

S"Oh" she looks a little disappointed, probably because she's a small town girl.

A"So what's going on with you and Niall??" I mention and she looks up innocently. Obviously she's mastered the poker face.

S"I don't know what your talking about"

A"Oh come on really, don't be a butt sucker!"


S"What the hell is a butt sucker?!" I demands.

We find the bathroom and quickly freshen up. When were done I leaves her question unanswered her cheeks blushing as she's spots Zayn looking at her when we head back. On my way to my seat I see Harry texting. Still. I grab his phone and plop down in my seat. I start reading as Liam holds harry back from jumping the table to me.

H*didn't you realize I was trying to make a move?

Z*dude, relax I would never hit on a waitress that your realm.

H*thanks but still she's hot. Why wouldn't you tap that if you could? Is it because you've got your eye on someone already?

Z* maybe, do you think she likes me? I mean she's perfect but I don't think I'll get the chance to make a move. She's probably interested in one of the other boys. Been talking to Louis a lot.

H* claim her! Everyone has been watching the tension between you two. I mean she wants to be a writer for gods sake, that's all you Zayn. I see the way you look at her.

I look up and I smile. Handing his phone back I glance at Analise who is looking at me curiously. I just smirk and finish the rest of my coke.

Harry pulls out a credit card and hands it to the waitress who's again looking at him. No longer preoccupied with staring at her boobs he winks at her. She hands him the receipt and I swear I saw a phone number.

"Let's go!" Louis says excitedly, "can we stop by the hotel? I wanna change" he whines.

"Sure, Lou" says Liam.

We head out into the cold night air. It's starting to drizzle, and i follow everyone out as soon as I step foot outside I slip and fall on my butt.

"Are you ok?" I hear an Irish accent say and a hand reaches out to help me up. I take it and I notice how warm his hands are as they completely envelope my tiny hands.

"Thanks I'm always falling on my butt" I try and play it off. Just as we are about to walk away my phone rings. Perfect timing. " I have to take this, sorry" and i pull my hand away not realizing we were still holding hands. He nods and walks to catch up with the boys.


"Hello, miss Ruiz?"

"Yes, this is her" I'm immediately very concerned.

"I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, especially this way. I'm truly sorry but Jade Ruiz, your aunt passed away this morning" the phone slips from my hand and hits the concrete making the battery pop out. My world feels like it was crumbling, this was it. It was just me now. Tears begin streaming down my face. Jade took me in, when I needed her most she was there. She was the one who encouraged me to leave, and because of it i wasn't there with her when she needed me. I never imagined her, being as strong as she was be the first to go. I begin walking not even sure were I was going, I just know I needed to get out of here. I trip again, this time tearing my dress up the side and I'm left sitting on the street sobbing.

"Hey are you ok?" I see a girl walking towards me. My vision is blurred, and I see the outline of a silhouette. I wipe my eyes enough to see a girl wearing a really tight dress, that could pass for a second skin. It was silver, that had a slit down each side, her hair was obviously hidden by the platinum blonde wig she was wearing.

I was not this person. Never had I been, I was stronger than this. I get up trying not to pay to much attention to the stripper in front of me. I walk away, and I try not to turn as she calls out to me.

"Hey? Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine thanks"

"Okay well here, at least take your phone back so you can call a cab" I guess I dropped my phone again when I ruined my dress.

Reluctantly I turn to take my phone I see that her dress is all she's wearing, and it makes me shiver just looking at her. The wind is picking up and I'm immediately concerned.

"Are you gonna be okay? It's freezing and you don't have a jacket?"

She shrugs and I have a feeling she isn't telling me something. Not thinking I take my phone and gesture for her to follow me to the restaurant I was before.

"Come on, lets go I'm cold" I say and we hurry along the street, " hi my name is Samantha, but call me Sam".

"Hi I'm Briana"

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