Chapter one

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Chapter one

"Forever and always, baby girl" he whispered.


I wake up and I fumble for the lamp switch. I sit up and dry the tears on my face. All I could think about was how he didn't keep his promise. It didn't matter anymore he didn't have too, he was gone. Six months ago my parents got into a bad car accident and my dad was killed on impact, my mother was able to make it to the hospital but died hours later. I think I would have been more devastated had They'd been the ones to raise me, but since I was born when they were teenagers I lived with my dads sister, Irene.

She was more like a sister than a mother, and had always been close. I get up off the bed and realize I don't wanna be stuck like this. Night after night waking up, to realize there was nothing in this town for me anymore. I had already graduated, and me being here was really just me not moving on. I was voted most likely to succeed and this was not me succeeding. i wanted to make it in the music business, I wanted to write songs and here I was sitting in the same small little town failing at life. I immediately head to my closet and I grab my suitcase, I proceed to stuff all my clothes in to it. Almost finishing, the hallway light flicks on and Irene walks in. She's wearing her bath robe and bunny slippers, she's also holding a Baseball bat. I chuckle at her expression when she realizes its me.

"What the hell are you doing?!" She says irritated.

"I'm leaving" I say simply because I don't know where I'm going yet, I just know I can't stay here.

"We'll its about time." I look up and she's smiling. "everyone knows there's nothing here for you anymore".

She helps me pack up the rest and then we say our goodbyes. I promise to call her when I get to wherever I'm going. And at four in the morning I get into a cab and leave headed for the airport.


"Where to miss?" On the way to the airport i thought about where I was headed and then it hit me, how much more obvious could it have been?

"Los Angeles please."

"Here you go ma'm " and the man hands me my boarding pass. And I head to pass through security.


"Flight 451 is now boarding"

I rise from my seat and join the line forming at the gate. The lady smiles as she hands me my boarding pass back.

" have a safe flight"



I sit up groggily and notice the guy that's leaning over me, he's a flight attendant. "The plane will be landing soon" I thank him. And I rub my eyes, slightly cursing that probably smeared my mascara. I look up and realize the man is still here. He coughs awkwardly realizing he's staring, "is this your first time to L.A.?" I nod. He smiles and points to the window. "We'll let me be the first to welcome you to L.A."

I move to the window and the view astonishes me. The city is glowing, the sun shines off of all the buildings. I can't help but be amazed, the plane starts to descend and I fasten my seatbelt while still staring out the window. When we land I look up and realize the guy left. But when I get up and move to get off the plane he appears again.

"If you ever want someone to show you around" he says holding out a sticky not with his number on it. Again I thank him and take the sticky note and quickly walk out the door. It's not that I'm not used to getting attention from guys, but more that never really cared for them back home.

Forever & Always - one direction fan ficWhere stories live. Discover now