Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Analise's POV

We all heard it. And for once sam didn't say anything. She nodded, and she left. Thinking that maybe I should follow her I get up, and walk towards the door. But before I leave, Harry and Briana enter the kitchen. Confused by the situation Zayn proceeds to tell them what has happened. Not needing a replay I start for the exit again, as I'm walking down the hall towards the elevator I hear foot steps behind me. And I jump as someone grabs my hand and pulls me in the other direction, his grip is tight on my hand. Obediently I follow, curious as too what he wants. He leads me into a small room that contains the ice machine. My heart accelerates, and he pushes me up against the ice machine, and I can't read his expression. Goosebumps form on my arm and I hear my heart beats faster. He begins to lean in, pausing a short distance from my face.

"Liam?" I squeak.

"I never got my turn" he replies gruffly, " and nobody ever seems to notice". That be enough said, he leans in the rest of the way.

Chills run through my body, as I feel the emotion that he fills this kiss with. Liam always seeming put together,appearing to be the sensible guy who looks after the rest of boys shares his momentary weakness with me. Here up away from the judgment of the others, I kiss him back. His gentleness begins to be replaced with more passion and roughness, I think about how different it is from Zayns kissing. Zayn. What am I doing. The realization hits me and as carefully as I can i pull away. I look at Liam, his soft brown eyes look at me with longing and sadness. I smile, and try to look happy.

"We can't do this, Liam"

"Why, not? Why is that my feelings always come last. I push my needs away for the sake of others and for once I feel the need to be happy too."


"Why can't I be happy too?"

"Liam, I like Zayn. And you knew that" I cant bring myself to say the rest of what was on my mind. I gently push him away, and I again walk towards the elevator. This time for different reasons.

I open the door to the hotel room and I find Sam throwing her clothes all over the floor. Pulling shoes and clothes out her suitcase. She eventually pulls out her boots and her coat. I go to my suitcase and do the same. We exit the hotel and walk down the streets of LA, tossing change into the cups of hobos, and stopping momentarily to watch street acts. We come to a stop in front of Starbucks, and inside we sit and enjoy our coffees.

"Are you mad at Niall?" Knowing that we needed to talk about the events that had just unfolded.

"No" she says quietly, and this takes me by surprise.

"No? He was using you." Stating the obvious.

"No he wasn't, I sensed the was something different about the way he kissed me. It was like he was trying to kiss someone else. And I knew something was wrong. His face lit up when he saw me, but he always had this glazed look. Guess he was envisioning the past."

"Are you gonna forgive him then? And then what about Louis?"

"Yea, but things won't be the same. I'll forgive him. But forgiving myself is going to be the real challenge, I wanted it to be true. And always his sweet puppy dog eyes told me it was a fantasy, that would be worth my time. His laugh and his smile were welcoming, and comforting to me. Especially when I can't think about home anymore." A single tear escapes and runs down her cheek. Embarrassed she blinks repeatedly trying to stop her emotion from envelope her. "We'll you were right they are different. Different in the fact that it hurts so much more when you thought they were just regular boys." I didn't fail to notice she avoided my question about Louis.

"Zayn is different, and I hope I get the chance to prove that to you!" I say.

"What do you mean?"

"Your not going back home are you?"

"No." She laughs and then her face turns serious, "I'm better than that." And I nod proud of her.

"Umm, which reminds me I should tell you that onmywaybacktotheroomliamkissedme"

"Wait what?!"

"What do you mean he kissed you?"

"We'll he caught me before I got back to our room, and he was upset that he never got his turn to kiss somebody."

"Whoa, did you like it?" I pause replaying the moment in my head. I must have paused a long time because she repeated herself. "Did. You. Like. It?"

I think about what it would mean if I did.

"No. He's a good kisser, but no. I like Zayn."

She breathes a sigh of relief and I can't help but wonder what she would have said had I confessed my enjoyment of his kiss.

"Are you gonna tell Zayn?"

"Should I?"

"I think you should explain why Liam kissed you. He's obviously feeling left out. He takes on too much responsibility. He just needs to relax and enjoy himself."

"That's what he said he was doing before he kissed me"

"We'll then I guess we're gonna have to find him a girlfriend." She laughs.

And mind wanders as I envision Liam with another girl. Emotions of jealously, however do not stir. Instead I feel happy. And I'm glad that I don't have to worry about liking too boys at once. But what scares me, is what Harry whispered to me before. Did everyone know? Or did just Harry see before I did?

We sit in silence, and it's a little before midnight before we begin to walk back to the hotel. The streets of LA as alive as ever.

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