Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Sam's POV

"last night was.."

"magical?" analise mocks me, she laughs playfully and hits me on the arm.

"shut up, i'm not the only one who seemed cozy last night?" blush flushes her cheeks as her smile reaches her eyes. I'm really happy i met analise, in this big city no one should be alone. She's such a positive person especially when it comes to what shes been through. After we got back from the boy's room we sat and talked, neither of us was really tired. We got around to googling One Direction, and we found out how famous they really were. I ever told her about Jade, and she told me about how although her life was pretty average she always had trouble expressing herself. She said she was always quiet and dormant when it came to speaking to others or even socializing outside her friends. She was grateful for her friends, because they understood her and without them she doesn't think she would have had enough courage to come to LA to pursue writing. Especially with her dyslexia, her optimism about actually doing what she wanted was grim.

I spent most of the day dazed, i kept reminiscing what had happened last night. Niall and I spent most of the movie apart, it wasn't until i glanced at him out the corner of my eye did i see him smile, and look at the ground. it was a few moments before i jumped.

"i didn't think you were interested." he came up behind me and his face was so close i could feel his breath.

Now i know appear fearless when it comes to certain situations, i know i have attitude, but really I'm just as the next person. But my parents always told me if you don't act then someone else will, and you won't get to decide whether its what you wanted. So allowing myself thirty seconds of courage i scooch back into his arms. i lean back and i glide my hand down the side of his face. In return he wraps his arm around my waist and rests his chin on the top of my head. I remember breathing deeply and i relaxed into his body.


i snap back into reality and i see analise looking at me?

"Jacket or no jacket?" shes holding up her leather jacket, and i nod to the jacket. "are you okay?"

"yea, i'm fine. So what do you think of them?" asking the question i didnt yet want to have to face.

"what do you mean?"

"their famous." she shakes her head


"Oh come on, you know, we were probably just a one night stand." I know moments ago, i was daydreaming. But now, i had to look at reality. "We just met 5 of the biggest pop stars in the world, you think their gonna pay us another glance?"

"well i don't, know maybe, Zayn seemed different." i scoff.

"he seemed like any other teenage boy that is given opportunity" i sigh, truthfully i wanted them to be different.

As if they read my thoughts, we hear a knock on the door. Analise opens it, and we find Louis at the door.

"Hey so the guys wanted to know if you wanted to hang out today?" he looks at us expectantly.

Analise looks at me and i shrug, "have you not got anything better to do?".

"well, we do...but i thought you might miss me" matching my sarcastic tone he leans up against the door and winks.

"Give us an hour okay, and we'll meet you in the Starbucks across the street?" I ask waiting for approval.

"sounds good, can't wait" and he pauses before standing up straight and walking back down the hall.

"cocky, son of-"


"What? cute though." and i laugh and head off to our bathroom. Before we headed up to the rooms last night we had them move both us into the same room so we'd be closer.

I get out of the shower and Analise is ready already, she's scrolling on her laptop through tumblr, what else do you expect.

We headed down after we finished getting ready, it was starting to get cold out here as fall was ending and winter was approaching. When we entered the Starbucks the boys were no where to be found. That was until we saw the huge mass of girls crowded around this one table in the back corner.

"Zayn?" Analise calls.

"Hey guys!" Harry and Louis's heads appear over the girl, "we have to get out of here they shout".

Out of nowhere all five boys dart out of the girls and run for the exit. We flow close behind, and so do the fans. A van is parked around the corner and they lead us into it.

"Phew" Louis exasperates pretending to wife off his forehead, " told you I was irresistible". Analise and I laugh but as I'm about to turn to say something to Analise I find Niall.

"Hi" he smiles and takes my hand. He hesitates when I seem surprised, " oh I'm sorry-" he pulls away. I quickly entwine my fingers with his again as I laugh.

" I was just surprised, I didn't know it was you at first" I nudge him and we scoot closer together. I look around again for Analise and I see her sitting next to Liam, who is having a really intense conversation with her.

"its not just a pile sticks in the middle of nowhere!" She sounds annoyed, Analise doesn't argue with a lot of people and it was entertaining that Liam had her so worked up.

"I'm just saying that there's not much civilization in Montana." He shrugs and continues to tease her about her home town. Zayn is in the back of the van making small talk to Louis, but I see him stealing glances at Analise every once in a while. Jealous much?

"Oh and by the way we bought everyone drinks", Liam hands over the tray.

"How did you know our orders?!" Analise freaks a little her voice craving, Liam's got her a java chip.

"Intuition?" He replies.

"Hey guys" Harry clears his throat, "umm you guys would mind if we pick up another person do you?" And he drops his head and shakes his hair out before carefully looking at our expressions.

"Ooooh hazza bear is it, Briana!?"

"Um, yea. I just thought it'd be nice to have her hang out with us" his accent coming through made it harder to deny the fact that she did strike a weird tone with the group. But if it made Harry happy then we should be happy for him, I nod at Harry.

"It's cool with me, after all she did save me from getting lost yesterday" murmurs throughout the group and everyone agrees. Analise is zoned out and Liam looks worried as he tries to get her attention again.

"Umm one more question?" I ask to no one in particular.

"Yeeeeesss?" Niall exaggerates as i take my time because of their awkward stares.

"Quit giving me those looks!", And I can't contain my laughter.

"What looks?" louis smirks and everyone makes a silly face,"do you mean these looks?"

"Stop!" My stomach aching because of my laughter, "where are we going?"

"How about we go ride around the the new go-cart track out by the mall?" Niall suggest, he squeezes my hand, and squeeze back but I reply,

"I'm gonna beat you" I smirk.

"Ha your on"

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