Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


We were all packed in the car again, I was silent and it was making everyone awkward as they continued to stare. I was staring at my flats, admiring how cute they were. i had done a lot in these shoes, i had bought them during a shopping trip with jade. Someone moves closer and whispers in my ear.

"Sam? Are you sure you're alright?" And I look up expecting to see Analise, but instead find Niall. His eyebrows crinkling in worry, I nod, my voice would betray me anyway. He takes my hand and squeezes, I can't help it as my heart flutters at his touch.

"Has anyone heard from Harry yet?" Louis asks as he keeps looking at his phone. Everybody shakes their heads no, and he unlocks his phone preparing to call him. Before he puts the phone to his ear I about jump out if my seat when I feel Niall's phone vibrate next to me. He must have it in his pocket, he pulls it out and answers.

"Harry?" He pauses, "ok, we'll see you back at the hotel". He tells us he called a cab and will see us later.

I start to relax and I find enough energy to look around, I see zayn staring at Louis who is motioning for him to talk to Analise. As I look over at Analise she is starIng at Zayn, and trying not to look guilty when Liam catches her. I smile, and for a moment i know things are gonna be alright.

Liam's POV

I catch Analise staring at Zayn, I know they would be perfect together. But they are both to quiet to say anything to each other. Louis has noticed it too, he has been trying to get Analise to talk about herself all night in hope that Zayn would join the convo.

Harry we all know is probably with that girl, Briana that Sam met, which actually has me a bit worried. For her sake Harry can be an intense person he gets what he wants. We reach the hotel and when we exit the elevator to our floor we meet up with Harry, I can't help but realize his expression is softer almost like he's in a haze. What happened to him?? Briana was no where in sight, and he was barely able to recognize we had enter the room.

"Hey what happened?" Asking the question everyone was thinking, we all stared expectantly.

"I walked her home"

"And?" Louis implies raising his eyebrows.

"And...we talked" he says flatly, clearly annoyed.

"Talked, just talked?" Louis seems bent on exposing Harry as the player he is known to be. "Hazza are you sure you didn't, you know do anything?"


"Okay" tensions die down, I look over and Sam and Analise are exchanging looks. Ill never understand girl language, it's like morse code or something.

"Hey how about we watch a movie?" I suggest because no one seems to know what to do, and were all just standing around.

"Yea" Niall says a little bit to enthusiastically and everyone turns to stare, he shrugs but when they look away I see him smirk mischievously.

Analise looks worried, she glances at Zayn almost hopeful. We pull all the pillows off every bed in our room, and practically build a fort with blankets and pillows over the couch. Louis begins throwing movies around from the shelf stocked with disks.

"Nope. Not this one. Ugh hell no. Hmmm...maybe ew but that one part"

"Louis for christ sake pick a goddam movie already"

"Alright alright how about this?" He holds up the hangover, everyone agrees.

The awkward moment where we decide how we're gonna sit, I end up on the floor by the front of the Tv. The movie begins and I can hear Niall, and Sam munching on popcorn. I find myself falling asleep, and when I wake up the credits are rolling. I turn around to find, Sam asleep on Niall's shoulder while he's fallen asleep with his arm around her and his chin on the top of her head. That doesn't really surprise me, but I let out a small gasp when I look over at Zayn's and Analise. They are practically glued together, Analise is in zayn's lap and is being enveloped by Zayn's muscular arms. I knew they would find their way to each other, they look happy. Zayn is smiling in his sleep, and just knowing he's finally got what he's wanted from the moment he saw her makes me happy. I notice that Louis is passed out on the recliner chair hanging off of it like he's drunk, but Harry...where is Harry? I get up worried, and I go into the back room to find him asleep on the bed with his laptop open, he's got a few tabs open and I click through them. The first one is a live Skype call, and I can make out a girl on the other end who is also asleep, I cancel the call. I pull up the next it's a web search for a

Briana Pangelinan, is that the girl he met tonight? The last one i see is of a gossip page, of Harry himself it shows all the girls that he's ever been seen with. The comments just brutal, and I can't help but wonder if he's sick of it.

Will Briana finally be the one to change Harry? He seemed so dazed by her from the minute they met, nothing like his normal detached desire for women.

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