Chapter four

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Chapter four


Harry looks at the rest of the boys and all of a suddenly Liam begins to sing.

You're insecure,

Don't know what for,

You're turning heads when you walk through the door,

Don't need make-up,

To cover up,

Being the way that you are is enough,

And then Harry joins in.

Everyone else in the room can see it,

Everyone else but you,

And then they all harmonize, creating the song. They all sounded perfect together, like they were born to sing, born to sing together in perfect melody.

Baby you light up my world like nobody else,

The way that you flip your hair gets me overwhelmed,

But when you smile at the ground it ain't hard to tell,

You don't know,

Oh oh,

You don't know you're beautiful,

If only you saw what I can see,

You'll understand why I want you so desperately,

Right now I'm looking at you and I can't believe,

You don't know,

Oh oh,

You don't know you're beautiful,

Oh oh,

That's what makes you beautiful

Without even giving Analise the chance to blink, Zayn sings to her. He sings to her and only her, their eyes locked in a deep intense stare. They remain that way the whole time he is singing and when he's finished, Analise finally pulls her gaze away, her eyes shining after.

So c-come on,

You got it wrong,

To prove I'm right,

I put it in a song,

I don't know why,

You're being shy,

And turn away when I look into your eye eye eyes,

They end singing what I assume is the chorus and then fade out. They look at us expectantly, and I smile.

"That was amazing!" I say, but I direct not at all of the boys, but Niall. He's looking at me, not the same way Zayn stared at Analise but kinder with a hint of a smile. His blue eyes glow and i look away, a little sad. I can't keeping looking at him like that because I know that look, and what it means. But am I ready for that? Am I ready for a relationship when I haven't even gotten my life started, maybe he's what I need to help me start it? I keep thinking about it rest of the way to the restaurant.

Analise POV

We entered the restaurant, the name was in French...I think, not sure. Anyway, we were seated right away, I guess that's expected when your eating with celebrities.

"So Analise, you want to be a writer?" Louis directs at me. He stares at me with mischief in his eyes, out of the corner of my eye I see Zayn stiffen.

"Yea, but its been rough. I might not be cut out for writing, but its was worth a shot. Better to say I tried then to say I didn't even give it a go." I shrug.

"May I take your order" a overly enthusiastic Waitress says. Her hair is in a high pony tail, and her shirt is cut way to low making it look like her boobs are gonna fall out.

"Yes, I'll have the spaghetti, with a salad, and side of breadsticks...umm, could I also add the lasagna and a coke with that" Sam says immediately, everyone looks at her and she shrugs not caring about what they think.

"Niall, marry her" Louis says simply. His face reddens and I stare at Sam. She laughs obviously knowing that she's piggy out in front of five teenage boys. But I guess that's Sam for yea.

I just order spaghetti and the rest of the boys give their orders. Just like sam, niall practically orders the whole restaurant. I look around, Zayn is sitting in front of me avoiding eye contact. Louis is sitting to my right and next to him Niall. Sam is sitting across from Louis and stealing glances at Niall. Liam who is sitting next to Sam, and across from Niall, is scolding Harry who is sitting at the head of the table to stop staring at the waitress. And while all of this is going on I wonder why Zayn doesn't talk as much as the others?

"Here you are" as the waitress returns with the drinks. As she hands Sam her coke she leans over Harry, not at all subtle about being on top of him. He doesn't object but smirks. I'm assuming he's planing on getting her number tonight.

I try to make eye contact with Zayn but he doesn't look up, he's checking something on his phone.

"Zayn! Put that away we are eating!" Liam tells him in a light tone, not so mean but enough to know he's isn't joking.

"Enough, daddy direction" Harry says pouting. "He was only trying to change his Facebook status to 'its complicated' because he may have met someone" he says. Everyone gets quiet, I practically choke on my water. I end up spraying it all over the table, but mostly on Louis who is no longer laughing.

"Hey!" I quickly grab a napkin and wipe myself off. "You ruined my new shirt!" Louis says, "now I don't have a shirt to match theses TOMS!"

"Lou, I'm sure you have twenty other stripped shirts just like that one!" Harry scoffs.

Everyone bursts out laughing again, and the waitress comes over again looking at Harry expectantly. He quickly recovers and smiles. She smiles and then gives us for food, as she hands Zayn his plate. She leans in not at all shy about showing cleavage, Harry watching immediately stops smiling. Zayn looks at her confused, he glances at me uncomfortably and gives an apologetic smile. The waitress pulls away disappointed, Harry looks angry and begins typing furiously on his phone.


Sorry chapters have been so short I was having trouble working out chapter cuts when I'm finished writing ill go back and edit.

Thanks for those who read this! Please vote! Comment!! Thanks love you all message me i love hearing feedback and ideas. Best comments get dedications <3

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