Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Harry's POV

I can't believe she heard me, I didn't even notice that the shower had been turned off. I know Louis didn't really mean it when he asked if I should pay her because she's a prostitue. But even so, I she probably thinks I was just using her. As soon as she walked out of the bathroom and I saw the look on her face I knew she was sad. Not angry, not irritated, just sad that she had trusted me.

"Leave me alone" I tell the boys as they crowd around me on the couch of the hotel.

"What happened man?" Liam asks politely, hoping ill spill. But I really just wanted to apologize. She didn't even look at me as she gathered her things, she put on her dress from the night before and walked out the door with out saying a word.

"She left. Didn't say anything" I reply glumly. It takes all of me to not call her. I don't know what to do, I don't think I should call her. I can't go see her because that would just be awkward, and so I sit here. Waiting for the world to resolve my screw up. The boys notice my reluctance to tell them anymore and they move on. Liam tells me that he went out looking for me after they had pushed me out of them room in an effort for me to go ask Brianna out. He told me he discovered the club I had gone to where he found Alicia dancing with some guy, she told him that she saw me with Brianna.

"And then she asked me to dance, because she'd rather dance with me then dance with someone I don't know" but the guy who had been dancing with her got jealous and tried to get in his face. "Ha! But I showed him" Liam said proudly showing me his bruised knuckles. "Alicia was scared, she clung to me after not wanting to let go.I took her back to her apartment and eventually fell asleep on the couch watching movies."

"Oh that's nice. At least someone had a good night"

"Well Louis did but Zayn didn't." Niall says as he stuff himself with the donuts I brought back to cheer myself up. "What happened?" I ask trying to sound concerned, but at this point I could care less.

"Analise is mising" Zayn croaks from the corner, it's the first time I get a good look at him since I arrived this morning. "She's just gone. Sam didn't notice until after she got back from recording the other day."

"Well on the bright side, Louis was trying to cheer Sam up. And they ended up making things official between them when they went to dinner last night."

"But were leaving?" I say, because their chances are zero. This lifestyle doesn't include girlfriends. Just look out how my attempt at it turned out.

"I'll make it work." Louis says determinedly.

"I'm staying until I find her, anyway" Zayn says quietly.

Well it looks like we've all got our work cut out for us. We start with Analise first,I call Sam and try to figure out if we can any clues as to where she might have gone. I figured if I can make someone else's relationship work then maybe I deserve to try again with Brianna. Because then ill believe myself when I say that I deserve her.

"HARRY!" I hear my name screamed as I'm walking down the street to the Starbucks we went to the other morning. I turn and find myself face to face with a huge group of girls that is growing by the second. They figured out which hotel we're staying at. Crap.

I call the guys and they agree we have to move hotels, at least until we leave.

Turning the corner I run and grab a taxi who takes me to the hotel Liam texted me the address for. We always keep another hotel room reserved for when this happens. Niall texts me telling me they'll have the stuff over in an hour. So with out my coffee or stuff I head up to the room to the room anyway. I pull out my phone ad I'm in the elevator to see if I have any missed calls. Sadly nothing so I start a new text, but I don't get the chance because the elevator doors open. I walk out and am trying to figure out which say the room is when I turn to go down the other hallway. I find the room and as I open the door, the door across the hallway opens and out walks none other than Analise.

"You've got to be joking" is the first thing that comes out of my mouth. Which is probably not the politest thing I could have said in that situation.

"" Her eyes go wide and she looks horrified but at the same time she's laughing. "I'm sorry I don't mean to laugh but I just can't believe my luck" she walks over to me and looks me directly in the eyes. "Do not tell him. I cannot afford to move hotels again. Okay?" I nod. She smiles and we part ways.

"If you want I can pay for another room if it's truly what you want." She shakes her head, no it's fine. This is my the rest of the money I've got and I'd rather not waste your money on something stupid." Silently I go into the new room and relax. The first thing I do is call the front desk and have Analise's room put on our account so that she can spend the rest of the money she has in what she really needs.

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