Chapter 7

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Chapter 7


Who the is that?

Sam returns with the hottest chick I've seen all night. It's obvious that she was out tonight for certain reasons, but that didn't change the fact that she was hot. Immediately she catches my eye, but she just stares. No emotion, just an empty stare that I didn't know how to read. What was she thinking? I just continued to sit there staring at her, and I didn't care that I might come off as creepy but I couldn't help it. I kept wondering what she was like, what color her hair was naturally, was she good in bed?

Briana POV

Who the hell is that? He looking at me and I know exactly what he's thinking. But I'm not like that, I mean I am. But that was only on the job. And right now I'm Briana not a hooker. He was cute but he's the last thing I need, especially when I know who he is.

I'd been at my profession for about 3 years now, ever since I dropped out of college. I just didn't have the motivation to finish. I'd been working and going to school and I didn't have any social life. It was boring, it got old, and I hated it. So one day I got up in the middle of class and walked out with my middle finger in the air. I hadn't talked to my family since. I just didn't want to have to tell them their little girl was working to pay the rent by walking the streets at night.

I see Sam talking to the girl in the blue dress, nobody here has paid me much attention and I'm glad. I'm not very comfortable being dressed like this in front of normal people. I walk over to say goodbye. I need to get home to my room mate, she's probably worried sick about me. I hate that she worries, and to be honest she should be. I met her when I was at uni and she was a genius. Smart, funny, and gorgeous but she didn't know it. Since I didn't have any have any where else to go I moved in with her, the only person i had at the time. She knew what I did, and although she doesn't like it she's the type of person who won't say anything. She accepts me for me and in this world that's all I ask for.

"Hey, I'm gonna get going Its getting late" I say to Sam quickly trying not to make eye contact with anyone else. I keep my eyes looking forward at her, and her smile falters.

s"Aww, really? Are you sure you don't want to hang with us for a little longer?"

"No, sorry I've got to get home. My roommate is waiting for me" I shrug, and i hear a snort followed by a cough. not even bothering to see who I walk away down the street.

Harry's POV

"Are we gonna just let her go by herself?!" Even if I didn't think she was hot, no girl should be walking home alone like that. Sam looks concerned but she doesn't go after her. Immediately I run down the street to catch her. Dam she walks fast for wearing those heels.

"Hey!" I call out to her. She turns and when she's sees its me keeps walking. I call her again, and this time she turns around so fast I walk straight into her. We both fall and hit the street hard, she cushions my fall. I get up quickly because I think I might have crushed her. When I look down she's fine, brushing herself off and looking annoyed.

"I've got to stop hitting people" I chuckle, "that's how I met Sam, actually".

"Is that the way you flirt with all your women?" She retorts, " or is this a new pick up line your trying out?"

"What are you talking about?" I say shocked she had so much courage to say that to me.

"I know who you are, I know how you are" she emphasized. Oh she knew, I didn't think she recognized me. But now it was gonna be harder to get to know this girl if she thought this is how I am with all women.

I mean I know I have my moments, when I just can't help myself. Maybe it's because I'm impulsive, and a one night stands are easier with girls than being overly attached. I want what everyone else wants too, a girl who loves me but I just don't think I can handle that. Too much thought put into a relationship that may or may not be able to stand my celebrity status. This is the only time fans really play a part in our personal lives, they dedicate the women we get the chance to meet, and who is strong enough to take all that comes with dating one of the boys.

I help Briana up and I'm hesitant, not knowing if her annoyed expression is a clue that she hates me or if she just doesn't want to get involved. I'm a heavy load, i know and in more ways than one ;). (Briana I thought of you so I had to write that) But standing before me was this girl, she was mysterious and confident and insecure at the same time. I helped her up and it was all I could do without dying to ask her out. I knew i was gonna have to work hard for her, and for once I think I'll accept this challenge.

Briana POV

His hands were soft and warm, and I couldn't help but think it was a nice change from what i normally go through. i loved how his hands enveloped my tiny ones, and I force a smile as he helps me up. He holds on for a money too long, making it awkward he clears his throat.

"So I know this is a little forward" he starts, " but could I have your number?".

"No." And I begin to walk away, Harry seems okay but how do I know he's not just gonna turn out to be an arrogant fool.

"Wait! Why at least let us give you a ride home you can't walk alone" he states.

"When the city sleeps I'm the only one. and guess what" i pause for dramatic effect, "I walk alone". A smile tugs at his lips as he starts humming, I recognize it but I didn't think he could be so cheesy.

My shadow's the only one that walks beside me

My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating

Sometimes I wish someone up there will find me

'til then I walk alone

"I can walk with you", and he just waits for an answer. "Please?" He sounds desperate, but not for a hookup like he truly cares. To be honest walking this road can be scary sometimes, having company might be a nice change. I nod.

Immediately he pulls out his cell, and taps something in after he looks up and gestures for me to lead the way. We talk and I tell him about college, about how it didn't work out, and even about Alicia, my roommate. Somehow we don't even brush the subject of my work, and for once it was quite nice. Harry didn't judge, he accepted, and when he listens he cared. he told me about his life with the boys, they were his best friends, brothers that were always there for him. And before I knew it we reached my apartment, it was freezing outside. Sam was right I should have brought a coat, Harry had lent me his jacket and I was grateful.

"Thanks for walking me, that road does get a little lonely sometimes" I smile because it's true and it's been a while since I told someone the truth like that. Alicia was usually the only one I ever talked to now, being a hooker doesn't allow much time for friends. Just as I'm about to unlock the door, it opens. Alicia comes out her hair high in a ponytail, wearing her pink fluffy robe and slippers. She looks pissed, her glasses don't mask the anger I feel coming off of her. "Umm hi, Alicia this is Harry".

"You said you'd be home, and instead you bring a client?!" Using air quotes to empathize her point.

"Oh he's not a-"

"Really, I'm sure he isn't" she says sarcastically, "I hope you have a nice night". She pulls me inside and shuts the door in Harry's face.

"What the hell? He's a friend and he offered to walk me home after I helped one of his friends out of trouble!" Did I just call him a friend...hmmm.

"So?! You should know better than anyone people on the streets at night are dangerous! I told you if you don't get a job while its light out you come home!" She shouts, and now I know she's not really mad. She's worried about me, like always. I walk to her and just hug her, she's the only family I have left.

"I'm sorry" I say, and quickly I run to open the door, Harry has just begun to walk down the stairs. He must have been listening and I pause before I yell his name. He turns and walks back up, I walk down to meet him half way. Just as we meet up, I hand him his jacket. He looks disappointed, like he expected something else. Little does he know I slipped my number in his pocket first. I smile and thank him before I head back up to the apartment, I wave and he's gone.

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