Chapter 21

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Alicia's POV

He just left, we watched movies all night after we got home from the club. I insisted we leave early after Liam punched the guy that I was dancing with before Brianna left. The guy tried to get in my face when I started dancing with Liam, he protected me. I honestly was scared, I didn't know what I was supposed to do. I ended up clinging to him, and he took me home. But like the chicken that I am, I didn't want to be alone. He made us hot chocolate while I got into my pajamas.

"Marshmallows?" He asks holding up the bag, I simply nod. I don't normally do something like this. Sure I had guy friends back at home, but they were simply friends. People who I could hold close, walk me to class, and even hold my hand, but nothing ever more. But something about Liam made me feel safe.

"Toy story?" I ask wanting to be childish, I set the blankets on the couch and we curl up together, I felt my body relax. I was hesitant at first but like I said I felt safe, and I melted into him. Soon enough the morning woke me up.

"I fell asleep?! Oh no I'm so sorry!" I realize I don't even remember seeing buzz before I fell asleep. I fell asleep so early, oh my gosh! Did I snore, what if my mouth was open?

"Haha yea, you knocked out pretty earlier, it's alright. I made sure you were okay, tea?" He's again in the kitchen making breakfast. We relax and laugh about the night before, I make sure he took care of his hand. It's not bad enough to need any stitches but, the bruising looked terrible already.

Thinking about when he was here, I look at the empty seat across from me at the table and I feel like I gave away a piece of me and now it's gone. Will it come back?

I've got to focus, I'm not sure if I can deal with that type of relationship. Finals are coming up for this semester. Right, I have a college life too. For a moment it was gone, as if the universe didn't exist. It was calm, quiet, a peaceful breath of air that cleared my head. I decide that if something that happens with him, then it does. But I can't dwell on it, I've got to study. I break out the textbook, and just like that, the moment I enjoyed is gone.

And hour later, Briana stumbles in. The dress she wore last night barely on, her zipper threatening to come down.

"Briana?! What happened, tell me now" my voice rising and squeaking together at the same time.

"He thought he needed to pay me, for my" breath, "services"

"Harry? But why I thought you guys were starting to like each other?"

"That's what I thought" waving my hands in the air pointlessly, " I don't know what he wants from me".

"If he's a true gentleman than he only want what's best for you and him"


"No! If that's what you think the answer is, we need to change that" I take her hand and we curl up on the couch where we watch toy story. Mostly because I didn't want to get up and change the disc. Oh well. I hear a beep from my phone and it's Liam. He sent me a photo. I click on it. It's of us, I'm sleeping curled up on his lap, and he's making a shushing noise with his finger while trying not to laugh. He sends another text.

Shhhh you're sleeping!


Blah I'm Sam! Love Alicia and Briana!! Analise as we'll! :D love the story!

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