Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


so when I woke up, I was tucked in bed and my laptop was closed. I must have fallen asleep with it on last night after I snuck out of the movie with everyone. I felt lonely, really Liam seemed perfectly oblivious to the fact that we were the awkward wheels in the group. Louis doesn't count cause he always falls asleep anyway.

I go into the living room, this hotel gave us a nice room it's huge with complete bedrooms for everyone. When I enter the room I find everyone still asleep, Liam is missing though. I don't really think much of it and instead I go to find myself some breakfast. I'm eating my cereal when Liam walks in, and is startled to see me.

"Where did you go?" He holds up donuts and a coffee tray from Starbucks. I nod, knowing that's what we'll all need for today.

"So what happened too you last night?" He emphasizes and I suspect he knows already but I shrug.

"Nothing really, i didnt really feel like watching the movie so I was talking to a friend I guess I got caught up." He stares I put on my best poker face and together were in a staring contest. Who breaks first determines who gets the truth.

"HAZZA!" You brought donuts for me?!" Louis comes running in his underwear screaming.

"No Lou bear, Liam bought them for all of us"

"Louis what the bloody hell are you screaming about?" Niall walks in, as soon as he spots the donuts he no longer cares.

Liam looks at me and he makes the 'we'll talk later, cause I'm not finished' look at me. I stick my tongue out at him and go to join Louis on the couch who is about to wake Zayn. Analise is still curled up with him, but that isn't stopping Louis from squeezing the jelly out of a Donut onto Zayns hair, we both immediately run.

"It wasn't me!!" I yell.

Everyone except Zayn is now awake, Analise who has just noticed the jelly tries not to laugh but fails, she ends up waking him up and he doesn't even notice. He smiles at Analise first until she points it out, he doesn't say anything he just walks off to the bathroom and straight into the shower. I suspect he didn't want make a scene in front of Analise, wouldn't surprise me. I turn back to Louis but he's nowhere to be found, I see Sam and Niall curled up on the couch stuffing their faces with the donuts. Liam is on twitter and here I am left to my thoughts.

Should I call her? I called her yesterday when I tried to find her on my computer, I found out she had a Skype and I that's when I fell asleep I guess. We only talked for a few minutes, just long enough to tell me she was glad she met me. I could hear the concern in her voice when she asked whether or not I made back okay, she knows the streets of LA, no one should be walking alone. But I wasn't alone, at least I didn't think I was any more.

Briana POV

I talked to Harry, we had skyped last and he fell asleep. So I sat there watching him, he was hot I had to admit. I wasn't ready to completely ready to befriend him but he cared. And that's what intrigued me, because why. Why me? It's not like I was the friendliest person and I hadn't exactly welcomed him with open arms. But still, he was cute when he slept, his mouth was slightly open and his hair was smushed. His chest slowly rising and falling, and I just watched and wondered. What it would be like to be held by a man who truly loves you. After a while I laid next to the computer and slowly closed my eyes listening to his breathing. As I drifted I realized I liked Harry way more than I should, and I knew it was gonna get me into trouble.

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