Chapter 15

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Have you ever experienced when you’re so distracted of things, your feet drags you to another site than what you have planned in mind? Well, if you knew me for a long time, you would definitely say me and planning isn’t a good combination. Instead of going straight home, my feet dragged me to Jason’s house. Why Jason’s house? I was not even ready yet.

As I turn my back and walk to the opposite direction, Jason’s mom saw me from the window and went out. “Kayla, it’s been a long time. Are you here for Jason?”

Unsure of what to say, I stood there silently thinking of something to say, hopefully not something embarrassing. “Um…not really, Mrs. Harris. I’m actually here to speak with you.” Really? And what am I supposed to tell her?

“Kayla, dear. Let’s go inside and have some tea.” Leading me inside, I waited for her at the living room while she went to the kitchen and made tea. She brought out some cookies as well and placed them on a plate.

“Is there anything I can help you with?” She asked, I think she doesn’t have an idea that Jason and I haven’t been talking for weeks.

How do I start? Should I explain first, or tell her right away? Hmmm…. “Jason told me.”

“Oh.” She frowned, I guess she knew what I was talking about. “Kayla, I didn’t mean to. I’m just thinking of his future. I know you two planned things out, but I just thought that playing football isn’t permanent, he needed a back up when things go wrong, and I was constantly telling him to get something like a business course or something, I hope you understand.”

“I do actually. That is why I’m here.” Yeah right. I didn’t even plan to be here today. Blame my sneaky feet. “I thought about what I wanted to do.” Are you kidding me? I am kidding myself. Is that even possible?

“Really, that’s great!” She lightened up, eager to hear out my plans. Let’s just say they are not plans, but more of what my mind is telling me to say at this minute, this is without thinking of any consequences.

“Yeah, and I wanted you to know that I want what’s best for Jason too. I know he has been relaxing because I haven’t made up my mind, but I do now.” Stop right there. Think Kayla. Don’t say anything you’ll regret.

“I get your point of having a backup plan, so I wanted to take business as well. But my first choice is my first dream, being a performer, dancer.” Getting back into dancing made me realize what I have been missing. I have never felt more alive, even if I know my dad would go ballistic when he hears my plans, thinking I’m a crazy fool. And John would be happy when I tell him, I would probably get smirks from him and ‘I told you so’ lecture, the same way I heard Lenny’s reaction, though he only knew that I wanted to get back and join the workshop and not as a lifetime goal.

“That’s great! You’re an amazing ballet dancer! I remember when you had recitals before…” and then she stopped, perhaps she remembered why I suddenly stopped dancing, when my mother died, my love for dancing died with her.

“So what made you go back and follow your dreams?” Oh, my hot and sexy teachers blackmailed and bribed me. And they left me with no other choice but to follow them or else ruin my school records, and get detention. Eh I’m a good girl. I don’t want to get into trouble. I’m already in too much trouble for dancing.

“My friends signed us up for dance class for gym, and we just took a few classes but I felt very happy and inspired.” Inspired by Justice Crew to follow my dreams, mostly of John who was the first one to know, and gave me lectures on following my dreams.

“I’m so happy for you. I know Laura is proud of you. I’m proud of you.” She hugged me.

“Thank you.” Hugging her back, we heard the front door open. Jason arrived.

“Jason, good you’re here. Kayla has been waiting for you.” That awkward moment when you just solve one problem and another one comes along. Well, Jason isn’t really a problem, I just wished he isn’t mad at me anymore, and will listen to my apology.

Mrs. Harris left us to talk. Why didn’t she help me lighten things up?

Guessing he wouldn’t sit down with me, I stood up in front of him. “Jason, I’m so sorry. I came here because I made things up with your mom, and she’s fine with us going to the same school or something, I mean if you’re still up for it.” Please talk to me. Don’t leave me hanging. Don’t go. Say something, Jay.

“No.” He uttered. He had a straight and serious face. Leaving me all hurt, frowning at his lack of interest, I’m not even sure if he had heard everything I said or just the last part. A tear started to fall down my cheek, my heart burning up. Biting my lip, I was trying to control more tears to fall down.

Gathered my things, I started walking out and passed by him. He stopped me. “I’m sorry, don’t cry.” He wiped my cheeks with his hands. “I’m sorry, I was just kidding. You should have seen your face.”

Yes, he did receive a whole amount of glares and slaps from me. That wasn’t funny. I thought he wouldn’t forgive me at all. Wow. He tricked me so bad!

“I thought you were still mad.”

“How can I be mad at you? I was about to fall into your traps when you screamed like a bitch during science lab? You owe me a dinner for hurting my ears.” I was afraid of having dinners with him, in reference to what happened the last time we had dinner.

“Okay, do you want to go out now?”

“Let me go change, and then we’ll go.”

Going in for a hug, he turned and his lips crashed into mine unexpectedly. Shocked, I pulled away at the moment I felt his lips, and looked away. Hurt flashed through his eyes, but he shook it off and let go from my cradle.

“I’m going to change now.” He uttered, on his way to go his room.

Stopping at the hallway, he called me. “Kayla?”


“I missed you.”

“I missed you too.”

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