Chapter 33

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* Kayla's POV *

Two of the most special persons in my life are now standing in front of me. Two persons I have been confiding with since my mother died. Two persons I’ve kept a secret with since John and I happened. Amy and Jason.

The thing is, I never meant to keep ‘John and I’ as a secret. Yes, maybe to Jason I was gonna keep it away from him knowing how much he hated the guy ever since he heard about his existence as the new godly teacher. That conversation he had with him when John suggested that we introduced ourselves in class, like it was the first time we were gonna meet the other students, but of course, it was for John’s behalf, he didn’t know anyone, might as well break the ice and get the introductions going. And then the one that provoked Jason to almost go to the principal’s office for his abrupt behavior and potty language was when I had started twenty questions with John in the middle of class, though we didn’t really hit twenty questions, and I think I only answered two of them, but luckily John let it go, and moved on, not even giving him a warning.

Though with Amy, it was a different story. I knew all along that she wouldn’t judge me for having a relationship with a teacher. No wait, maybe she would, but not with John. She likes him. Not the way I like John, maybe she did at first, but she saw how John and I interacted with each other, and she saw a different light. She accepted it, considering it was illegal. She was one of the people (besides Stacy!) who actually told me it would be fun to try it out, and yet I have no idea why I hid it from her when I could have told her and then maybe she would have covered it up with another lie.

It’s not that I wanted her to lie, but I guess that would have been a better option than now having both of them outside of John’s apartment. The silence and stunned looks between all of us haven’t woken up any of our bodies to move, though I see Jason’s eyes scream of anger, jealousy, hurt, and rejection. It was in clear definition that I chose John over my friends tonight.

“I will report you.” Jason growled. His hands were balled up to his sides, ready to swing it towards John’s direction, but I have managed to stand in front of him, stop him in any way I can.

I love John so much, and I would do anything to protect him, even though people would have to disagree with me and say he’s the guy and he should be the one to protect me. Just because I’m a girl, doesn’t mean I have to follow orders.

True enough I haven’t been following orders lately, because then I wouldn’t be in a relationship with John. I just broke the number one rule: don’t ever date your teacher.

“You can’t report them!” Amy woke up from her own world, now staring at Jason. The silent conversation she’s having with him, sort of her telling him it’s not a good idea. “She will get expelled! It’s almost graduation, Jay!”

 “And what would you want me to do? Move on like nothing happened?” Jason’s eyes never blinked once or left our direction as he was asking this. I could feel John stiffened behind me, which would mean he hasn’t woken up from the events that have just occurred. He is probably concentrating on his ass shitting bricks right now. This was the cherry topping to our date.

“Just because she chose Mr. Pearce over you doesn’t mean you can go ape shit on them and report. If you were her best friend, like you said you were, you would shut up and move on.” Amy lectured him. At this point, I felt awkward looking at Amy’s eyes because after all I’ve done, she still manages to support me.

“Shut up? You want me to shut up and move on?? This is illegal, and he belongs to jail!” Jason pointed to John’s direction.

“No!” I cried out. Amy has now shifted her gaze to look at me, with sorry and hurt expressions. It was the first time I actually talked as I felt my mouth dry, and at the same time, I saw John move from his stance.

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