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A/N: Lauren, Dinah and Ally are mentioned/are in this chapter :D

Camila's POV:

"Thank you for driving me to school, baby." Sky says as she wraps her arms around my waist and presses a sweet kiss to my cheek. Before we were even together everyone knew I was gay so when we finally came out to the school, Sky was very nervous. But most people have accepted us and so they don't care that we kiss in the hallways or anything like that but sometimes we do get odd disgusted looks and when we do, I glare at them and tell Sky not to worry about anything.

"You know I don't mind." I say, smiling at her as I closed the trunk of my car and locked it up.

"I just don't want to bother you. I could just take the bus tomorrow-"

"No! I'm driving you tomorrow and that's final!" I say as I lean down to kiss my self-conscious other half. It is only meant to be a short kiss but it soon turns into a heated one as her hands roam my upper half and my fingers tangle in her hair. We only break apart when the clearing of someone's throat comes from beside us. I roll my eyes because I already know who it is.

"No matter how hot that looked, try and keep it PG-13; we're in a public place!" Dinah says. Dinah is my best friend and she is our number one shipping fan! She calls us 'Skyla' which actually sounds pretty cool but I'd never admit that to anyone! But I love the girl and she accepts us.

"Shut up, you're such a killjoy!" I say jokingly. Sky chuckles from beside me. Dinah just grins and then she raises her eyebrow as if she knows something.

"Hmm..." She says, sniffing the air like she's just smelt bacon or something. She eyes us both before saying, "I can smell sex..." My eyes widen and I quickly look at Sky before glaring confusedly at Dinah. She's such an idiot!

"What the hell, you idiot?!" Sky voices my thoughts. Dinah smirks.

"And not just any sex...lesbian sex." She says, resting her arm on both our shoulders. I feel myself getting all hot and I bite my lip awkwardly.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" I state. Dinah rolls her eyes.

"Oh come on, you can smell it across the lot!" She jokes. Sky playfully slaps her arm. "What? It's true!" She defends. Sky and I both roll our eyes.

"Whatever, bitch." Sky says as Dinah chuckles.

"Anyway lovebirds, we've got classes to get to!" Dinah says, which reminds me that I don't have my first class with Sky. I smile sadly at her as we go to our lockers. The halls are crowded with loud people talking to their friends and a few people glance at us as we walk with our hands intertwined with each other. But we pay them no reaction because there's no point in wasting time on people who are going to hate no matter what.

"I love you." Sky says as we get to our lockers and turn to face each other. I smile at her and hug her close to me. I breathe out and close my eyes, relishing in the time I get to spend with her until we part our ways. When I pull away, I pull her back in for a chaste kiss.

"I love you more." I whisper as I take my Biology folder out of my locker and let go of Sky's hand. She smiles back at me.

"I love you most." I press one last kiss to her lips before heading to my Biology class. I tell Sky that I'll text her and we can meet up for lunch and go some place to eat. I walk through the halls overcrowded with students trying to get to their own classes. It's only my second year in college but I feel like I could walk these halls with my eyes closed!

I make my way through the English block and out to the gardens. I pass the fountain and the campus shop as I cross over to the Science block. Biology had always been on of my strong points in Science and I'd decided to take it as well as two other courses. I liked Biology and I had a two hour lesson starting in the next three minutes!

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