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* Three months later *

Camila's POV:

Ever since Lauren has left the hospital, everything has been going well. Lauren has stopped drinking and taking drugs! She still smokes though, she said she couldn't give cigarettes up. I'm okay with that though, it's the least dangerous.

Dinah also managed to get Zayn. They've been dating for a month now, and I can honestly say, I couldn't be happier for her. Dinah also found out about Zayn and Lauren's condition. She didn't believe them at first but as soon as Zayn showed her his fangs, she sure did. She took it surprisingly well. She always gets excited when either Lauren or Zayn do something 'vampireish' as she likes to say. I honestly couldn't be happier than I am right now.

"Babe? You okay?" A voice husked beside me.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." I smiled at her.

"You sure? You zoned out for a few minutes."

"I'm just thinking." I stated, "I'm so happy."

"And why's that?" Lauren smiled.

"Because you exist." I grabbed the back of her neck, pulling her close before connecting our lips.

"What's that for?" Lauren blushed.

"I know I've asked you this before, and I know we fell out about it but-"

"What is it?" Lauren cut me off nervously.

"I-I want you to turn me." I stuttered, worried of the reaction I'd get.

Minutes went by without anyone speaking. The tension was strong and I'm not sure what Lauren's thinking.

"Are you sure about this?" She finally spoke quietly.

"I've never been more sure of anything in my life. I love you, Lo. I want to be with you forever."

Lauren's face broke into a smile and nodded, standing up. "Come on then."

I reached out to take Lauren's hand as we made our way out into the moonlight.

"So, this is obviously going to hurt, but you need to stay as quiet as possible, okay?" Lauren whispered as she slowly pushed my back up against the wall of my house.

"Okay." I shivered as Lauren looked at me.

"I can tell you're petrified. I'm not going to do it, Camz." Lauren stepped back and I pulled her back in, shaking my head.

"No. I need to do this. Please." I begged as she sighed and inched closer. I watched as Lauren gently grabbed my neck, inspecting it.

"You do know you'll be dead for a while before you change, right?" Lauren asked as I nodded. "And you do know it'll hurt so bad?" Again,  I nodded.

"Right then, say goodbye to your human life, Camz." The word 'human life' really hit me. I guess I'll never be able to get that back.

"You're regretting this, aren't you?" Lauren groaned.

"No, no. It's just a lot to take in." I smiled, as did Lauren.

"Are you ready now?"

"Yes." I spoke with a nod. My life is about to change forever.

I suddenly felt Lauren's warm breath hit my collarbone and shuddered. She continued to inch her way up my neck and then she came to an abrupt stop. I felt her fangs lightly graze my pulse point and I knew this was it. I clenched my hands into fists and bit down hard on my bottom lip. Lauren pulled back slightly, before sinking her sharp teeth deep into my pulsing veins. She began sucking furiously as I wailed out in pain. I began to feel lightheaded as the world around me started to spin. I felt my body leaning forwards into Lauren for support as she had a firm grip of me. My vision began to blur and before I knew it, I was out cold.


I woke up with an awful head ache. I slowly opened my eyes and came into contact with piercing green ones.

"L-Lauren?" I croaked out in pain.

"I'm here baby. You did so well." Lauren smiled down at me.

"I don't feel any different. I thought when you get converted into a vampire, you suddenly have a bloodlust and run off to hunt immediately?" I asked curiously as Lauren chuckled.

"You watch too many TV shows!" Lauren smiled down at me, "That normally is the case, I've turned people before and they've had a craving as soon as they were awoken. But with you, the reason you don't have that craving is because the vampire that turned you is your soulmate."

"Soulmate, huh?" I smiled as did Lauren.

"How you feeling, baby?" Lauren asked.

"I'm in a little pain, but nothing serious." I whispered, "I can't believe I'm going to be with you forever."

"I hope you don't get sick of me." Lauren teased. "Our love is now eternal."

"I never would." I husked before pulling Lauren down on top of me for an intense kiss.

"Damn baby, I can feel your fangs already!" Lauren chuckled as I kissed her again.

"Shut up and fuck your vampire girlfriend." I smirked as did Lauren as she made her way down my body.

Soulmate. A person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner. Lauren definitely is. I guess I get the best of both worlds...

A/N: So that was the final chapter! Thank you all for reading, if you haven't already, do read my other Camren fanfictions! I'm working on a new one at the moment, so keep a look out! XD

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