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Camila's POV:

"I knew it!" I whispered, gazing into her emerald orbs.

"W-what? Lauren nervously mumbled.

"You're a....vampire, aren't you?" I asked carefully as Lauren began to tense up.

"Please don't tell anyone! I'll leave you alone, I promise!" Lauren rambled with panic.

"Laur, stop! I'm not going to tell anyone and I'm certainly not leaving you!" I watched as Lauren's face relaxed.

"But I'm a monster!" She mumbled, facing the ground.

"I'm in love with a monster." I smiled as Lauren looked up at me. I began to lean in but she stopped me.

"No! I don't want to hurt you! You're scared of me, admit it! You deserve someone better!" Lauren whispered.

"No! I don't care what you are! Your label is not 'vampire', 'monster', 'bloodsucker'..." I trailed off, "It's 'mine'." I stated looking deeply into Lauren's eyes as they began to brighten.

"I love you." Lauren spat out without realizing.

"I love you too." I leaned in and Lauren didn't stop me this time. Our lips met and those familiar butterflies erupted in my stomach, sending shivers all over my body.

"Hey Lauren, do vampires breath normally smell of smoke?" I asked her as we pulled away from the kiss. She started giggling.

"No, silly! I had a smoke earlier." I didn't know vampires could smoke.

"You smoke?" I asked, not really surprised. I mean, Lauren does give off that 'badass' vibe.

"How are you allowed outside when the sun is out?" I randomly asked.

"I have a daylight ring." She stated, pointing to the silver ring on her finger. "Without it, I'll die. I can only die if someone stakes me in the chest or if I burn in the sun." I frowned, never wanting that to happen.

"So, do you hunt?" She nodded at my question. "Humans or animals?"

"Animals." I sighed in relief. She won't be eating me then! Well, she's more than welcome to eat me out but that's a whole different story!

"Get your head out of the gutter, Cabello!" Lauren smirked at me.

"Huh?" I looked up at her confused, "How did you know what I was thinking?"

"I can read minds." She chuckled as I tensed up. She will know every dirty thought I have of her!

"Yes, I will." Lauren winked as I blushed.

"Damn it!" I scowled at her.

"I don't mind one single bit though." Lauren grinned before looking down at my knee before her eyes shot back up, knowing she was tempted.

"Lets get you home so you can sort that knee out!" Lauren smiled, grabbing my hand as we made our way back to my house.

"I completely forgot about that!" I sighed.

"You forget about everything when you're around me, babe." Lauren winked as I felt my legs go numb. I was about to collapse any minute. Lauren equals my death, period.

"True." I smirked back at her.


Once we made our way back to my house, I asked Lauren if she wanted to come in.

"I'd love to but I kinda need to hunt." She said nervously.

"It's okay, babe. I guess I'll see you tomorrow then?" I asked as she nodded with a smile.

"Sure thing." She leaned in and captured my lips between hers in a chaste kiss before zooming away as I let out a long sigh.

I have a girlfriend.

She is a vampire.

I have a vampire girlfriend.

In the last week, my life has completely changed in every way possible. But I don't regret one minute of it! I never will regret anything.

Especially not Lauren Jauregui...

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