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Camila's POV:

*Mature Content*

Ever since Dinah caught Lauren and I, she's been glaring at us whenever she could! Yesterday in the cafeteria, I sat with Lauren for lunch, knowing Sky was at choir practise. I felt Dinah's eyes on us the entire time and she was also pulling questioning looks towards Lauren, wondering why she wasn't eating. I'm really not sure how long I can lie to people. I've always been a good little girl throughout my life, but since Lauren, I've turned into her; a badass. I'm cheating on my long-term girlfriend, I'm asking Dinah to lie too, I'm hiding the fact that my girlfriend is also a vampire...it's all too much! I promised myself I'd never do this again, but the stress is too much to handle! I was currently sat in my restroom as tears started welling up in my eyes. I've had depression for many years now, but when Sky entered my life, everything changed. She made me happier, she made me feel loved...wanted. Since Lauren has entered my life, my world has came crashing down. Lie after lie after lie. However, I don't regret one thing. I love Lauren and nothing can change that.

I shakily rummaged through all the cabinets in the room and I finally found what I was looking for; my razor blade. As I peered down at the sharp piece of metal in my palm, millions of bad memories came flooding back to me, causing my heart to ache even more. I gripped the blade tightly and placed  it on my wrist, adding pressure on it. Soon the blood came oozing out of the open wound but before I could go further, a figure flew through the window with a worried look on her face.


"Oh my god, Camz! I zoomed here as soon as I could smell your blood!" Lauren gasped for air before looking down at Camila's wrist. "Babe, you didn't."

"S-sorry, I couldn't control myself." I said embarrassed.

"Why?" Was all Lauren asked.

"I can't cope Lauren." I wept as Lauren's emerald orbs were still fixed on my wound.

"Neither can I." Lauren whispered, referring to the temptation of sinking her teeth into my bloody skin. Her eyes began to darken as bulging veins travelled down them. Lauren's tongue licked her fangs before stepping away.

"I really want to help you, Camila. But, you know I can't because of the smell and the sight of your blood." Lauren said shakily.

"I'll go and bandage it. Go and wait in my room." I smiled sadly before heading downstairs. Lauren wasn't supposed to see me like this; a weak little psycho! After bandaging my wrist, I uneasily made my way back up the stairs. I found Lauren sat on my bed, one of my sweaters held to her nose.

"What are you doing?" I asked, amused by the older Latina.

"I love your scent, Camz..." Lauren smiled. "I meant your natural scent...not blood."

I chuckled before sitting down beside her.

"What's wrong, Camila?" Lauren asked, gazing into my eyes for the answer.

"You." I whispered, not breaking eye contact.

"Me?" Lauren asked, anxiously.

"I'm lying, Dinah is lying, you are lying..." I rambled. "I don't know how much more of this I can take!"

"Y-you're breaking up with me aren't you?" Lauren mumbled, tears threatening to fall.

"No! I just hate lying, you know? I needed to get guilt off my chest by taking it out on myself...I deserved it."

"No you didn't! Don't you ever say such a thing! I love you and so does Sky...you're worth it, Camila." Lauren smiled genuinely. "But of course, I'm the one who gets to keep you." Lauren winked as I breath hitched. "But if you're going to keep hurting yourself, we can't be together. You'll be miserable and I'll crave your blood more and more each day. Either you will kill yourself or I would kill you with my fangs, and I don't want to lose you any of those ways, Camz." Lauren cried.

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