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Lauren's POV:

I flickered my eyes open and a bright light came into view. A man was hovering over me, shining a flashlight in my eyes. My heart rate started to quicken as I didn't know where I was.

"She's awake!" The doctor called out as two people rushed over to me; Dinah and Camz.

"W-where am I?" I croaked out in pain as the doctor left to give us some privacy.

"The hospital. You were high as hell, remember?" Camila spoke aggressively.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me." I sighed as Camila grabbed onto my hand.

"We'll get through it. I mean it this time." Camila glared into my eyes sincerely.

"Yo! You could at least acknowledge me, you know!" Dinah calls out.

"Come here." I giggle as I embrace her in my arms.

"I'm so glad you're okay." Camila wiped her eyes. "I thought you were going to die!"

"You saved my life." I smiled at her as she closed  the gap between us.

"Right. Well, I'm gonna go." Dinah says before someone enters the room. "Never. Fucking. Mind." Dinah gasps, checking out who just walked in.

Zayn walks over to me with a guilty expression on his face.

"Oh my god, Laur, are you okay?" He asks me worried.

"Yeah, I'm better now." I smile as Camila gives him a death glare.

Zayn's head turns to Camila and puts his hand out. "Hey, I'm Zayn, Lauren's friend."

"I know who you are." She spits back coldly.

Dinah leaps across the hospital bed and shakes Zayn's hand instead, never letting it go. "I'm Dinah Jane Milika Ilaisaane Hansen Amasio. Dinah for short." She flutters her eyelashes at him.

I try to hold back a laugh at how embarrassing that was.

"You're the dealer." Camila spoke as Zayn nods, sadly.

"Yes, I am. But I only provided the drugs because my best friend wanted them and I didn't want to lose her. I didn't agree with it, I still don't."

"I'm sorry, Zayn. I'm going to try my best to stay clean." Lauren promises as Zayn's eyes light up.

"I'm so proud of you, Laur." He leans forward and hugs me tight.

"Yo, Zayn! Do I get a hug?" Dinah yells as he chuckles and hugs her.

"Aw! Look at her blushing!" Camila laughs.

"I can't help it! He's the hottest guy I've ever seen!" Dinah fans herself as Zayn now starts blushing.

"I ship it already! Zinah!" Camila and I start laughing.

"Shut up, Camren!" Dinah yells back.

"Anyway. I'm gonna go, Laur." He smiles at me and then turns to Camila. "Take care of her."

"Oh my god! I wanna ride him so bad!" Dinah screeches as Zayn left the room.

"DINAH!" Camila yells.

"What? You've rode Lauren!" Dinah shots back.

"How do you know about that?" I ask shocked. Dinah knows I'm a vampire and knows I can change parts?!

"Mila told me you have a dick." She said bluntly. Not completely true but I'm relieved Camila left out the vampire part.

"Yeah." I shot a death glare at Camila who just smiled innocently.

"How big are you?" Dinah smirks as Camila slaps her arm.

"I'd say a good ten inches." Camila states as Dinah's eyes pop out of her head. I quickly transform so I have a male part just in case I have to prove it.

"How? What? Show me!" Dinah declares as I grab onto my boxers, about to pull them down when Camila's hand grabs my crotch in a hurry. My hips shoot up and the sudden movement as Dinah smirks.

"For my eyes only, baby." Camila husks as her grip on my dick tightens.

"Yo! Stop! I don't want to watch this!" Dinah screams as she runs out the room with her eyes closed.

"Looks like we're alone at last." Camila whispers as she disappears under the covers. I feel her head go in between my legs as she pulls my boxers down. My dick darts straight into her mouth as she begins sucking hard.

"Fuck." I gasp as Camila swirls her tongue along the head of my penis.

"Hey Laur, I found Dinah in the hallway and she told me you were-" Zayn stops and so does Dinah when they see what was going on.

"Oh my god." Dinah squeaks as Camila's head appears up from under the sheet.

"Well. We'll, um, leave you to it." Zayn says awkwardly shutting the door.

"Damn it, I didn't get to make you cum." Camila moaned in frustration.

"Lock the door and I'll fill your mouth." I rasp as Camila does so.

Camila was right. She is my one and only addiction.

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