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Camila's POV:

I woke up the next day in a bad mood. I missed Lauren. I wasn't mad at her, I was worried.

"Lauren?" I called out. "I need you, please."

Lauren soon arrived through my bedroom window and walked over to my bed, sitting on the edge.

"I'm sorry for yesterday." She mumbled after a few moments of silence as she began playing with her nails.

"So am I. I shouldn't have said anything."

"Can we forget it ever happened and move on?" Lauren asked in hope. I simply nodded. I didn't want to forget it, never. I still haven't confronted Lauren about yesterday, with what I heard and what I saw. I'm just going to keep it quiet for the time being.

"Can I get a hug?" She whispered timidly.

I giggled and pulled her close, taking her lips between mine instead.

"Or that." Lauren chuckled as we parted.

"Sleep with me?" I smiled at her.

"Camz, it's already nearly the afternoon." Lauren laughed.

"I don't care, please? I missed you." I said seriously as Lauren obeyed, getting under the covers with me. She wrapped her arm around my waist as I snuggled my head in the crook of her neck.

Within a few minutes Lauren was fast asleep. She was probably out hunting all night. A light suddenly lit up the dim room which drew my attention. It was Lauren's phone. Out of curiosity, I leaned over to reach it and looked at her lockscreen, which revealed a text;

"I'm guessing you'll be wanting more shit again soon? :) Give me a call whenever xx"

It was Zayn...again.

Who is this guy? He suddenly appears in Lauren's life and is constantly in contact with her? And what's with the two kisses? I had a bad feeling about this...

Was Lauren cheating on me? No. She's gay...right?

Lauren began shuffling around in the bed, making me place the phone back on the nightstand in fear.

"Babe?" She husked in a raspy voice.

"Y-yeah?" I stuttered.

"I love you." She mumbled into my hair making me smile.

"I love you too."

"I got you another blood bag today baby." I smiled as I watched her eyes light up like an excited puppy.

"Really?" She asked all giddy.

"Jesus! Calm down! It's not Christmas!" I chuckled as she slapped my arm.

I reached under the bed for the blood bag and as soon as it was in Lauren's sight, she snatched it out of my hands desperately.

"Woah! 'Please' would have been nice!" I giggled as I watched Lauren drink away. "Slow down! You'll end up eating the bag too if you ain't careful!" I laughed as Lauren continued.

"You've spilled some on the bed!" I whined as drops of blood dripped from her mouth to the white bed sheets.

"If anyone sees it, just say it's your period blood!" Lauren joked.


"Or, you could say I fucked you so hard, you bled." Lauren smiled innocently. "Your choice."

"I hate you!" I growled. Lauren smirked, attaching her lips to my neck.

"Hate me now?" She growled back.

"Stop!" I pushed her away. "Now there's blood on my neck! Go and wash your mouth!"

"Yes boss!" Lauren saluted before going into my bedroom bathroom to wash herself as I licked my fingers and removed the stained blood off my neck.

"Hello bitch!" Dinah yelled, coming into my room out of nowhere making me jump.

"How did you get in?" I asked in terror.

"I have a key, duhh."

"You shouldn't be here." I said panicking. Dinah still isn't a fan of Lauren's and Lauren could come out of the bathroom at any second.

"God it stinks in here, Mila!" Dinah whined following the scent. My bed.

"What've you get under there?"

Thankfully, I was sat where the blood was so Dinah couldn't see it, just smell it.

"I erm, haven't washed." I lied as Dinah pulled a disgusting face.

"For how long? A century? There will be cobwebs down there!" Dinah giggled to herself, pointing to my crotch.

"I can assure you there isn't." A raspy voice came from the other side of the room. A smirk plastered on her face.

I watched as Dinah's eyes widened, as they glared at me.

"What. The. Fuck. Is. She. Doing. Here?!" Dinah growled through gritted teeth as I shut my eyes. Here we go.

"I love her Dinah, I told you that. She has never hurt me and she never will. I trust her, it's time you do." I said calmly.

"So you're still sleeping with her?" Dinah groaned.

"Yes, she's my girlfriend, what do you expect?"

"Right well." Dinah said, walking over to Lauren. "I don't like this but because I love Mila, I will accept you two and try to get along with you." Dinah said while looking at Lauren, shaking her hand. "But I swear, if you ever hurt my Chancho, I will personally kill you. Deal?"

I smiled at the interaction as Lauren and Dinah shook hands again in agreement.

"Damn gurl, yo hands are like Olaf off Frozen!" Dinah laughed as did Lauren.

Dinah left after saying goodbye leaving a confused Lauren.


"Hmm?" I hummed.

"Who's Olaf and what's Frozen?" Lauren asked with furrowed eyebrows which made me crack up.

"It doesn't matter. Dinah basically said your hands are freezing."

"Oh." Lauren looked down embarrassed.

"You and your ancient vampire ways." I chuckled, wrapping my arm around her waist.

"I can be modern!" Lauren protested in disagreement.

"Babe, the only modern thing you have is an iPhone and even that is old!" I giggled.

"No it's not!"

"Baby, it's a iPhone 4. The iPhone 7 will be out soon!" I continued to laugh as Lauren sulked.

"Yeah well, vampires don't really sit around all day and play Candy Crush you know!" Lauren shot back defensively.

"You've played Candy Crush on my phone before!" I pointed out in amusement as Lauren sighed.

"I can never win with you can I?" Lauren gave up as I hugged her even though she tried to get out of it.

"You won my heart though, didn't you?" I whispered to her as Lauren finally cracked a smile.

"Yes I believe I did. And for that, I'll forever be the luckiest person in the world..."

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