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Camila's POV:

I waited patiently beside my ex, waiting for her to gain consciousness. Worry and fear ran through my veins. I know Lauren made her forget everything but I still feel guilty about lying. A sudden hand, reaching out for mine brought me out of my thoughts.

"C-Camila." A voice croaked out. I looked down and was met with Sky's eyes.

"You probably wanna know what happened?" I sighed as Sky nodded.

"Why am I on the ground? Why aren't you with Lauren?" She mumbled in confusion.

"You fell and hit your head. I was there when it happened so I've stayed with you while Lauren went to get help!" I lied, which made me even more guilty but Sky believed it, thankfully.

"Oh, you're so kind to me, even after you cheated on me and said I was clingy!" Sky chuckled as my heart sank. She didn't deserve what I put her through...not one bit.

"You're okay...with us?" I asked carefully.

"Yeah. I'm coping, I understand people do just drift away. I'm sorry I wasn't enough for you, Mila." She said sincerely. It made me smile to hear that, even if she was under a spell, and those weren't her real feelings deep down.

"You were enough, Sky. I loved you for years, I just... There is something about Lauren, I can't really describe it, I'm sorry." I whispered, as she nodded, understanding my pathetic ass.

"Let's go to the nurse?" She offered as I smiled and helped her up. She placed her arm around my shoulder and I placed mine around her waist for support as we made our way into the building. When we were walking down the hall, all students' eyes were on us, whispering and snickering...some confused. It's understandable. Sky did hate me before Lauren compelled her, and people are aware of the fact that me and Lauren dating now. My eyes finally met with Lauren's green orbs as she walked passed us, giving me a warning glare before heading off in another direction.

"C'mon." I faked a smile to Sky as we entered the nurse's room.


"Today has been the worst day of my life." I sighed, glaring up at the ceiling of my room as I snuggled up next to Lauren.

"Tell me about it." Lauren groaned, turning to face me on the bed.

"Ended better than I thought." I mumbled, truthfully.

"Yeah, I'm still really sorry, Camz. I shouldn't have lost my temper like that." Lauren whispered sadly.

"You are who are you Lauren, you can't change that. I love you as a vampire. I love you as Lauren. They're both a part of you that I love and I love that I have the pleasure of calling you mine." I said whilst gazing into Lauren's eyes which were watering. I raised my hand to dry her face and placed my forehead against hers.

"I love you." She whispered as our noses brushed against one another's. I inched further forward and slowly connected our lips, fireworks erupting in my stomach as our lips moulded together in perfect harmony.

"You are the fire to my spark, Lo."

"I struggle to contain the love in my veins, Camz."

"And the anger!"

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