Chapter One: A Dachshund, an Amulet, and a Walmart

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You know school.  All the cliques and stereotypes, and the personalities that you can point out in every single classroom.  The jocks, the cheerleaders, the nerds, the band geeks, and on and on and on.  But, more specifically, the individuals.  The nerd who answers every question before the teacher finishes asking it.  The one likable jock that isn't a selfish asshole like the others.  The cheerleader who is willing to be your friend despite how unpopular and antisocial you are.  The poor girl that disgusts everyone just because her parents never taught her how to act properly.  The one band geek that won't shut up.  Okay, all of the band geeks are like that.

I'm pretty sure you get the point now.  So I'm just going to ask you about one person: Do you know the girl who huddles in the corner with her headphones shoved into her ears, her nose in a book, and her mind on the TV show she just binged all night last night?  The girl that could fit in multiple cliques, yet doesn't belong in any of them.  She's a nerd, but she hates being used just for homework help, as that is solely what people expect out of her.  She likes to sing but will never utter a singsong word in front of anyone, not even knowing if she's good at it or not.  She is the girl that people forget about when they hang out with their friends, and the only one they'll remember when they need something.  She's talkative but often chooses not to speak at school, because why should she?  It's school.  (Although, everywhere else, she won't shut up.)  She's witty and sassy.  And she has serious obsession issues.  Like, it's got to be a mental condition.  I'd feel much better if it was...

But, yeah.  That girl?  That's me.

My name is Nicole Bennett, and I am obsessed.  With what?  Well...everything.  I have seen practically every movie and every show searchable on Netflix.  Take your pick, and I can quote the entire opening scene.  If you let me, I will tell you all about a particular episode on and on until you yank your hairs out.  Unless I stop myself, which I am actually getting pretty good at.  And that is very, very impressive, because, for people like me, that level of self-control is unheard of.

But, yeah, enough about my obsession issues.  I'm sixteen years old, and I live in Athens, Georgia.  And if you don't know where Georgia is...go to America, and start driving south.  Then, you probably passed it, so go back north again.  Then you'll find me. might end up somewhere crazy like New Mexico (say hi to Thor there for me).  After all, I suck at giving directions.

Really, though.  That state just above Florida with like a million different counties in it.  A lot of the people you'll find here will be wearing cowboy boots and driving lifted trucks decked out with rebel flags.  And the way we talk?  Us people ain't got no problem with words.

Come on.  Please tell me you've heard of this place.

Anyway, my house sits in a more rural area of Athens, a pretty good ways away from the UGA campus.  I have plenty of space to run around outside (Hahaha that's funny! Like I go outside.) without crossing someone else's property.  Outside my window I can see a thick cluster of trees and a fading, winding road that vanishes inside them.  All I hear during the summer is birds, crickets, and June bugs.  And dogs barking.

Gosh, just please shut up.  So Fido's butt smells better than yours.  No need to scream all night about it, Fluffy.

Neighbor's dogs, sheesh.  Just because you have plenty of property before you reach your neighbor's house, that doesn't mean that their dogs stay away.  Once your parents throw them one piece of ham to distract them before making a mad dash to their car, well, good luck getting rid of the damn things.

Not that I hate dogs.  No, not at all.  I just hate the neighbor's dogs.  I prefer my dachshund, an inside dog who knows not to poop, pee, or bark indoors.  Much friendlier that way.  Way less barky.  And you can always throw them off the bed if they do decide to bark in your ear.

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