Chapter Fifteen: Caged Animals

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We disposed of the body by burning it, in a clearing, in the woods.  Sam and Dean were astonished at what I had done.  Honestly, it terrified me, what I did.  Like, what I did back there was extremely violent.  But, due to the completion of the first trial, I could already feel my strength building.

"Nice moves back there," Dean said, tossing equipment back into the trunk of the Impala.

"Thanks," I said.  "Nice acting."  He nodded, and so did Sam.

"We can occasionally pull it off," said Sam.  "Just from curiosity, how much of our lives did you see?" he asked suddenly.

"You mean, on TV?" I asked, and after thinking for a moment, I realized that that was a stupid question.  "Ever since Dean came for your help finding your dad."

"That's when the Supernatural books started," Sam said.

"Yeah, the Supernatural decided to pick up there just like Chuck did," I said, correcting myself, since apparently they weren't actually writers, only those who connected to this universe or whatever.  It was all really confusing.  "I guess it's an easy spot to start at, where y'all, you know, got back together."

"Don't say it like that," said Dean.  "It makes you sound like one of those slash fans."

I laughed.  "Don't worry.  I don't ship Destiel, either.  You two are straight and you always will be."

Dean pointed at me with a smirk.  "I like you. You understand!"  I smiled.  I mean, as much as Dean was into girls, how could he possibly act the same around a guy?  The thought of Destiel creeps Dean out.  

I'm just not one of those people that retweets those kinds of things.  But, hey, if you're into that, that's fine.  I'm not one of those people that tells you to "delete your account" because I don't like you, either.

"I try," I replied, since that was the only thing that I could come up with.

"So, next trial."

I looked at Sam, the one who'd spoken.  "Yeah.  We have to save an innocent person from Hell."

"Didn't we already do that as another trial?" Dean asked.

"That was a soul," I explained.  "This person has to be alive, right?  In their body?  Like when Sam was pulled out."

"But who in Hell is alive?" Dean asked.

"Adam," Sam answered.  I nodded.  "The poor kid."

"Well how do you plan to get him?  We can't just walk in the front door and escort him out?" said Dean.

I thought for a moment.  "Why not?"

"Awesome," he said sarcastically.

"Angels can pull people out of Hell; why can't I?"

"Because you ca--" Dean stopped, frowning.  I crossed my arms and raised my eyebrows.

Sam was silent, probably trying to come up with a better plan.

"This is a terrible plan," Dean stated.

I shrugged.  "Y'all have had worse."  The corners of Sam's turned down, and he tipped his head to the side as he understood my point.

"And they sucked," Dean said.  "Like this one."

"But they worked."

Dean whipped his head to the side to look at his brother. "Are you really on board with this?" Sam shrugged.

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