Chapter Two: Bitch with Wi-Fi

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I shook my head, then got back into the car and continued down the road.  I drove in silence for awhile, then had to slow to a stop at a traffic light.

Was that a 1967 Chevy Impala?  I leaned forward to better examine a car parked at the other end of the intersection.

Awesome.  There were two figures inside, both appearing to be male.  I looked at the license plate on the front.


Isn't that...?

My train of thought stopped abruptly as the light turned green.  The Impala turned left and disappeared into the distance.  I pushed the gas pedal with my foot and continued my journey home.

There was a burning against my chest again.  What was that?  I glanced down, seeing the amulet glowing white-hot.  I gasped in shock.

Suddenly, it stopped glowing, and the burning stopped.  My shirt stayed warm for a few moments, and then it cooled.  I stared back at the road, breathing heavily.

Take it off, I told myself.  But I could never make the move to do so.  The only thing I could do was keep driving.

Once I made it home, I ran to the refrigerator and practically threw the milk onto the shelf.  Mom and Dad were no longer at the table; they were probably showering and cleaning, or whatever.

I sprinted to my bedroom, falling forward onto my bed.  I grabbed the amulet and pulled the string over my head, then threw it onto the floor.

"What the hell?" My heart raced.  The sight of the hot, glowing amulet hanging around my neck wouldn't stop flashing before my eyes.  I curled up into a ball, staring at the necklace.  Eventually, my eyes fluttered closed.


The next morning, I watched a couple of Netflix episodes.  Before long, it was lunchtime, and I ate some frozen pizza and a large bowl of even more macaroni and cheese.

Both Mom and Dad were at work.  It was just me, home alone.  Nice and peaceful.

After I'd finished eating, I went back into my room.  I saw the amulet lying on my nightstand; earlier I had picked it up off of the floor.  I examined it, then pocketed it as I decided to take a drive around town in my own car to get its oil changed.  I had driven Mom's car the previous night because she was super-paranoid that the car would blow up, or whatever it does if it doesn't have enough oil, if I drove it even more than necessary before the oil was changed. 

I cruised through town with the windows down and the music up.  Loud.  I was rapping to All I Do Is Win like Emma Stone and then--

And then there was a person.  At first he was on the sidewalk, and then he was crossing the road, not paying attention to his surroundings.  I slammed on the brakes, shoving my foot as far down to the floor as I could.  I still hadn't slowed down enough.  The front of the car smashed into his side, and he crumpled to the ground as I lurched to a stop.

I screamed.  I JUST HIT SOMEONE!  I threw the door open, yanked off my seat belt, and leapt out onto the pavement all in a matter of seconds.

The man, who was wearing a black hoodie with American Eagle destroyed jeans, was quickly on his feet.  His hood fell from his head, revealing his shaggy, sandy blonde hair.  His eyes met mine, and I gasped.

His eyes.  They were solid black.

I could only stare in shock.  Then, he blinked, and they were the eyes of any other human being, a bright, ocean blue.  He sprinted away.

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