Chapter Thirteen: Guess Who

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After I'd retrieved the coffee ingredients--and pie for Dean--I explained to him and Sam about all Castiel and I had been through in the past few days.  Dean seemed disappointed that he hadn't been around to meet characters like James Bond, the Terminator, and Marty McFly.

"I'm not sure you would have wanted to meet the Terminator," I said.  "He was very intimidating.  Your rock salt wouldn't have done squat."

Dean shrugged. "At least I would have died a part of something awesome."

I rolled my eyes with a smile.  "Yeah, sure.  Because becoming a puddle of blood and guts is 'awesome'."

Next, Sam and Dean told me a little bit about the hunt they were on while Cas and I were gone, which was a vampire nest just outside of Chicago.  They had chosen to avoid the places that I'd warned them about, but were considering still going after the Styne family, but in a different, smarter, and less bloody way.  Although they were technically human, they still needed to be hunted, because they were hurting people.  And, The Book of the Damned seemed very resourceful.

I agreed, but told them to make sure that they were very careful, because the Stynes were dark, dangerous people, and the time the brothers had gone after them in the Supernatural show, there were plenty of casualties, most of them on Dean's hands.

The day was mostly uneventful, which was strange for me, because I had gotten used to constantly running around from place to place for the past few days.  But this day was just like the old days I had experienced at home before I found the amulet.  Often times, I had gotten so bored that I spammed the group chat (which contained several of my friends from school) with memes, pictures of celebrities, and textposts.  Oh, and cheesy jokes created by yours truly.  No, they were too cheesy to be called "cheesy."  I'm just that bad at making jokes.

They were cheesier than my macaroni and cheese.  Heh heh.

As I had down time, I began to think about home and my friends, especially after I had seen my parents a couple of universes ago.  Were they worried about me?

I decided that when I go back, after it is all over, I'll make sure I return at the exact time I'd left.

After it is all over.

I wasn't entirely sure what it was anymore.

So much had happened to me over only the past few days.  How many different worlds had I visited?  I'd become an angel.  There's no reversing that.  At least, I didn't think so.  What would they think of me?  Would they be impressed, or would they say that I was so obsessed that I ran away and became what I watched on TV day in and day out?  Would they be worried about how I was exposed to danger, or would they be proud of how I'd made it through?

I shook my head, a bit stressed.

My friends would probably think it's cool.  There's Annaleigh Carter, who is a Supernatural fanatic.  Brittany Harper loves Arrow (she's obessed with Roy Harper and always claims that he's her husband because they have the same last name).  Gabriella Verara spends more time playing sports, so she can only tolerate so many of my obsessions per day.

I stared at my hands, which were clasped as I rested them on the table.  Sam and Dean went in another room to watch football.

I frowned, confused.  Football?  It was smack-dab in the middle of summer...oh.  Wait.  In this world, it was, what?  November?

I stood to my feet and joined them.

Turns out, the Supernatural universe had all of the same football teams, as well as players.  Well, mostly.  There were a few that were different.

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