Chap 7

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It was time for breakfast and Hermione wasn't feeling to eat at all knowing that Draco was going to be down there in the same room. She couldn't bare it.
Hermione was the only Gryffindor left , so the dormitory was all hers , oh the joy of it.

She wore tight black jeans , a plain black top and a Christmas hoodie with a pair of old converse.
She brushed her hair and put some lip balm of and left to go out and about around the school.

Her plans were ruined when she walked out of the door and saw Draco standing there. He looked so hot in his dark green jumper and black jeans with biker boots. His hair was a little scruffy too. He had faded away from the suits and neat hair ,it reminded him too much of the past , the past that he was trying to keep buried.

"Hermione can we talk"

The painting on the Gryffindor common room door made a noise of disproval however Hermione didn't take notice and agreed with Draco not even knowing why she had , she followed him. Was she doing the right thing?

They ended up on the bridgeNeville had nearly fell from in the war. It was all prepared and better then new.

"I don't know what to say and where to start of really"

"Erm same"

"Why are you apologising Granger" asked Draco.

"For shouting at you I guess , to be honest I was dreading seeing you but I just want to say sorry and go" replied Hermione almost in a whisper.

"Aren't you going to listen to what I want to say"

"Okay go on"

"Can we just you know erm like agh sort of like-"

"Be friends" interrupted Hermione with a bit of a chuckle.

"Erm yes that's what I was trying to say"

Hermione's heart smiled and it showed on the outside. She didn't exactly know when she became fond of Draco or cared about being friends but was taking his offer.

"Yeah I'd like that"

Draco smiled.

"See you around Granger"

"See you"

That quickly a friendship begun between the two.

Draco turned back around after walking a few steps

"Do you want to come inside with me?"

Hermione nodded and fast walked over to him. She looked at him before walking inside and saw that his grey eyes were more on the side of a pale blue. He looked so innocent when his eyes were like that ,nobody could of guessed he was an ex death eater. Hermione saw the good in him and knew it existed deep within him.

The paintings looked down upon them , some with happiness knowing that a Slytherin could get along with a Gryffindor especially since that Slytherin was Draco Malfoy. One of the most proudest pure bloods of all , or that's what it seemed like.

Draco said the password for the Slytherin common room door , the memory slapped Hermione across the face when she had spilt the tea all over him , she was embarrassed but masked it well. She wasn't even this well at masking her sadness , but around Draco she felt the need to look good and stay strong.

"Take a seat , do you want anything?"

"Not after what happened last time , no thank you"

Draco laughed at this and tilted his head back whilst doing so. Hermione's heart not only stopped beating it had melted at how cute it was.
He sat down next to her , mesmerised by such beauty. He was comfortable knowing that no Slytherin's stayed other than him and that it the only Gryffindor was Hermione.
Her eyelashes were so thick and long she didn't need makeup , she didn't need anything other then being herself ,that was enough for Draco. He still couldn't admit to himself about liking her. He didn't think he ever could.

"So how comes you stayed here , I would have thought you'd take any chance of getting out of here"

Draco would prefer spending the rest of his life here then go home to be depressed by his parents.

"I stayed because my parents are busy"

"Oh that's good , well erm not good but you know it's like it's" her voice trailed off and she stared at the floor. Hermione's nerves were getting the best of her.

The common room for Slytherin's was actually pretty , emerald shade of green almost everywhere , a nice fire place and interesting paintings.

"Mind if I take my jumper off?"

"Nope go ahead Granger"

It was getting too hot for Hermione and she was getting more red by the second and the nervousness wasn't helping at all.

She pulled her jumper over her head and put it nearly over the edge of the couch.

"Should of just asked me to do it Granger"

She laughed at his comment.

"Yeah I'm sure you're well experienced"

"Aw jealous?"

"I don't know how many times I have to say this but here I am saying it again, keep dreaming ...Malfoy"
Her eyes moved towards Draco.

Yes , yes he did wish she would get jealous because then he would have been certain if she has some feeling or not.

"Teach me"

"Teach what Malfoy?"

"Teach me spells , please"

Did Draco Malfoy just say please and actually mean it?

"Did Malfoy just ask me for help?"

"Ha ha funny , now what's the answer?"

"It's a yes , yes I will , when do you want to start?"

"Tomorrow if that's okay with you?"

"Yep sure"

They both talked and agreed that they'd meet tomorrow at 3 in the afternoon at the Slytherin common room.

Hermione picked up her jumper and left with a goodbye.

Her heart was thumping so loud she was worried the paintings would get mad at her again. She was bursting with joy.

Draco couldn't sleep that night knowing he was going to see Hermione again , the sweetest girl he had known.

Even if I wanted to I could never stop loving you (Dramione)Where stories live. Discover now